06/13/16 07:32AM
So Let's Talk Dishonored 2 (Mesmerise Power)
So it was revealed a bit back in Gameinformer that Emily would be getting the new "Mesmerise" Void power. Seemed to me like a simple blinding spell from their description, but from the E3 reveal, it's a bit different.

Imagine if you will, a needled Eye Of Sauron-esque pillar that sucks people's minds in for a time, leaving them limp and barely standing helpless to admire the giant.... whatever it's supposed to be. Seems a bit odd, but there could probably be some good art to come of it.

Now I'm imagining how useful it would be to have a handheld one.

Kinda painful though.

It looks pointy.

EDIT: I've been informed that Delilah's back. So I guess now this is a ghostbusters game.

Also, you can find the trailer here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNFtACeifcU
Mesmerise is very briefly featured at 2:10
Here's the full conference, and I've gone ahead and skipped to Mesmerise because fuggit: youtu.be/Z_1mzhRQSsM?t=1h59m55s
06/13/16 07:41AM
Is this the 2nd thread for this in just a few minutes?
06/13/16 07:45AM
Mindwipe said:
Is this the 2nd thread for this in just a few minutes?

Yeah. I posted the first one but then poke made this right afterwards. He's got more info than mine did, tbh.
06/13/16 08:01AM
Mindwipe said:
Is this the 2nd thread for this in just a few minutes?

One thread per playable character.

I hope Daud came back. He was from Serkonos, so maybe he came here (since the pure low chaos route is canon). Then again, he may have left a rap sheet behind when he came to Dunwall, so...
06/14/16 05:43AM
pokefannafekop said:
So it was revealed a bit back in Gameinformer that Emily would be getting the new "Mesmerise" Void power. Seemed to me like a simple blinding spell from their description, but from the E3 reveal, it's a bit different.

Imagine if you will, a needled Eye Of Sauron-esque pillar that sucks people's minds in for a time, leaving them limp and barely standing helpless to admire the giant.... whatever it's supposed to be. Seems a bit odd, but there could probably be some good art to come of it.

Now I'm imagining how useful it would be to have a handheld one.

Kinda painful though.

It looks pointy.

EDIT: I've been informed that Delilah's back. So I guess now this is a ghostbusters game.

Also, you can find the trailer here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNFtACeifcU
Mesmerise is very briefly featured at 2:10
Here's the full conference, and I've gone ahead and skipped to Mesmerise because fuggit: youtu.be/Z_1mzhRQSsM?t=1h59m55s

There's sooooooooo many characters I'd like to see that happen to (all woman tho unlike the trailer).

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