11/16/13 10:35PM
Invading Your Dreams
I had a dream shortly after joining Hypnohub that I had been confined to a crappy, old, wooden chair in a dark room with a single light trained on the floor in front of me. I was not physically restrained to the chair, but I could not leave because Boss Pitviper told me that I couldn't. She slowly undressed before me, and although my eyes wandered all over her body, they kept returning to her eyes, and those colorful rings in them. The feeling of having my mind restrained by her eyes was interesting, to say the least, and oddly pleasant. Sadly, I woke up just as things started to get really interesting.

In another dream a few nights later, I watched as an original character belonging to an artist I follow on Tumblr got the receiving end of some hypno-tentacle action. Not much else to describe, but it was pretty hot.

Has anyone else had any interesting dreams relating to hypnosis?
11/16/13 10:37PM
Very jealous. But sadly I don't really remember my dreams. Mostly because they are random things that I consciously cannot interpret but my subconscious understands and is doing things in the background. Yeah I'm a weird individual and I want your dreams!
11/16/13 10:48PM
Interestingly, the only hypnosis-related dream I can recall had me as the sub, and this was before I even considered myself a switch. The details are a little sketchy, especially because this was several years ago. From what I can remember I was some kind of special agent or soldier or something? I was chained up in front of some sexy villainess. All I can really tell you about her was that she was really sexy with long, red hair. She said some stereotypical villain things, then she walked over to me and lifted my head up to look at her face-to-face. She started to seductively say things about how I was going to do what she said and how I was going to betray my teammates. As she spoke, I started getting something akin to tunnel vision, until her face was the only thing that was really in focus for me, and everything she said started to seem like the best idea ever. Something way in the back of my mind was saying it was a bad idea, but it was being drowned out by voices shouting "Do it! Do it!".

I've had some weird dreams, but I've never had a feeling like that in a dream before or since (at least, not that I can recall). It was almost like being in a dream within a dream.
11/16/13 10:51PM
The only hypnosis-related dreams I ever had were a long time ago, back when I was 13-15 or so. I had two of them.

The first one was a dream about an alias I used to use, Dark Angel (cliche, amirite?). In my dream, I suddenly found that I grew black angel wings, could fly, and had hypnotic powers. Due to my newfound powers, I decided to go by my at-the-time alias. So, I went around and I abused the hell out of flying and hypnosis until I woke up. Had sex with a few random sexy women and caused some hypno-shenanigans. It was the third most intriguing dream I've ever had, because it was so very clear. I remembered it so well when I woke up. That feeling of being able to fly...and hypnotize anyone... It was so awesome.

My second dream was a little darker. I had stumbled upon a MC drug which would bind anyone injected to your will (because, logic!), and make their eyes glow a suspicious yellow. I went around and just injected anyone I could, and ended up setting up a sort of manufacturing system for the drug while using those whom I'd already enslaved to inject it into more people. The most interesting part of the dream was that, all the while, I knew what I was doing should be considered wrong, yet I felt no regret or hesitation (in reality, my mind probably recognized that there was no harm and no foul, since it was just a dream). I remember waking up afterward and, for literally the first time ever, making (TERRIBLE! I deleted this folder months later for a reason!) manips of random hentai images, trying to mimic that wisp-like yellow glow in their eyes from my dream. Funny how my first ever manip was spawned by what amounted to a wet dream. Of course, I had no intention of ever making more until I discovered the collective...
11/16/13 11:36PM
So good...I love this thread! Sadly my sexual dreams are so vanilla. But I love your posts guys!
11/16/13 11:59PM
Have had two mind control related dreams, but none of them were erotic.

First one when I was REALLY young, like around eight years old. There was this Egytian looking dude who was going around local neighborhood hoods, making people mindless turning them into his minions, in something that was like out of some cruddy 90's cartoon. I fell victim to his control, only to snap out of it by some random chick and fight back. The end.

Second one is easily a dream I'll always remember. There was this bug that was like a lethal Praying Mantis. It had a brown color and would stab anyone who was in its vicinity. It was a pandemic that was going around the country and to those who have the symptoms, they'd eventually become incommunicable zombies. I was also stabbed with this bug, but due to me being a slight germaphobe, I was able to beat back the symptoms but it came with a side effect: I was able to communicate with anyone who was infected with the bug and tell them to do whatever I wanted. I soon got to thinking about ideas about world domination and gained a god complex but the dream ended before I could really go off my rocker.

