05/19/16 04:22AM
Any good hypno "films"?
I occasionally get a hankering for some live action hypno themed "material". Stuff like this:


Or this:


So I wondered whether anyone else had some good "sources" for similar free stuff? (I assume posting these sorts of links is ok considering where we are lol)
05/19/16 11:18AM
Are you looking for real-life hypnosis porn/videos, or anything related to hypnosis?
05/20/16 02:55AM
AnomalousDucks said:
Are you looking for real-life hypnosis porn/videos, or anything related to hypnosis?

I'll take what I'm given tbh. If I'm into it great, if not someone else will be. Preferably English though.
05/20/16 02:25PM
Alrighty then. There's this one porn film where Tia Ling gets hypnotized by John Henry to become a submissive bondage slave. The actual hypnosis part is only in the beginning, and the rest of the 40 something minutes is softcore BDSM(a bit of an oxymoron, I know, but if you're really into BDSM you'll find it's not harsh enough). It's easy to find on torrents, but online streaming will only rend you the 2 minute trailer.

You can try the work of Steve Steele("Anton Productions"). Easy to find a lot of it online. It doesn't really appeal to me; it has all this zombification crap and once the girls are hypnotised their emotions are sucked out. Not my thing, but I can see the appeal for others.
Daphne Rosen and Ludmilla Hahn also have done some great hypno stuff, but again, a lot of it monotone zombification and mantras. Not my thing.

"Click-The Body Beautiful" is a somewhat old movie about a remote that makes people aroused. The only version I've found is a dubbed Spanish one, but the original movie is in English and you might be able to find it with some digging. Some parts are really great, others are meh.

"Marifloro-El Mentalista" is a series of about 6 videos. It's solely in Spanish, and you can't find the full videos for some of the videos without paying, but you can get their trailers. I really like this series because the hypnotised girls DON'T have all their emotions sucked out once in trance, but I can't understand a word, sadly, but I DO get the general gist.

"The Cat's eye diamond" is a series about a hypnotic diamond used by Catwoman to enslave and corrupt super heroines. The hypnosis is good because they don't have their emotions sucked out, but it has way too much latex rubbing and it's a solely Lesbian series.

You will NOT believe the amount of sissification, cuckold, gay, lesbian and *insert obscure fetish here* "trainers" and self hypnosis videos I had to dig through to find this stuff over the last 4 years of my hypno fetish.

Hope I "helped".
05/20/16 07:16PM
Pretty Cool and Pretty Cool 2 are also somewhat working as hypnosis movies.
05/21/16 04:08AM
Lol thanks for the tips.

AnomalousDucks said:
Alrighty then. There's this one porn film where Tia Ling gets hypnotized by John Henry to become a submissive bondage slave. The actual hypnosis part is only in the beginning, and the rest of the 40 something minutes is softcore BDSM(a bit of an oxymoron, I know, but if you're really into BDSM you'll find it's not harsh enough). It's easy to find on torrents, but online streaming will only rend you the 2 minute trailer.

You can try the work of Steve Steele("Anton Productions"). Easy to find a lot of it online. It doesn't really appeal to me; it has all this zombification crap and once the girls are hypnotised their emotions are sucked out. Not my thing, but I can see the appeal for others.
Daphne Rosen and Ludmilla Hahn also have done some great hypno stuff, but again, a lot of it monotone zombification and mantras. Not my thing.

"Click-The Body Beautiful" is a somewhat old movie about a remote that makes people aroused. The only version I've found is a dubbed Spanish one, but the original movie is in English and you might be able to find it with some digging. Some parts are really great, others are meh.

"Marifloro-El Mentalista" is a series of about 6 videos. It's solely in Spanish, and you can't find the full videos for some of the videos without paying, but you can get their trailers. I really like this series because the hypnotised girls DON'T have all their emotions sucked out once in trance, but I can't understand a word, sadly, but I DO get the general gist.

"The Cat's eye diamond" is a series about a hypnotic diamond used by Catwoman to enslave and corrupt super heroines. The hypnosis is good because they don't have their emotions sucked out, but it has way too much latex rubbing and it's a solely Lesbian series.

You will NOT believe the amount of sissification, cuckold, gay, lesbian and *insert obscure fetish here* "trainers" and self hypnosis videos I had to dig through to find this stuff over the last 4 years of my hypno fetish.

Hope I "helped".

I know exactly what you mean about the sissification, cuckold, gay, lesbian and *insert obscure fetish here* "trainers". None of which I'm into which makes it really hard to find anything good (I mean I'm quite partial to general lesbian stuff but it's kinda weird/useless when it's made for girls). I've seen seen the Cat's eye videos and they are pretty good but yeah you've pretty much echoed all of my thoughts on the subject. It's good to know there's someone else with the same problems as me lol.
05/21/16 09:03PM
The spiral + text videos are about 50%. Good stuff is too rare. Zombification is a turn off rather than a turn on. That's why "happy trance" is one of the most popular tags. Why don't the hacks who make this stuff realize?
05/22/16 03:46AM
AnomalousDucks said:
The spiral + text videos are about 50%. Good stuff is too rare. Zombification is a turn off rather than a turn on. That's why "happy trance" is one of the most popular tags. Why don't the hacks who make this stuff realize?

Fuck knows. They'd make a lot more money from ads alone if they did. It's obviously common enough to not be considered a small niche.
05/22/16 03:51AM
Here' one of my favorites, though I'm sure it's well known:


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