05/22/16 05:15AM
Godbound - Possible RP Material
It's somewhere between D&D and Nobilis, I think, is the best way to put it. In a 'heavier rules Noblis' sort of way. Currently skimming through, it's still in kickstarty development land, but there are some nice words f power (major character things) that can totally be relevant to our interests (Command and Passion, in particular) - plus there's always room for more Words...

Curious if anyone else has a finger on the pulse of this.
05/22/16 05:28AM
I don't have any experience with Nobilis, but I don't like DnD much. It's at an awkward place where it's rules aren't simulationy enough to warrant being complex, and aren't simple enough to run easily without significant prep. Just play Dungeon World is my advice.

But if people are gonna run an erotic RPG game, count me in. Should be interesting.
05/22/16 05:33AM
This is more speculating and discussing than running, at least, yet.
05/22/16 05:36AM
Ah, I see. Still, it's not a bad idea. I'd definitely play it.
05/22/16 06:04AM
Might be interested in joining such a campaign, if it takes off. Never used Nobilis, and the only version of D&D I've played is 3.5 ed (which tends to be the go-to for most who play D&D consistently).

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