06/14/16 10:45PM
06/14/16 10:46PM
Couldn't you keep this to one thread
06/14/16 10:50PM
Cradily said:
Couldn't you keep this to one thread

06/14/16 10:53PM
Cradily said:
Couldn't you keep this to one thread

Preferably on an entirely different website.
06/14/16 11:04PM
Explain to me what they did so I can roll my eyes some more
06/14/16 11:21PM
06/14/16 11:40PM
TheSpoon said:
Explain to me what they did so I can roll my eyes some more

If I remember correctly Nintendo isn't even participating at E3 this year.
06/14/16 11:46PM
EoD said:
If I remember correctly Nintendo isn't even participating at E3 this year.

They showed exactly enough: Pokemon and Zelda. Their biggest projects most of the time, and the ones that are currently in development. Because really, Nintendo is doing the smart thing: saying "We'll show you guys what we're working on when we're damn well ready for it, not when everybody else is. We'll show up with anything that's ready to be shown, but we're not going to rush to have every one of our projects demo-ready just to participate in the console dick-measuring contest." And in THAT, I will say that yes, Nintendo has won, by being mature enough to not even fight and simply quietly be the best at everything.
06/14/16 11:51PM
MilesHypnoPrower said:
They showed exactly enough: Pokemon and Zelda. Their biggest projects most of the time, and the ones that are currently in development. Because really, Nintendo is doing the smart thing: saying "We'll show you guys what we're working on when we're damn well ready for it, not when everybody else is. We'll show up with anything that's ready to be shown, but we're not going to rush to have every one of our projects demo-ready just to participate in the console dick-measuring contest." And in THAT, I will say that yes, Nintendo has won, by being mature enough to not even fight and simply quietly be the best at everything.

Nintendo switching it's big announcements to Nintendo Direct (in which they have more control over their presentations and are able to avoid any awkward BS like what happened with Microsoft this year) is probably one of the best decisions they've made in recent years. Besides, I'm in agreement with you in that E3 has become nothing more than a dick-measuring contest, and it's been that way for years now. And Microsoft tends to be the biggest offender, only to typically get humbled in one area or another.
06/15/16 12:28AM
DrgnmastrAlex said:
Nintendo switching it's big announcements to Nintendo Direct (in which they have more control over their presentations and are able to avoid any awkward BS like what happened with Microsoft this year) is probably one of the best decisions they've made in recent years. Besides, I'm in agreement with you in that E3 has become nothing more than a dick-measuring contest, and it's been that way for years now. And Microsoft tends to be the biggest offender, only to typically get humbled in one area or another.

Yep, last year's showing was the most obvious example.

06/15/16 01:06AM
<<|Guys really though, Waluigi Amiibo.>>
06/15/16 02:25AM
MilesHypnoPrower said:
They showed exactly enough: Pokemon and Zelda.

Pokemon was the same as Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire and X/Y. Zelda is now open world and looked very ... empty. I was so bored by the gameplay that I had to do something else to not fall asleep.
Last years they at least had Xenoblade to show off, which was infinitely more interesting than Zelda this year, but that's just my opinion.
In the end, I think Sony had the best conference. Orchestra, that God of War reboot looked really good, Horizon as well, then a new David Cage game and Kojima in the end. I would have loved some FF7 gameplay, but square was doing their own thing and only contributed to the other conferences with FF15 (and not really well in my opinion).

MilesHypnoPrower said:
"We'll show you guys what we're working on when we're damn well ready for it, not when everybody else is. We'll show up with anything that's ready to be shown, but we're not going to rush to have every one of our projects demo-ready just to participate in the console dick-measuring contest."

Because they can't anymore. Their console is clearly out of the game so they had to move back from that. I agree with it being the smart thing, though I disagree with you saying that "that's ready to be shown" - because you make it look like the other stuff that is shown isn't ready. Most of the things are coming out this fall, some was obviously tease for the future, but it is still nice to known what is being worked on.
06/15/16 02:48AM
Nintendo didn't participate in E3 in the literal sense, so they can't "win". That said, I just finally watched the Zelda trailer and ohhhhhh myyyyyyy. I try to never get hyped for games that haven't released, but it's hard in this case. Love how it looks like Zelda mixed with Shadow of the Colossus mixed with Xenoblade mixed with a tiny bit of Dark Souls. Please don't disappoint.

