05/19/16 12:58AM
The "I've got an image I'd like to upload but have no way of doing it right now" thread.
Long title, but you get the point. Probably a useful thing to have around. There's been a number of times for whatever reason that I've found images I'd want on the hub, but haven't been able to upload.

Take for example:
My beautiful, perfect Lyra and the coolest fucking thing ever. Pretty sure it counts as hypno, the face seems pretty sinister, with the dark shadows under the eyes, classic case of corruption, symbiotes are not uncommon on the hub. Fairly convincing argument.

Yeah, so if someone could help me with that, I'd be grateful. Thanks. Thread seemed useful to me.
05/19/16 01:12AM
I don't understand why people can't just upload whenever they have the time. You don't have to upload a pic as soon as you see it.
05/19/16 01:28AM
Mindwipe said:
I don't understand why people can't just upload whenever they have the time. You don't have to upload a pic as soon as you see it.

It's not that I don't have the time, I just can't actually upload it right now. The way I usually browse involve stuff that can't actually upload. Most annoying, most of the time I have to browse manually. Like, by post number because the main page won't work. Either that, or when a post has more than 6 comments. Either way, probably didn't think this through, just wanted to share.
05/19/16 07:20AM
I have a cool image set i'd like to upload but I'm too lazy to tag that many pictures. Also I don't know how to make pools.
05/19/16 07:31AM

Here's a bunch of mostly furry images (and some pixiv stuff that's ambiguously hypno) I've found by digging through a couple other sites. They may or may not be on here already, but I think a lot of them aren't. Feel free to help me cut this list down in size.

I haven't uploaded them yet myself because I'm lazy, some of them I'm a little iffy on the quality, and somebody doesn't want me flooding the booru with furry porn.

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