05/14/16 02:48AM
My incurable addiction.
Hey guys. Waverun here... again. Something important I have to tell you.

I do in fact have an addiction to hypnosis. Almost every day I'm on sleepychat waiting for someone to hypnotize me, but I can't get it. The people there tell me that hypnosis is based on conversation and trust, which I have neither. Conversation is stupid with certain people, and trust for me can seriously be almost impossible.

You know, I was worried about taking the risks of having to go through all this hypnosis. I was afraid of what people would do to me, or make me do. Now no matter what, whenever I'm in the "trance-happy" mood as I like to call it, I just can't get rid of the urge to just, want to be hypnotized. Now I've taken too many risks, but I just can't stop.

I want it so much.

I feel like I NEED it badly!

The worst part it, one of my hypno-masters whom now is practically the ONLY one I talk to, only puts me under once a week on either Friday or Saturday, and it's frustrating!

Please, I don't know what I'm going to do. I don't know what I CAN do.
I'm going to let you all decide.

If you believe, knowing that hypnosis feels really good just like I do, that I should continue satisfying my urges if that's what makes me happy; and YOU'RE willing to put me under, then just ask how you can contact me.

If you believe that this addiction is interfering with my physical health, which it never has, and it putting me in danger, which it again never has, since I don't tell anyone I know in person about this, and certainly WILL NOT since it's a heavy, embarrassing and cringy subject for me at least to talk about; then feel free to tell me how I could get rid of my own addiction without making myself feel uncomfortable, or embarrassed.
05/14/16 03:14AM
waverun said:
Hey guys. Waverun here... again. Something important I have to tell you.

I do in fact have an addiction to hypnosis. Almost every day I'm on sleepychat waiting for someone to hypnotize me, but I can't get it. The people there tell me that hypnosis is based on conversation and trust, which I have neither. Conversation is stupid with certain people, and trust for me can seriously be almost impossible.

You know, I was worried about taking the risks of having to go through all this hypnosis. I was afraid of what people would do to me, or make me do. Now no matter what, whenever I'm in the "trance-happy" mood as I like to call it, I just can't get rid of the urge to just, want to be hypnotized. Now I've taken too many risks, but I just can't stop.

I want it so much.

I feel like I NEED it badly!

The worst part it, one of my hypno-masters whom now is practically the ONLY one I talk to, only puts me under once a week on either Friday or Saturday, and it's frustrating!

Please, I don't know what I'm going to do. I don't know what I CAN do.
I'm going to let you all decide.

If you believe, knowing that hypnosis feels really good just like I do, that I should continue satisfying my urges if that's what makes me happy; and YOU'RE willing to put me under, then just ask how you can contact me.

If you believe that this addiction is interfering with my physical health, which it never has, and it putting me in danger, which it again never has, since I don't tell anyone I know in person about this, and certainly WILL NOT since it's a heavy, embarrassing and cringy subject for me at least to talk about; then feel free to tell me how I could get rid of my own addiction without making myself feel uncomfortable, or embarrassed.

Heh, guess creepy obessions that are probably bad for us is another thing we share, huh? Makes me wonder, which of us would be clariffied as being in the worse state? The creepy fuck who would with a mental split between being realistic and cynical, and hopelessly obsessed with the most wonderful thing in the multiverse, to the point where he comtemplates suicide on a continually more frequent basis, or the cool dude who is putting himself at risk for an obsessive fix, which could go very south, very quickly.

We both seem to have a dangerous, obsessive craving that our minds tell us we need above all, and while I'm far too stuborn, stupid and mindlessly in love to listen to reason, I'd really like to stress that these guys know best. I'm nowhere near in the right state of mind to give a reliable source, and I'd kill myself for hypocrisy if I told you to stop. Hell, if I ever get tranced, I'd probably be just as addicted. I'm going to be with her, and I know that, no matter what, but it's not too late to not be as crazy as me.

