06/07/16 01:48PM
Games you always make time to replay.
Y'know? Those games. The ones you always go back to, roughly about once a year or so. Maybe more.

Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic Adventure first come to mind, always have time for them, might go back to Adventure 2, but not as often. CD? Probably. Generations? Probably.

Never seem to get enough of Brutal Legend, played through that game to many times to count. It's just a game I can always come back to.

Also seem to come back to the Ratchet and Clank: Future games, (though we don't have the "future" in the UK.) and the series has become one of the few games where with each new game, I can confidently go, "Yeah, hard mode, let's go!"

I'd put Undertale here, but, well... I can't exactly replay that. Because... Y'know.
06/07/16 01:56PM
Lego Star Wars Complete Saga.

Heroes of Might and Magic 3/5/6.

Knights of the Old Republic II.

Witcher (first one, later two are worse)

06/07/16 02:46PM
The Megaman games, usually the classic and X ones as they're pretty easy to beat in one sitting.

Super Mario Bros. 3

Vampire: the Masquerade - Bloodlines

The Lunar games (Silver Star and Eternal Blue) are the ones I usually replay when I'm feeling down, they're so charming and lighthearted that they never fail to pick me back up.
06/07/16 03:19PM
Mainly platformer games. Sonic, Sonic 2, Sonic 3 & Knuckles, Rayman Origins, Rayman Legends.

Oh and Borderlands 2. I replayed it lots of times with different friends.
06/07/16 04:11PM
It used to be Harvest Moon: FoTM.
Recently found a same sex marriage mod so that just vastly improved the experience.

Then Stardew Valley came out and ruined me.

06/07/16 05:11PM
Every summer I set some time aside to play the Max Payne games (mainly 2 and 3. Not much of a fan of the first game, even though I love the other two).
06/07/16 05:57PM
Einhander if I had a working PSX (I'm not bothering with emulators)
Left 4 Dead
Probably going back to BF3 once I'm done getting dog tags in 4
I used to play Halo religiously. Thinking about getting the remastered version of it.

Psi said:
Oh and Borderlands 2. I replayed it lots of times with different friends.

I used to do that with one of my friends a lot.
06/07/16 06:35PM
Dungeons of Dredmor, over a 100 hours of play total and still haven't managed to beat it. I suck...
06/07/16 06:37PM
There's too many games both new and old to go back to the same ones every year (although I have beaten Chrono Trigger and Max Payne 2 far more than anyone ought to).

Over the past year I went back and accomplished 2 things with my old collection that I'd never done before: I beat Lufia 2, and I 100%'d Goldeneye 007. Lufia sucked and I only had the patience to get through it by using a walkthrough. I've seen lots of complaints about Goldeneye but after you spend 15-30 minutes getting accustomed to the one-analog-stick shooter controls, I think it holds up really well.
06/07/16 06:40PM
Time was that I'd play through Final Fantasies 6 through 10 roughly every year or so, plus a few other classics like Chrono Trigger and Secret of Mana. Apart from FF 6, I haven't touched any of them in a long time.

I had a severe addiction to open-world Bethesda games for the better part of a decade: Oblivion, Fallout 3, New Vegas, Skyrim, and Fallout 4. Fallout 4 is the reason I wasn't making any new art between October and April or so, sad as that is to admit. I feel like I've finally kicked that habit, though (doesn't hurt that I literally played my 360 to death).

Games I still pop in and play regularly include Castevania SOTN, Super Metroid, Marios 2 and 3, Link to the Past, and Mario Kart Double Dash.
06/07/16 07:12PM
Pretty much any Bioware game that came out on the original XBox, though the PC version of KotOR 2 with all the cut content restored has me appreciating what Obsidian was doing. Now instead of the sequel being good but inferior to KotOR, I'd say they're equally good for some differing reasons. Also, Jade Empire was a gem; shame that it didn't sell well.

I've come back again and again to playing Final Fantasy X and X-2, namely due to the combat. The way turn-based combat was done in X felt solid, and was a nice departure from ATB, while I enjoyed on-the-fly class changes and a faster-paced ATB in X-2. If Squeenix had stuck with that model instead of trying to automate everything with scripts mixed with ATB, like what was done in FF12 and FF13, I think more players would look on those games favorably from a gameplay standpoint.

airmanexe said:
The Megaman games, usually the classic and X ones as they're pretty easy to beat in one sitting.