@BML Your dreams sound like a lot of fun, especially the first one.
11/17/13 06:06AM
The only hypno/MC-related dream I can remember having is one where it was the final exam for an "Evil Mind Control Class." We all had hypno-guns and we were turned loose in the gymnasium of an all-girl school. For some reason, though, all the ones I zapped broke out quickly, then got scooped up by someone else. :(
11/17/13 09:37AM
I love hypnotic dreams. Mine are no where near as exciting as the ones described but I have hypnotized old crushes of mine and a few nameless females. I haven't had any recently but I vividly remember bits and pieces from some and they were fantastic. Here's hoping for another soon.
11/17/13 11:09AM
I find that I frequently dream about something interesting after spending a great deal of time studying or working on something relating to it and only sleep when I succumb to exhaustion. I've had a lot of video game dreams this way.

This method is not foolproof. In fact, every time it has happened has been on accident. The Boss Pitviper dream happened after I labored over retouching the gif until it would fit on tumblr. Not sure where the other dream came from. In retrospect, however, I'm wondering if maybe both dreams resulted from a subliminal effect of this website, pulling me further in.
11/17/13 11:32AM
BML-20XX said:
In retrospect, however, I'm wondering if maybe both dreams resulted from a subliminal effect of this website, pulling me further in.

W-What? No! I mean, of course not! There's...nothing to worry about. I wouldn't try to twist people's very dreams with subliminals. You can trust Hypnohub and its administration.
11/17/13 11:37AM
Vanndril said: Hypnohub and its administration.

Like it has never been said by some snake....Never!
11/17/13 11:54AM
Eh, what I can recall of my dreams are narrative messes full of individual moments that usually aren't tied together with a coherent plot, but, yes, hypnosis does figure prominently in my dreams in one of at least three ways:

1) I have the power that those guys have in DARK CITY where I can just say "Sleep" and have most people nearby fall asleep and be under my control, usually for uninhibited sexy time purposes, although sometimes there will be people that resist and I'm immediately paranoid about getting caught doing something naughty. Even though I wouldn't call DARK CITY one of my favourite movies, it did have a profound effect on my dreams, more so than any other movie I can think of off-hand, possibly since the city was like a literal dream in many ways, especially how things constantly change just like my actual dreams.

2) I'm watching some kind of mass stage hypnosis show with far more people on stage than would actually be on stage at a hypnosis show, or the entire audience is under hypnosis or something.

3) Occasionally, I'll dream about being hypnotized, usually in some kind of venue you wouldn't generally associate with hypnosis, like a shopping centre or a subway station. Weirdly, even though, in real life, I'm pretty much only interested in being hypnotized and not really in being the hypnotist, the dreams where I'm the subject are vastly outnumbered by dreams where I'm the hypnotist or observing a hypnotist.

One thing about hypnosis dreams that's changed over the years: when I was in my late teens through my twenties, dreams about hypnosis usually ended abruptly and I'd wake up immediately with sticky underwear or pajamas, if you catch my drift. But now that I'm in my late thirties, I rarely have "nocturnal missions", as Beavis and Butthead would put it, at all, probably due to several factors: a) I'm older and my libido is under control compared to how it was when I was a young adult, b) I've been listening to hypnosis mp3s for over a decade now and, while I still have undeniable erotic associations with hypnosis (I wouldn't be here if I didn't), it's not the instant hard-on generator it was for me as a younger person because I have been desensitized to hypnosis significantly because of experience and familiarity with it, and c) I'm on certain prescription drugs with side effects that interfere with some sexual responses so it's simply a lot harder for me to get over the edge, if you catch my drift again.
11/17/13 12:00PM
Anno1404 said:
Like it has never been said by some snake....Never!

Yeah, well, at least we're not trying to eat you!
11/17/13 12:07PM
Vanndril said:
Yeah, well, at least we're not trying to eat you!

Not trying to eat me, but absorbing my being into the community.
Not that I mind, of course.
11/17/13 03:35PM
Huh, I just got another one last night for no reason and I just ran with it. I was a film director who kept on trying to get Eva Green for my film. The next day on set, she showed up completely naked. She was pretty happy and was willing to do anything that was required in the filming. I kept on trying to cover my eyes while the entire cast and crew was ogling her.

After the day was over, she followed me home and was sitting on my couch with a vacant look on her face. As soon as she showed up, I got a phone call from a random person who told me her mind was rewritten by a tree she was wrapped around on. Like the tree had infused itself on to her and made her very suggestible.

Maybe I got this dream after discussing with my mom about what a great film the Director's Cut of Kingdom of Heaven is and viewing this thread, but I'm glad I got this!
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