06/03/16 11:31AM
Physical Kinks
Sorry if I've made this thread in the past. But it's something that comes up between I and people I know every so often.

So I'm curious.

What are YOUR physical draws? Like... do you like a nice round shapely ass? Or are you one for hands? Feet? Etc.

Me? It's Lips. And I mean the ones on the face. Tits are a close second though, but lips beat them.

. . . .
I have no idea why, either.
06/03/16 12:08PM
Nice, voluminous hair is really attractive to me. And I like a certain ratio of chest/waist/hips/thighs. I don't just want a very nice (but healthy) hourglass figure; I want to see that it extends up and down past the hips.

Aside from that, I do have to agree with you on the lips. Too big or too small tends to be distracting, and not in the sexy way. If they're shaped the right way and fit with her face and features, I tend to find them more attractive.
06/03/16 12:25PM
DrgnmastrAlex said:
Nice, voluminous hair is really attractive to me. And I like a certain ratio of chest/waist/hips/thighs. I don't just want a very nice (but healthy) hourglass figure; I want to see that it extends up and down past the hips.

Aside from that, I do have to agree with you on the lips. Too big or too small tends to be distracting, and not in the sexy way. If they're shaped the right way and fit with her face and features, I tend to find them more attractive.

I can completely agree on the figure. There have been times that someone classified colloquially as a 'toothpick' has been absolutely gorgeous to me because they seemed to fit that frame. XD
I wanna see a frame that fits a person. Not someone trying to stay thin to be popular or some shit. If you follow.

And lips are one of the first things I notice on a person. Tits generally are first, because I'm usually looking down anyway. But when I look at a face, it's always the lips, male or female. Doesn't matter. XD
06/03/16 12:29PM
Lunakiri said:
I can completely agree on the figure. There have been times that someone classified colloquially as a 'toothpick' has been absolutely gorgeous to me because they seemed to fit that frame. XD
I wanna see a frame that fits a person. Not someone trying to stay thin to be popular or some shit. If you follow.

And lips are one of the first things I notice on a person. Tits generally are first, because I'm usually looking down anyway. But when I look at a face, it's always the lips, male or female. Doesn't matter. XD

I'm not really attracted to the 'toothpick' body. Kind of a turn off for me, actually, both physically and mentally. I worry that if I were to have sex with someone with that body type, I'd hurt them. >.o

Typically, the first things I'll notice on a person are hair and eyes. I didn't list eyes because I don't really see them in a way that gets me turned on. But if they do have nice or pretty eyes, I will be more attracted to them purely from a point of being fascinated or finding them appealing.
06/03/16 01:26PM
I don't know why, but a pronounced mound of venus turns me on.
06/03/16 02:12PM
skibidibap said:
I don't know why, but a pronounced mound of venus turns me on.

You have very good taste. I think the back and shoulders can be very sexy.
06/03/16 02:27PM
Is it lazy if I said thighs? Like, generally thighs and legs in general?

Like, seriously, is that.. a generic and boring answer because I really get drawn to that sort of thing, at least when it comes to drawings of fictional characters that makes up about 90% of my attractions in general.

Like, generally so single-minded on this point that when i'm watching an anime i'm supposed to be trying to enjoy for whatever is going on, my eye keeps getting drawn to whatever part of a smooth, bare leg is ever shown, like at any time. Even if it's not a scene that's intended to be sexy, just any normal random part of a conversation or scene.

Especially those, actually.

So anyway, thighs, legs, waist. I can and will get completely distracted at any point by all the above.

06/03/16 02:43PM
KarmaX said:
Is it lazy if I said thighs? Like, generally thighs and legs in general?

Like, seriously, is that.. a generic and boring answer because I really get drawn to that sort of thing, at least when it comes to drawings of fictional characters that makes up about 90% of my attractions in general.

Like, generally so single-minded on this point that when i'm watching an anime i'm supposed to be trying to enjoy for whatever is going on, my eye keeps getting drawn to whatever part of a smooth, bare leg is ever shown, like at any time. Even if it's not a scene that's intended to be sexy, just any normal random part of a conversation or scene.

Especially those, actually.

So anyway, thighs, legs, waist. I can and will get completely distracted at any point by all the above.

It's not lazy. I like a nice thigh or leg display.
06/03/16 04:03PM
I've had a foot fetish since I was about four years old tbh. Ironically enough I generally don't go for the soles-to-the-camera fetish that's become such a craze - not only do I like the top view just as much if not more than the soles, I prefer to see feet as an extension of the figure as a whole rather than something that's overpowering the image.

Smooth, shapely legs are another big turn-on. That's a feature that women are comfortable showing off in public (God bless summer), which gives me plenty to drool over...erm, admire.
06/03/16 04:05PM
An hourglass figure, and pronounced dimples of Venus. Oh and the backs of knees
06/03/16 04:11PM
I know this might sound a tad strange but I always pay very close attention to a girl's eyebrows, I can't quite say why I find some appeal there.
06/03/16 04:11PM
Lunakiri said:
What are YOUR physical draws? Like... do you like a nice round shapely ass? Or are you one for hands?


Ding ding, that's me! It's known now that I have a huge fetish for soft holdable hands and long manicured nails. I'm also a big fan of accessories that are worn on the hands / wrist and sooome types of gloves. It's second only to my hypnofetish. :S

French nails are my favorite but there's lots of great styles and lengths.

Check out the hypnotic_nails tag -w- or my post in the story thread for nails/hypno crossover love
06/03/16 04:48PM
Boring McGee here, but I sort of need everything to work. I mean, I'm down for most fetishes, (except the whole bodily excretion thing) so it usually doesn't matter to me, but I usually focus on the whole thing, rather than one key point tbh. If I had to pin down one part that I did focus on the most though? The face, probably. It's most important to me. You could have an amazing body, but you fuck up the face? I'm out. (Hi, every piece of super-hero art ever) It's the one part that needs to be perfect.
06/03/16 05:15PM
Dark skin. Not full ebony, but that certain light brown of a generous, healthy tan. Other than that, I guess just the usual proportions.

Speaking of which...

Lunakiri said:
I can completely agree on the figure. There have been times that someone classified colloquially as a 'toothpick' has been absolutely gorgeous to me because they seemed to fit that frame. XD
I wanna see a frame that fits a person. Not someone trying to stay thin to be popular or some shit. If you follow.

Fun fact, preference for the "perfect" waist to hip ratio of 0.7 is pretty much confirmed to be evolutionary, since even men born blind seem to prefer it (this is all generally speaking of course, variations do exist, but that's where the statistical mean lies). I'm guessing the toothpicks in question also had rather narrow hips.
06/03/16 06:02PM
Just good proportions in general. Some women with the right proportions look fantastic even if they are heavier or lighter. Pornstar tits or a bad face can ruin this (I'm not a fan of bimbofication for this reason).

Although, I have a thing for muscles on women.
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