06/09/16 01:01AM
(NOT) making Hypnohub public
Good day there,

I am very appreciative of this community. It is probably the most likeable one I have ever come across on the whole wide planes of the internet.

However, today I came across a post of ZKOs Crystal-enjoying-herself-gif on another website some of you might know: 9Gag. I agree that this one can be quite fun for a few giggles but I think the community overall is pretty toxic. Besides that I am not really sure, if ZKO is even aware of his GIF being posted elsewhere. Maybe he consented to this, maybe not.

So I wonder: Is it in our best interest to make this little place we got here public? It is not like I would urge anyone to keep Hypnohub secret but I do not think we need an army of trolls flooding this website.

I would like to hear your opinion on this matter. Do you think Hypnohub should be as public as possible to be more easily accessible for new users? Or do you prefer Hypnohub staying the rather small place it is right now?
06/09/16 01:11AM
Well, to be fair, we do take from other places, but so do other websites. This isn't the only place Zko posted that gif. It's on his tumblr as well. It may be that it was taken from there, so changing this place might not do anything.
06/09/16 01:16AM
I agree (and already saw the tumblr, quite neat) ^^

However, the point is: Would you like Hypnohub to be mentioned at other larger places, so that more people come here?
06/09/16 01:19AM
Morgoth said:

Good day there,

I am very appreciative of this community. It is probably the most likeable one I have ever come across on the whole wide planes of the internet.

However, today I came across a post of ZKOs Crystal-enjoying-herself-gif on another website some of you might know: 9Gag. I agree that this one can be quite fun for a few giggles but I think the community overall is pretty toxic. Besides that I am not really sure, if ZKO is even aware of his GIF being posted elsewhere. Maybe he consented to this, maybe not.

So I wonder: Is it in our best interest to make this little place we got here public? It is not like I would urge anyone to keep Hypnohub secret but I do not think we need an army of trolls flooding this website.

I would like to hear your opinion on this matter. Do you think Hypnohub should be as public as possible to be more easily accessible for new users? Or do you prefer Hypnohub staying the rather small place it is right now?

I tell everyone I deem trustworthy about it. None of them really interested, but there's always a chance. But no. I wouldn't mind seeing new faces, (I see great potential from eggishere and (to my confusion and embarrassment) Aki Silvertail), and will welcome them with welcome arms, but I don't want to see this place burn to cinders. I'm happy if some of our artists become more known, as I'd love PenKen and such to get acclaim, but our own little Hypnohovel? We don't have enough manpower to stop a tsunami of shit. QCC deletes enough as is, and if we got big? *shudders* I think two and a half shitposters are enough.

06/09/16 01:20AM
Doesn't really strike me as a place people who weren't interested in the fetish would normally find, so I can't say I see any point in making things harder for people. Especially if they turn out to be potential content creators. Who'd want to cause less hypno art to be produced?

Morgoth said:
Besides that I am not really sure, if ZKO is even aware of his GIF being posted elsewhere. Maybe he consented to this, maybe not.

Well I mean, are the original artists of every manip informed their work has been altered and posted?

06/09/16 01:23AM
They don't even know the context of the gif so i think we are safe for now.
06/09/16 01:24AM
Let's just all agree to never touch, mention, or go to 9gag and other cancer websites ever again.

This IS a booru, though. The entire point is to catalog images for people to save and post elsewhere
06/09/16 01:39AM
Morgoth said:
So I wonder: Is it in our best interest to make this little place we got here public? It is not like I would urge anyone to keep Hypnohub secret but I do not think we need an army of trolls flooding this website.

I would like to hear your opinion on this matter. Do you think Hypnohub should be as public as possible to be more easily accessible for new users? Or do you prefer Hypnohub staying the rather small place it is right now?

If we make it private, then any hypothetical trolls win and the community loses, especially the shier lurkers.

Remember the TV Tropes topic? Let's please not turn out like them and start acting like our weirdness needs to be hidden away in shame.
06/09/16 01:40AM
plsignore said:
Let's just all agree to never touch, mention, or go to 9gag and other cancer websites ever again.

This IS a booru, though. The entire point is to catalog images for people to save and post elsewhere

The thing is that some people could discover the hub and then we would have a community of shitposters.
06/09/16 01:48AM
First off, thanks for the heads up on the repost, I wouldn't have caught it myself :P

My stuff is very often reposted on other sites without source links, there's nothing you can do about it except add the source in yourself if you can in comments and always try to watermark it so people who care can find you. When I google Zko i can see my deviantart pop up so its not too bad. And searching Zko Art brings me up even more so I have those bases covered.

Reposts of art and people changing it in ways you may not like is inevitable, you can try to flag, report, and blog about how you hate when people take your art and use it in ways you did not give permission, or you can grow up and realize that once you post something on the internet its going to be out of your control. Art's been stolen, manipulated, traced and redrawn since renaissance times, you just figure out ways to make it work for you, like watermarking so that you get more people knowing about your name.

As for making the hub private, whenever I see a site that asks for an account so I can browse the content, I leave. More people on this site is better, we may get more crap but we also get more gold.
Also apprently my older Crystal drawing that Pompom helped animate got on the imgur front page too, I'm not complaining, but that is the last place I'd expect to see it.
06/09/16 02:08AM
Zko said:
First off, thanks for the heads up on the repost, I wouldn't have caught it myself :P

My stuff is very often reposted on other sites without source links, there's nothing you can do about it except add the source in yourself if you can in comments and always try to watermark it so people who care can find you. When I google Zko i can see my deviantart pop up so its not too bad. And searching Zko Art brings me up even more so I have those bases covered.

Reposts of art and people changing it in ways you may not like is inevitable, you can try to flag, report, and blog about how you hate when people take your art and use it in ways you did not give permission, or you can grow up and realize that once you post something on the internet its going to be out of your control. Art's been stolen, manipulated, traced and redrawn since renaissance times, you just figure out ways to make it work for you, like watermarking so that you get more people knowing about your name.

As for making the hub private, whenever I see a site that asks for an account so I can browse the content, I leave. More people on this site is better, we may get more crap but we also get more gold.
Also apprently my older Crystal drawing that Pompom helped animate got on the imgur front page too, I'm not complaining, but that is the last place I'd expect to see it.

At least we know that everybody loves your work and if don't we can always make a nacist regime :P
06/09/16 02:32AM
Ew, 9gag.
06/09/16 02:56AM
I find it encouraging, actually, to see hypno art getting positive attention on "public" sites. It shows that there must be a fairly large number of people who enjoy mind control themed stuff, and perhaps we're only so niche because most people don't realize how much they like it.

Spread the hypno! CONQUER THE INTERNET!! :D
06/09/16 08:36AM
You either grow and become inanely popular.
Or make yourself exclusive and become inanely secular.

I find the inanely popular folks to be a bit more charming and level headed though.
06/09/16 09:05AM
Dr_Mabuse said:
If we make it private, then any hypothetical trolls win and the community loses, especially the shier lurkers.

Remember the TV Tropes topic? Let's please not turn out like them and start acting like our weirdness needs to be hidden away in shame.

Zko said:
First off, thanks for the heads up on the repost, I wouldn't have caught it myself :P

As for making the hub private, whenever I see a site that asks for an account so I can browse the content, I leave. More people on this site is better, we may get more crap but we also get more gold.

You are welcome ^^

As for making the hub private: Please no, I never asked for this. I do not think we would benefit from being behind a log-in wall. The original reason behind my post was me being quite worried about this site being flooded, if it gains the attention of the people of 9Gag and such.
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