05/13/16 05:41PM
Finally getting GIMP
I hear it has a decent gif maker feature in it, and Pixlr requires me to be online to use.

Anyway, what do people here think of GIMP?
05/13/16 05:44PM
NinjaW said:
I hear it has a decent gif maker feature in it, and Pixlr requires me to be online to use.

Anyway, what do people here think of GIMP?

Well, you'll need some good tools, and a good safeword.

05/13/16 07:57PM
NinjaW said:
I hear it has a decent gif maker feature in it, and Pixlr requires me to be online to use.

Anyway, what do people here think of GIMP?

Yes, its a pretty usefull tool. I use it myself though I don't now that much about it's gif possibility aside it also has an extra extension for apng's.
While photoshop is superior its still one of the best (expensive programms inclusive).
05/13/16 08:49PM
I only use GIMP, and I think that, while it's good overall, it's not the best tool for gif animation. I've used it to work on some animations in the past, and each and everytime it was really, really exhausting, even if I rarely regret it ;) I feel GIMP in its basic state is simply not adapted for gif creation, and it suffers from having no centralized, standard system for acquiring mods and extensions.

That being said, it does offer a lot of possibilities - almost everytime I use it I discover a new tool and with it new options.
05/13/16 09:13PM
It's my weapon of choice for manipping and touching up drawings sometimes. I also use it to make game assets all the time. It hasn't got the friendlyist interface but it is powerful. Stick with it and you can do a lot

It's good putting gifs together if not for making them. I usually make the frames in another program (Spriter or processing) and make them into a gif in GIMP
09/11/16 06:56AM
Bumping this thread because i just got it (new computer, figure i should do a real image editing program this time around), and i'm having some newb problems: how do i expand the canvas size so that it will let me do a text manip? I open the image, expand the canvas size, create a new white layer, that layer automatically overlays the old image and when i "merge down" the original image is gone, except in gimp's memory seemingly.

Or should i create the canvas and background layer of my choice first, and then the key image becomes a foreground layer?
09/11/16 08:47AM
Never used it, but from what I hear it's great. I tend to stick with PDN for all the plugins and such, as well as just being very familiar with it due to time.
09/11/16 09:28AM
Ogodei-Khan said:
Bumping this thread because i just got it (new computer, figure i should do a real image editing program this time around), and i'm having some newb problems: how do i expand the canvas size so that it will let me do a text manip? I open the image, expand the canvas size, create a new white layer, that layer automatically overlays the old image and when i "merge down" the original image is gone, except in gimp's memory seemingly.

Or should i create the canvas and background layer of my choice first, and then the key image becomes a foreground layer?

Background layer first is probably the simplest way to do it, yeah. There's other, more fiddly ways, but basically when you merge down you go to the size and dimensions of the bottom layer.
09/11/16 07:44PM
JoanieSappho said:
Background layer first is probably the simplest way to do it, yeah. There's other, more fiddly ways, but basically when you merge down you go to the size and dimensions of the bottom layer.

Thanks! It seems backwards on its face, but i guess that's what the more advanced programs end up doing.
09/11/16 08:10PM
And a free thing that I recently learned. If you're making anything animated, gifs do not do opacity. Also, when doing animations you kinda have to do each frame individually, or at least I haven't found a way to adjust the frames in bulk.

Fun fact. This animation: had 60 frames. I needed to apply the layer mask to each of them, adjust the opacity one each of them and, as gifs don't do opacity, I then had to merge each frame of the animation with a copy of the original image. Since I reduced the opacity on the animation layer, but merging it down set it to the size and opacity of the base image. I'd just advise playing around with it for a bit before you do much, personally, at least if you start messing with animation.

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