06/14/16 04:02PM
Times you've been accidentally insulted by a joke.
According to the Zaibatsu, I need to punched super hard in the stomach.
06/14/16 04:07PM
It's always fun to stumble across an argument in which someone gets accused of autistic behavior.

I always have to stop myself from going "That's not autistic, that's just retarded. Said the diagnosed autist."

It's sometimes fun to exploit it, though. I do have to confess that.
06/14/16 04:12PM
NamesAreForTheWeak said:
It's always fun to get into an argument on the Internet somewhere until I get accused of having autism, and then giving them a blunt "Yes." when someone asks/insinuates that I do.

I've never been 100% diagnosed, but I'm totally autistic. It's both a blessing and a curse. I mean, I wouldn't be me without it, but then there's the time you look back on what you did that one time you were being super stupid and cringe immeasurably.
06/14/16 06:01PM
Pinkanator said:
I've never been 100% diagnosed, but I'm totally autistic. It's both a blessing and a curse. I mean, I wouldn't be me without it, but then there's the time you look back on what you did that one time you were being super stupid and cringe immeasurably.

That's definitely true, but doesn't that happen for everyone? Mostly childhood memories that just make you facepalm?

But yeah, from what I can read there's probably a little bit of that going on.

Anyway, back to the original, slightly happier topic. I have an Afro-European friend who keeps making incredibly bad jokes about black people. Does that count as accidentally being insulted by a joke? I mean, it's not exactly accidental.
06/14/16 06:10PM
NamesAreForTheWeak said:
That's definitely true, but doesn't that happen for everyone? Mostly childhood memories that just make you facepalm?

Well, for context, <<|here's my like list.>>

It's my second account actually, for whatever reason, one day I was booted out of my account, and I still have no fucking idea why. It really fucked me over, too. When I was choosing a name, the thing fucked up. Again. And so now I am forever known as user/MsPinkanator. The fuck.

Point is, 2012 me was has shit taste, and really good taste. That somewhat makes sense. Yet 2015 me still has some shit in there. Now I just don't like videos anymore. I only like things I want to find.
06/14/16 06:45PM
accidentaly? they try to hurt me on purpose,but i either absorb the insult or reflect it(it works)
06/14/16 06:50PM
No1 said:
accidentaly? they try to hurt me on purpose,but i either absorb the insult or reflect it(it works)

Nah, it's more like when someone makes a joke that unintentionally attacks you. My example being, the Best Friends Zaibatsu saying <<|"If you have a friend that likes Cyclops, punch him in the dick.>>

06/14/16 06:56PM
Pinkanator said:
Nah, it's more like when someone makes a joke that unintentionally attacks you. My example being, the Best Friends Zaibatsu saying <<|"If you have a friend that likes Cyclops, punch him in the dick.>>


well in that case when a microsofter friend complained about everything.on nintendo being childish and for autistics.
06/14/16 07:10PM
ZeldaIsHot said:

06/14/16 07:16PM
NamesAreForTheWeak said:
It's always fun to stumble across an argument in which someone gets accused of autistic behavior.

I always have to stop myself from going "That's not autistic, that's just retarded. Said the diagnosed autist."

It's sometimes fun to exploit it, though. I do have to confess that.

Dude, I write fanfiction in my free time. You literally can't get more autistic than that. I could be doing anything else, BUT NOPE, GOTTA WRITE SHIT FOR THE INTERNET.

Some days I hate myself more than others. Swear to God I'll get that TVTropes page someday, though…
06/14/16 07:21PM
NaturalCalm said:
Dude, I write fanfiction in my free time. You literally can't get more autistic than that. I could be doing anything else, BUT NOPE, GOTTA WRITE SHIT FOR THE INTERNET.

Some days I hate myself more than others. Swear to God I'll get that TVTropes page someday, though…

Oh believe me, my head-fanfiction is the most autistic shit ever thought. Okay, maybe not Sonichu levels, but certainly close.
06/14/16 07:25PM
ZeldaIsHot said:
I think I need to take a break from this thread and go to tumblr for a bit

06/14/16 07:36PM
Pinkanator said:
Oh believe me, my head-fanfiction is the most autistic shit ever thought. Okay, maybe not Sonichu levels, but certainly close.

Don't worry. No matter how hard you try, you will never reach Sonichu levels. It's like the Holy Grail, but instead of a wondrous treasure that supposedly grants you immortality it's just a shitty fancomic by a guy who really needs therapy.

ZeldaIsHot said:
I think I need to take a break from this thread and go to tumblr for a bit

Yeah that's right! Get outta here, nerd!

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