Whatever choice you make, it'll be yours, and it'll be right. No matter what you decide to do, you'll always have at least one guy having your back. From one nutcase to another, I'm with you to the end. Good luck, Waverun. I'm rooting for you.
05/14/16 03:39AM
We are not psychologists. We cannot judge or maintain your mental stability.

That said, as a practitioner of BDSM, of which hypnosis can be a part, I would strongly urge you to consider the importance of cultivating that level of trust you have stated you do not have.

I'll speak from my own perspective. The Dom/sub dynamic (and so mirrored in the hypnotist/subject dynamic) relies heavily on trust to keep both paries safe. The subject/sub has to trust that, in handing over control of their self (mind, body and or will) the dom/hypnotist will ensure their wellbeing, and will not overstep the bounds of respect and or decency. The hypnotist/dom has to trust that their subject has correctly relayed their wishes, limits and boundaries. This is doubly important where the hypnotist/dom is to be taking away their subject's ability to say 'No'.

As with many fetishes, hypnotism walks a fine line. The fiction and the art frequently depict circumstances which are non-consentual, abusive, violent, invasive etc. As individuals it is our responsibility to insure we know where on that line we walk when we are involved in our fetish.

This is where conversation comes in. This is why conversation is SO important. As a BDSM sub, I and my partner will discuss in detail exactly what we are willing to accept from each other. Where the lines are, the limits; what is and is not acceptable, and what the way out is if the lines are crossed. We partake in consensual non-con play, and so we have to define well in advance when no means yes and when no means no. It is the side of the fetish that doesn't get enough publicity. Everyone wants to see the performance, but few people get to watch the screenwriting.

The same will stand, in its own right for hypnosis as a fetish. Plan in advance so that both parties know exactly where they stand. As the old adage goes. Check twice, cut once.

I strongly recommend that you work on getting those conversations going, and learning the patience to build up that trust necessary to maintain a healthy working relationship, and do not be afraid to walk away from those who are not willing to do the same. Do not be surprised at those who will walk away from you if you are not willing to do this.

And if your desire to be hypnotised leads you to want to not take the time to build up these sorts of safe practices, seek help from a professional,
05/14/16 03:56AM
i have a question did you see the request i sent ya via pm if so will you be acepting it? also regarding your problem what ever you feel is nesasary that does not harm yourself or others should be fine.
05/14/16 04:53AM
foffyoul5 said:
i have a question did you see the request i sent ya via pm if so will you be acepting it? also regarding your problem what ever you feel is nesasary that does not harm yourself or others should be fine.

I would do it but for one, I don't do requests for things or characters from a series I don't know anything about.

And for two, I like to keep my adblocker on and with that on, I can't get to the website.
05/14/16 05:00AM
lasci_me said:
We are not psychologists. We cannot judge or maintain your mental stability.

That said, as a practitioner of BDSM, of which hypnosis can be a part, I would strongly urge you to consider the importance of cultivating that level of trust you have stated you do not have.

I'll speak from my own perspective. The Dom/sub dynamic (and so mirrored in the hypnotist/subject dynamic) relies heavily on trust to keep both paries safe. The subject/sub has to trust that, in handing over control of their self (mind, body and or will) the dom/hypnotist will ensure their wellbeing, and will not overstep the bounds of respect and or decency. The hypnotist/dom has to trust that their subject has correctly relayed their wishes, limits and boundaries. This is doubly important where the hypnotist/dom is to be taking away their subject's ability to say 'No'.

As with many fetishes, hypnotism walks a fine line. The fiction and the art frequently depict circumstances which are non-consentual, abusive, violent, invasive etc. As individuals it is our responsibility to insure we know where on that line we walk when we are involved in our fetish.

This is where conversation comes in. This is why conversation is SO important. As a BDSM sub, I and my partner will discuss in detail exactly what we are willing to accept from each other. Where the lines are, the limits; what is and is not acceptable, and what the way out is if the lines are crossed. We partake in consensual non-con play, and so we have to define well in advance when no means yes and when no means no. It is the side of the fetish that doesn't get enough publicity. Everyone wants to see the performance, but few people get to watch the screenwriting.

