06/10/16 09:38AM
To those of you who ACTUALLY LIKE Jimryu...
Remember that you're the majority. The best (and at times worst) thing about the internet is everyone can have a voice. And here, people are actually allowed to have unpopular opinions (Which is what makes our little community so great). And as such when people realize that others agree with their opinion, they'll want to elaborate on it - especially if their opinion isn't popular. And if said popular opinion is saying something popular is bad and/or doesn't deserve to be popular, then they'll be more vocal/passionate about it - which is fine.

To give a bigger example, Teen Titans GO!! is a VERY criticized show, to the point where one might wonder why it's still airing. Because it's more popular than Steven Universe. Yeah, it is according to ratings. New Episodes of TTG get about ~1.5 Million views which beats out SU by a little bit. That's also ignoring how some episodes have gotten 2 Million views on release. Despite how many people HATE that show, it's clear a lot of people like it.

Same thing here - As much criticism that Jimryu gets, he sure ends up with a lot of pictures here, right? And since he's almost solely commissions, that must mean people are still ordering.

So when you see another comment of someone showing their dislike for Jimryu (Or the inevitable "Fuck Jimryu" thread - if one doesn't already exist), just relax and remember that it's other users enjoying the fact that as a community we don't force them to conform to and opinion.

(Am I the only one who sees the irony of the hypnosis-fetish site fully enforcing freedom of speech and opinion?)

Before I sign off and leave this up to response, I'd like to talk about some of the... nastier things said by the anti-Jimryu community. It's fine to not like him. It's fine to not support him. It's fine to try to get artist you think is better more attention. You know what's not fine? Trying to condem and insult people for merely liking that which you don't.
I'd rather not say who said:
Jimryu's one of you top five artist? You, sir, must have been living an incredibly sheltered life, and are deserving of much pity.

This... is something DarkSydePhil would say.

DSPGaming theoretically said:
Mirror's Edge Catalyst one of you top five games? You, sir, must have been living an incredibly sheltered life, and are deserving of much pity.
06/10/16 09:50AM
• Bugged tracing mechanics.
• Fake laughter.
• Salt.

I have no idea what you're talking about. There is nothing alike between us.

06/10/16 09:54AM
...Did I miss something?

NinjaW said:
(Am I the only one who sees the irony of the hypnosis-fetish site fully enforcing freedom of speech and opinion?)

No, you're not the only one. XD

I've had a few people mention that to me in the past.
06/10/16 09:57AM
Vanndril said:
...Did I miss something?

No, you're not the only one. XD

I've had a few people mention that to me in the past.

More like everything, there have been lots of arguments here. and some flamewars ,with the constant presence of shitposts
06/10/16 10:08AM
Vanndril said:
...Did I miss something?

No1 said:
More like everything, there have been lots of arguments here. and some flamewars ,with the constant presence of shitposts

You're missing everything. Everything. I found out how to do italics and bold and I'm spamming the crap out of it.

NinjaW said:
To those of you who ACTUALLY LIKE Jimryu...

As I said before, Jimryu to me is like McDonalds. I know it's objectively crap with the tracing and copying and text, but I still like it and will eat it from time to time.
06/10/16 10:19AM
Just because someone puts out more content than others, doesn't make them any more talented than the other people. Jimryu sucks.
06/10/16 10:22AM
And I realize now that I wasted my time with this thread. What I was hoping to be a case of bringing to attention the idea of Vocal Minority vs Silent Majority, I ended up making another "Jimryu: Okay or Fucking Shit?" Thread.
06/10/16 10:25AM
I'm not ashamed to admit I like his work and have actually commissioned him before. Why? Because he's like, the only one who's willing to make commissions of anime chicks that aren't either poor quality, or take AGES to make. Yes, I get that art takes time but goddamn if I haven't commissioned something before that was "meh" quality and took 2 or so months to make.

Yeah, it may be traced (which I'm not certain I believe. All I've heard is people say "Yeah, I've proven it" without ACTUALLY providing proof) but honestly, it's a very solid trace if it is one and the quality is still top notch.
06/10/16 10:35AM
NinjaW said:
And I realize now that I wasted my time with this thread. What I was hoping to be a case of bringing to attention the idea of Vocal Minority vs Silent Majority, I ended up making another "Jimryu: Okay or Fucking Shit?" Thread.

Then delete the thread and have done, don't let it sit and kindle like a bloody bonfire.
06/10/16 10:37AM
Henry-killenger said:
Then delete the thread and have done, don't let it sit and kindle like a bloody bonfire.

I guess I'm holding out in the desire it does someone some good.

Besides... I'm not a mod.
06/10/16 10:42AM
NinjaW said:
I guess I'm holding out in the desire it does someone some good.

Besides... I'm not a mod.

I'm pretty sure as the creator of the thread, a 'delete' option should be present beside quote and edit at the OP.
06/10/16 10:58AM
NinjaW said:
Before I sign off and leave this up to response, I'd like to talk about some of the... nastier things said by the anti-Jimryu community. It's fine to not like him. It's fine to not support him. It's fine to try to get artist you think is better more attention. You know what's not fine? Trying to condem and insult people for merely liking that which you don't.

if you can't handle the bantz, get out of the kitchen.
06/10/16 11:03AM
jimryu really traces? No Dignity
06/10/16 11:10AM
I never insulted anyone who likes his ""art"". But on the other side I can and will keep expressing the fact that his stuff is copypasted and soulless.

After all there's people who like modern art so...
06/10/16 11:41AM
skullman2033 said:
jimryu really traces? No Dignity

what a beautiful drawing

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