The Lunar games (Silver Star and Eternal Blue) are the ones I usually replay when I'm feeling down, they're so charming and lighthearted that they never fail to pick me back up.

Heh, I also enjoy Lunar. Hell, that's what inspired me using this handle for over 15 years. As for MegaMan, I do find myself coming back to the MegaMan Legends games over the original or X series. Both MML games and The Misadventures of Tron Bonne coming out on PSN has helped to alleviate pangs to play those games, since they've got a cult following and it wasn't commercially successful as many other Megaman games (which resulted in them all still costing at least $40 on average when you try to buy them off the net).

What else... I keep getting MGR: Revengeance for whatever platform I'm current using. Did the same thing for the Mass Effect series, but I've played through that series so many times that I've probably seen over 90% of what the games have to offer. So I'm probably done with the main trilogy.

I also regret having to sell off all my .hack games. Had the entire series that got released in the U.S., but around 2011 I had some expenses that needed covering, so I had to sell off 90% of my PSX and PS2 collection. I did not sell off my copies of Xenosaga Episode 1 and 3, though. I love that series too much. I'll probably have to use an emulator to play the .hack games again. On that note, anyone have any sites they use for emulation where the games are stable? I keep getting unlucky with this sort of thing; only emulator I've used that was any good thus far was Virtual Boy Advanced.

I miss playing Fallout 3. I really miss playing Fallout 3. Freaking love that game for its exploration, environments, themes, and tone. Love it more than NV, and though I do enjoy Fallout 4 for most of its gameplay and exploration/discovery, it's nowhere near what Bethesda accomplished with Fallout 3. Sadly, trying to run Fallout 3 off of Steam doesn't work, since I've got Windows 10.

Also, Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, LoZ: WW, and LoZ: MM. Especially the latter. I love Majora's Mask, and I consider it the best Zelda game made. And yes, I've played A Link to the Past; that's probably fourth or fifth on my list of best Zelda games. While LttP is really good and sets up themes and motifs that are reused throughout the Zelda series, I also think that too many people are letting nostalgia affect objective analysis. Then again, the same could be said for the first Zelda, or OoT and MM. But with Majora's Mask, I can actually point to what makes it unique and different, and how it works so well. When I try to do so with Link to the Past, all I can come up with is how major themes and plot points seen in Twilight Princess, OoT, and Wind Waker are replicated, and that the gameplay is an improved version of what was in the first Zelda.

Finally, I always find myself coming back to Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door. It virtually improves upon everything established in Paper Mario, which in itself improved upon everything established in Super Mario RPG. The humor, the combat, exploration, gameplay mechanics, the story, the fact that Peach gets possessed and turns a bit sexy-evil...everything is great in TTYD. I didn't get all of that from Super Paper Mario, even though the humor, story, and exploration was still solid.

Pinkanator said:
I'd put Undertale here, but, well... I can't exactly replay that. Because... Y'know.

You're a monster that let Chara in and take you over. I get it. :P

Haven't started a Genocide playthrough myself. I like Undyne, Mettaton, Goat Mom, Sans, and Papyrus too much, and I'd feel like a dirt bag going through that mode after watching JackScepticEye and the Steam Train LPs do it. Plus I did clear the Pacifist route, so undoing all that just wouldn't sit well with me.

...Although I'm still tempted to go through with it, solely to do the boss fights with Undyne the Undying and Sans. I think that as long as you reset before you meet with Asgore in a Genocide run, you can avoid permanently letting Chara run loose.
06/07/16 07:29PM
DrgnmastrAlex said:
You're a monster that let Chara in and take you over. I get it. :P

Not even that! I just can't reset. It's different if they know.

06/07/16 07:32PM
ZeldaIsHot said:
Sonic 3 & Knuckles, Sonic: The Fighters arcade mode and Sonic Generations are ones I always find myself coming back to.

If we include fighters, StF, Tekken 5, SC4, MK9, PSASBR, DBZ Budokai 3, and Blazblue come to mind.

Did I mention I fucking love fighting games?
06/07/16 07:40PM
DrgnmastrAlex said:
While LttP is really good and sets up themes and motifs that are reused throughout the Zelda series, I also think that too many people are letting nostalgia affect objective analysis.

I was gonna let this slide until I saw that you overpraised Fallout 3, the single biggest example of rose-tinted nostalgia in modern gaming ;-P
06/07/16 07:57PM
ZeldaIsHot said:
You've not done it? I've done the genocide run 7 times.


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