05/15/16 03:26AM
What if?: We had one wish?
Serious question, y'know actual thought here. I'd prefer if shitposting was kept to a minimum here (looking at you, Zelda). I just finished watching Death Note, and as per usual, it got me thinking, what if each of us had a single wish, for anything. It's an ungodly power, and before you answer, really think about it. Don't just say what you think you'd want, look deep inside, and think what you would really do.

I'm personally conflicted. On the one hand, there's the endless voice screaming for Lyra, to be with her for the rest of our days, and by god do I want it. It's an insatiable need, something that knaws at my very soul, but I constantly argue in my head about it, and if it'd really be what I want. If it's what I should do. Truly? I don't know.

The other conclusion I land at? A death that wouldn't affect anyone. A painless death, that wouldn't have any of the consequences of leaving the people you love behind. And then it leads me further, further to the point where I consider changing events so that my reason for living never comes, but the reason of my scarring, and every pain every made in my, and my family's life doesn't either.

If I think of wiping my existence entirely it would make things worse, but sometimes it feels right, and if I did, I'd like to live outside reality, able to observe every existence, every possibility. To see every consequence of every action. But lately I've come to think it'd be wrong (thanks Undertale).

So yeah, either Lyra, or a painless death. What about you? Again, really think. It's an impossible question, so answer the best you can. My goals would be selfish, so I'm in no position to judge.
05/15/16 03:46AM
Pinkanator said:
Serious question, y'know actual thought here. I'd prefer if shitposting was kept to a minimum here (looking at you, Zelda). I just finished watching Death Note, and as per usual, it got me thinking, what if each of us had a single wish, for anything. It's an ungodly power, and before you answer, really think about it. Don't just say what you think you'd want, look deep inside, and think what you would really do.

I'm personally conflicted. On the one hand, there's the endless voice screaming for Lyra, to be with her for the rest of our days, and by god do I want it. It's an insatiable need, something that knaws at my very soul, but I constantly argue in my head about it, and if it'd really be what I want. If it's what I should do. Truly? I don't know.

The other conclusion I land at? A death that wouldn't affect anyone. A painless death, that wouldn't have any of the consequences of leaving the people you love behind. And then it leads me further, further to the point where I consider changing events so that my reason for living never comes, but the reason of my scarring, and every pain every made in my, and my family's life doesn't either.

If I think of wiping my existence entirely it would make things worse, but sometimes it feels right, and if I did, I'd like to live outside reality, able to observe every existence, every possibility. To see every consequence of every action. But lately I've come to think it'd be wrong (thanks Undertale).

So yeah, either Lyra, or a painless death. What about you? Again, really think. It's an impossible question, so answer the best you can. My goals would be selfish, so I'm in no position to judge.

i agree with painless death but my 1 wish is to live a happy life with my gf :)

05/15/16 03:50AM
I think I'd throw it away.

I'm just not the type to accept things that come easy.

Well, that and I've read more than my fair share of EC Horror comics. Usually, that question is followed by a shower of zombies while the monkey's paw claws it's way to a new owner...
05/15/16 03:53AM
I can't really settle on anything I'd want. There are so many things I could think of but I'd never be happy with just one of them.

So I'd wish for someone I don't know to have the best day of their life, and for it to never effect me in anyway. So that way at least I wouldn't waste it on something stupid like an endless supply of bacon.
05/15/16 03:54AM
As a power I would like to control wind and all the anime jazz that comes with that. But honestly time control I feel would be better because of all the usefulness it includes.

1. Age manipulation, I can make myself younger or older as a I wish so I can live until I'm tired of it in a few hundred years.

2. Laziness, I could age my internet/computer to finish downloads and installs, I could age my stews and food to cook faster, make instant overnight things like drinks, sauces, and marinades, grow plants instantly, buy the fastest factory in the world, ect.

3. More time, I could slow down time so I would have more time to study, not get stressed at work, beat all my games this millennia, ect.

4. Weaponized, I can age/deage people to extinction, throw them through time, torture them by making them "lag" by making them slower than the rest of the world by a fraction of a second.

5. Time travel, Get ancient antiques and sell them in the future for money, learn the true history of the world, go to the future and pick up some super medicines, ect.

So yeah, I would wish for time control, unless this is one of those corrupt your wish games.
05/15/16 03:56AM
Mr_Face said:
I think I'd throw it away.

I'm just not the type to accept things that come easy.

I mean, if that's the case, and some of the time I feel the same way, you could always just wish for the discipline to achieve your goals by your own merit.

Otherwise I'd just wish my transition to completion, to a more ideal degree than what medical science can do right now. [Or the same for everyone that's a goal for, really. Put on the spot though I'd probably have already done the former before the latter occurred to me.]

05/15/16 04:12AM
Pastel-Daemon said:
I mean, if that's the case, and some of the time I feel the same way, you could always just wish for the discipline to achieve your goals by your own merit.

<<| What is the worst that could possibly happen...>>
05/15/16 05:07AM
I'd essentially wish to be Gaunter O'Dimm of Witcher 3. Without spoilers, it'd be insanely fun, and ironic...
For spoilers...

I'd be immortal, have the ability to control time, space and who knows what else, and be able to grant anyone else's wish... with a catch that benefits me. And the fun would be endless as I'd always be using my mind to come up with ways to trick the unwitting target and get my due from them. Plus I mean... he's got that catchy tune he whistles...

All in all, I'd just be wishing for a very fun, very SPECIFIC job.
05/15/16 05:17AM
That's easy. The ability to do anything.

You want to fuck everything up? You got it. You want to reverse everything you did? Alright. You want to live out your life if you had made different choices? All good. You want to be a Mad God and make a realm, then put people into your realm and pit your creations against them? Sure! You want people to stop driving like a shit? Yeah! You want different morales? Done. You want to never get sick of living forever? Okay. You want to forget everything and re-do all of it? Go ahead.

Although I guess that's kind of cheating.
05/15/16 05:21AM
I'd pick from these three depending on whatever mood I was at the time:

1. The hypno gun that those hentai protags get (which is always miraculously at a discount)

2. Redo my life with my current memories intact, maybe be reborn as a girl in the process.

3. Paradox-free time travel so I can know what actually went on in the past.
05/15/16 05:39AM
fuckin' more wishes duh
05/15/16 06:08AM
A neverending slice of pizza!
05/15/16 06:52AM
Immortaility and the ability to explore the universe in it's entirety, kinda like doctor who, but with unlimited lives. I want to see stars be born, and watch them die. I want to create countless libraries of information that could make even google look like a public library after the events of fahrenheit 451. I want to make countless symphonies, and make the instruments to supply a robot orchestra that I also built. I want to meet people of countless worlds and nations, learning and teaching without bounds. I want simply to embrace existence itself, and let it show me all that can be seen for the rest of eternity. I have no desire to harm, or to rule. Only to help, and have fun.
05/15/16 07:07AM
The ability to succeed at whatever I Endeavour to do. Basically the exact same as cradily.
05/15/16 09:45AM
Perfect control over my body/being. I'd be able to heal any injury, old or severe. I'd be able to change my appearance on the fly. My age, my sex, even my species. Conditional immortality would be a standard part of the package, too, seeing that I could simply choose not to age or remain ill or injured. With time and practice, I could learn to do all sorts of fun and interesting things.
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