05/23/16 01:57AM
When I finish the text version of the Erikaa and Naomi comic
How should I upload it? I don't wanna clog up the page with the same comic with words. I have Hypnofur working on the lettering on the comic as we speak. (thanks again buddy)
05/23/16 02:53AM
Disclaimer: I'm not a mod or in any way even slightly in charge.

That said, I think the tactful thing to do would be:
1. Upload the first page normally and either create a new pool or add it to the existing one. This way interested people will know it's there.
2. Upload the subsequent pages, add them to the relevant pool and then uncheck "show in index" under the editing options once it's posted, to avoid flooding the front page.
3. Continue to be awesome.

The great thing is that all the pages will still show up if someone searches for, say, "Erika", "Naomi", "PenKen" or any of the pages' other tags.
05/23/16 03:36AM
I would say just add it to the pool with the other non text versions. Of course could just do what liquidhobo said above as well.
05/23/16 04:23AM
What Liquidhobo said.

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