06/09/16 08:45AM
I Want To Create A New Site
Sadly, however, I am little ashamed to admit this but I have no idea if anyone visit or join it.

I'm not sure if I've posted anything like this before but at this point it's just a poll:

Basically, I think that if there were a SFW Hypnosis booru it would encourage a different type of content that more thoroughly focused on the hypnosis itself.
The rules would naturally be a bit different than the hub but overall, I feel it would relatively the same experience with a slight difference in both content and dialogue exchange.

I know that a lot of people find it redundant but I truly believe this would create a new and interesting branch to the overall community.

So let me know what you guys think here and on the poll if you'd be so kind. I left an "other" box there in case you want to be creative but don't be mean.

Thank you kindly.
06/09/16 08:56AM
Seems kinda interesting. Definitely something we may just have to try as a prototype on a free host for two or three months to see just how well it works, and work from there.
06/09/16 09:01AM
pokefannafekop said:
Seems kinda interesting. Definitely something we may just have to try as a prototype on a free host for two or three months to see just how well it works, and work from there.

Yeah why not?
06/09/16 11:36AM
considering there's warpmymind that has the NSFW/explicit stuff, and they have a clean hypno file site too, I don't see why it wouldn't work for this too.
06/09/16 12:20PM

Ew, what?
06/09/16 12:24PM
As long as you don't mind any applicable content getting posted here too, I say do whatever you like. ;P
06/10/16 10:40AM
No1 said:
Yeah why not?

This basically. At least for me.
06/11/16 01:09PM
I'd love to see this. I support this idea :D
06/12/16 07:48AM
Would it be possible to create a filter based on an image's safety: Safe, Questionable...etc? It would make things a lot easier and help keep things centralized.
06/12/16 07:59AM
Sargin said:
Would it be possible to create a filter based on an image's safety: Safe, Questionable...etc? It would make things a lot easier and help keep things centralized.

I'm assuming every pic on a SFW site would have to be safe to be posted.
06/12/16 08:10AM
So, a Hypnohub-lite, then? I just don't see the appeal for it personally, but go ahead with it; anyway if that is what a sizable portion of the community wants.
06/12/16 04:05PM
I'm down. Plenty of my work is sfw anyway.

Don't forget to send me a link when / if you get it up and running :-)
06/13/16 09:07AM
Maybe some comforting hypno manips rather than the usual; "you are hypnotized now suck my [INSERT GENITALS HERE]"?

SFW-hub sounds pretty nice. o3o
06/23/16 08:39AM
I agree, let's have a version of hypno-hub with only safe pictures.

aaaaaand <<|done>>.
06/23/16 10:54PM
ZeldaIsHot said:
Was waiting for someone to say this.

greasyi said:
I agree, let's have a version of hypno-hub with only safe pictures.

aaaaaand <<|done>>.

You're probably right...
1 2>>>

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