The same will stand, in its own right for hypnosis as a fetish. Plan in advance so that both parties know exactly where they stand. As the old adage goes. Check twice, cut once.

I strongly recommend that you work on getting those conversations going, and learning the patience to build up that trust necessary to maintain a healthy working relationship, and do not be afraid to walk away from those who are not willing to do the same. Do not be surprised at those who will walk away from you if you are not willing to do this.

And if your desire to be hypnotised leads you to want to not take the time to build up these sorts of safe practices, seek help from a professional,

I know that trust is a main factor, and I wanted to follow it. But the trust stems up from conversation, which I couldn't get proper stuff of at sleepychat which is where I went to try and find a hypnotist, since half of them discussed different random stuff for a long time, 1 hour for each random topic mostly!
I am capable of trusting people when it comes to my needs, or at least, my wants, and I am capable of conversing my boundaries with them, but NONE of them at sleepychat would discuss those! They just talked about stupid things like political stuff, pet fetishes, even giving roleplaying human pet stuff in main chat after they had already been hypnotized into becoming a human pet! It was SO STUPID!
I can't gain trust of hypnosis and command boundaries through conversing about freaking Donald "speedbump" Trump for an hour and then friggin favorite 90's cartoons for another!
05/14/16 07:37AM
waverun said:
I would do it but for one, I don't do requests for things or characters from a series I don't know anything about.

And for two, I like to keep my adblocker on and with that on, I can't get to the website.

ah i see are you familiar with pretty cure? if so i have a different request i can link you to via stash on deviantart if that works better
05/14/16 02:30PM
I'm under the assumption that you just want to go into a deep trance. Have you considered self hypnosis? I personally practice it because I don't leave the house much, and due to my incessant arousal from just the concept, it would possibly be sexual on a regular basis, which I feel limits who I can work with severely. I feel I can get into a pretty good trance imagining a dom and what they would say, however when that doesn't cut it, I've used hypnosis recordings off youtube, ultrahypnosis does a pretty good job at putting me into a really feelgood state.
05/14/16 07:25PM
ZeldaIsHot said:
So what's the point of this thread?

Waverun wants some advice and support.
05/14/16 08:51PM
dinnerdog1 said:
I'm under the assumption that you just want to go into a deep trance. Have you considered self hypnosis? I personally practice it because I don't leave the house much, and due to my incessant arousal from just the concept, it would possibly be sexual on a regular basis, which I feel limits who I can work with severely. I feel I can get into a pretty good trance imagining a dom and what they would say, however when that doesn't cut it, I've used hypnosis recordings off youtube, ultrahypnosis does a pretty good job at putting me into a really feelgood state.

Yep, I've also utilized imaginary doms and prerecorded hypnosis files. Much as I'd like a live hypnosis session, I have some pretty deep trust issues too. Won't go into the details, I'll just say that public school is rough. Also, it kinda feels like it would be wrong of me to try and befriend someone just so they can put me under hypnosis. That doesn't feel much different than "making friends" with artists just to get free art.

Imaginary doms are great because they're a part of you and you have complete creative control over every aspect of their being. You can always trust them to deliver exactly what you wanted or expected, and you know that once they have you under they aren't going to betray you or do anything to you that you weren't already okay with. If your imagination is active enough, they may even surprise you with something you didn't know you wanted. The drawbacks to this method are that if your imagination isn't active enough or your knowledge of hypnosis is limited you may not get very deep this way.

Another method I have found that rely's on just wanting it to work is staring at looping animations like spirals and rings. The effect is intensified if you also use hypnotic audio at the same time. You can even find some POV spiral eye animations and the like right here on the hub. There's also this website that has a bunch of customizable animations that you can set a series of subliminal messages to. I got linked to it off of sleepychat one time, and when I really got into it and paired it up with some binaural beats and isochronic tones I found myself rolling on the floor in a blissed out stupor. (A nice break from the depressive episode I had been suffering earlier that same evening.) Just don't leave the text field blank or it will default to some slavery to the website owner bullshit.

