05/16/16 08:04AM
Rooster Teeth Thread
Thread for all things RT Related

So how about that recent RWBY chibi episode?
05/16/16 04:34PM
It was cute and funny, but I really want to find out what's happening in the real story.

Though the thing with Ruby stealing Blake's book was pretty great. And I think her reaction to that sums up this site pretty well.

"It's Filth, Filth!"
05/16/16 06:11PM
According to Netflix, that Halo shit counts as anime.

05/16/16 09:01PM
Pinkanator said:
According to Netflix, that Halo shit counts as anime.


Red Vs Blue is the only thing to come out of Halo that I can say I actually like. Mainly because IT HAS ALMOST NOTHING TO DO WITH HALO. :P

I watched Chibi, and I enjoyed it. Though Blake was that scene.

The best part for me was when Ruby was scarfing down the chocolate chips while she was trying to bake cookies. That was adorable. XD

inb4 "Now that's a katana"
05/17/16 02:51AM
The this is filth line was probably a knock against the lude fanworks.
05/17/16 02:53AM
Brainwasher said:
The this is filth line was probably a knock against the lude fanworks.

Though Ruby did keep the book for herself.
05/17/16 03:02AM
Imasuky said:
Though Ruby did keep the book for herself.

I wonder if that book has any hypno fetish in it
05/17/16 09:31AM
Doesn't seem like that'd much be Blake's thing.
05/17/16 12:51PM
They make a RWBY SOL thing and they don't even make it the least bit gay. Everybody knows SOL spinoff things should be at least a little bit gay. That's like anime rules.
05/17/16 02:13PM
Brainwasher said:
Thread for all things RT Related

So how about that recent RWBY chibi episode?

It was so adorable! :D

I just wish there was more...

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