Also, if you can have hypnosis used to install trigger scents I have found those tend to be pretty potent and the triggers can last a long time without much maintenance. (I've got a trigger scent to put me out, one to wake me up, and one to make me really fucking horny.)
05/14/16 11:11PM
Which they seem absolutely disinterested in doing anything about, they just wanna get their fix without having to have to bother to do it safely or right. So basically they just want an echo chamber telling them that's ok.
05/14/16 11:12PM
ZeldaIsHot said:
Advice for their incurable addiction

How would one make it safer, or more managed, or whatever the fuck. You can be addicted to alcohol and control it. I guess.
05/14/16 11:16PM
Pinkanator said:
How would one make it safer, or more managed, or whatever the fuck. You can be addicted to alcohol and control it. I guess.

The point is Waverun is clearly not making steps to FIX their problem or to even approach the topic with the amount of trust and mutual affection that goes into trance. Therefore it's just "Why aren't people giving me exactly what I want while I offer nothing to them?!" the topic.
05/14/16 11:35PM
dinnerdog1 said:
I'm under the assumption that you just want to go into a deep trance. Have you considered self hypnosis? I personally practice it because I don't leave the house much, and due to my incessant arousal from just the concept, it would possibly be sexual on a regular basis, which I feel limits who I can work with severely. I feel I can get into a pretty good trance imagining a dom and what they would say, however when that doesn't cut it, I've used hypnosis recordings off youtube, ultrahypnosis does a pretty good job at putting me into a really feelgood state.

Yes I have considered self hypnosis and I've done it many times to myself. So much that I even gave my own figments of my imagination the power to use triggers, give me conditions and whatnot!
Here's a list of them that I've given these to:

Twilight Sparkle,
Rainbow Dash,
Pinkie Pie,
Princess Celestia,
Princess Luna,
Princess Cadance,
Shining Armor,
Apple Bloom,
Sweetie Belle,
Somehow even Queen Chrysalis despite the fact that I can't stand her,
Sonic The Hedgehog,
Miles "Tails" Prower,
Amy Rose,
Rouge The Bat,
with ALL of these four being in their Sonic X Anime english dub versions,
Lelouch Vi Britannia,
Nunnally Vi Britannia,
Kalen Kozuki,
Even Milly Ashford at one point,
Juliet Starling from that videogame Lolipop Chainsaw,
Mileena from Mortal Kombat, in her MK 2011 adaptation.
Asriel Dreemurr, from Undertale,
Toriel Dreemurr, from Undertale,
Even Frisk, once again from Undertale!
And the worst part is, I can't actually see ANY of them with my eyes or hear them with my ears, just with my MIND, meaning that I sometimes have to resort to using some non-canon styles they're animated in or created in; and that I sometimes forget what they sound like. Hell, I even had to give Frisk a voice of their own!

It's so frustrating how I can't see or hear any of the figments of the "fictional" characters that I love when I put them as a figment of my imagination! Nor can I FEEL them touching me!

Anyway, yes, I have performed self hypnosis on myself with screens, some makeshift pendant I made, and through that pendant, my figments of my imagination gained control over me when I wanted; and now everyday, they put me under with triggers.

Call me obsessed if you will, I will admit that is fucking crazy.
05/14/16 11:38PM
bellchan said:
The point is Waverun is clearly not making steps to FIX their problem or to even approach the topic with the amount of trust and mutual affection that goes into trance. Therefore it's just "Why aren't people giving me exactly what I want while I offer nothing to them?!" the topic.

Like I said, I'm capable of gaining trust in people through conversations, just not when it's one hour long of some freaking heart-to-heart TED TALK about London. Talking about random things for 1 or 2 hours straight is NO way to gain trust!
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