That said, I'm still watching the direct, so I'll see if feelings change.
06/15/16 02:52AM
HypnoMangaEditor said:
Pokemon was the same as Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire and X/Y. Zelda is now open world and looked very ... empty. I was so bored by the gameplay that I had to do something else to not fall asleep.
Last years they at least had Xenoblade to show off, which was infinitely more interesting than Zelda this year, but that's just my opinion.
In the end, I think Sony had the best conference. Orchestra, that God of War reboot looked really good, Horizon as well, then a new David Cage game and Kojima in the end. I would have loved some FF7 gameplay, but square was doing their own thing and only contributed to the other conferences with FF15 (and not really well in my opinion).

I have to agree that Sony had the best conference. Nintendo essentially covered what everyone expected them to. While I'm looking forward to Sun & Moon and the new Zelda, I will admit that doing what the audience expects you to at E3 doesn't translate to success.

Microsoft was a joke, though. Halo Wars 2 and Gears of War 4? That's all you can drum up for your customer base? No one outside of the small group of Forza fans gives a crap about a new Forza game. Oh, Scorpio is supposed to be better than anything Sony or Nintendo can make. Too bad YOU'VE HAD NO GAMES OTHER THAN HALO AND GEARS THAT ANYONE WANTS TO PLAY. XBone gets a new model, with the 500 GB version costing 300 USD. How much you want to bet the 2 TB version is over 400 USD? Any takers? XBone is dead, unless you like XBox Live (don't know why, since this isn't the 360 era), or must have your Halo.

My interest in God of War passed after the third game, but I did like the direction that the Resident Evil 7 trailer was going. Whether or not it follows it remains to be seen. Also, CRASH BANDICOOT TRILOGY REMASTER, FUCK YES. BUYLANDERS CRASH, BOOO. And I already specified my stance on Kojima's new game in another thread. Still, I'm looking forward to that too.

Since I don't care about FF7 (and view it as one of the weakest entries in the series in regards to story), the lack of FF7 remake didn't concern me. As for FF15...well, after not liking the direction that Squeenix was taking the main series with 12, and then continuing with that plan with 13, I've moved on from Final Fantasy. I was really hoping for any news about their other highly anticipated game, Kingdom Hearts 3. BUT I GOT NOTHING. NOR ANYTHING ABOUT THAT DQ8 3DS PORT. THANKS SQUEENIX, YOU'RE A BUNCH OF FUCKERS.

I'm also bummed about not hearing anything new about Persona 5. No gameplay demos, no breadcrumbs relating to the characters or story beyond what we already know, no indication of the main antagonists, etc. The game is getting released in the West in another 7 months, so I can understand wanting to hold onto some details and drop them sparingly. Also, still no concrete details on Akiba's Beat or Fate/Extella beyond what XSeed announced prior to E3.

I guess I'm waiting for the next Nintendo Direct for their stuff, as well as GDC and other expos in Europe and Japan. Once again, aside from a few surprises (Kojima, Crash Trilogy), this year's E3 was underwhelming.
06/15/16 02:53AM
HypnoMangaEditor said:
Pokemon was the same as Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire and X/Y. Zelda is now open world and looked very ... empty. I was so bored by the gameplay that I had to do something else to not fall asleep. Last years they at least had Xenoblade to show off, which was infinitely more interesting than Zelda this year, but that's just my opinion.

I have to disagree. Before going into this, I would've been thrilled to see ORAS or X/Y stuff because of how big a disappointment they were if the generation ended there. But what I saw managed to renew my hype for the new games because it was actually FANTASTIC -- showing many improvements that will make life both easier and a bit more interesting.
I'll give you this -- Zelda U still did look bland, and it won't be my style. But just because they don't have a sequel to a criminally underrated game like Xenoblade doesn't mean they didn't have anything interesting.

HypnoMangaEditor said:
In the end, I think Sony had the best conference. Orchestra, that God of War reboot looked really good, Horizon as well, then a new David Cage game and Kojima in the end. I would have loved some FF7 gameplay, but square was doing their own thing and only contributed to the other conferences with FF15 (and not really well in my opinion).

I have to disagree with this too, but mostly for personal reasons. I just really hate the Playstation, for many different reasons, and none of the games that Sony showed fall into the very slim category of "I almost wish I had a Playstation so I could try this out". All I saw from Sony was a continuation of the dick-measuring contest, and from my viewing angle it was a really tiny dick at that.

HypnoMangaEditor said:
Because they can't anymore. Their console is clearly out of the game so they had to move back from that. I agree with it being the smart thing, though I disagree with you saying that "that's ready to be shown" - because you make it look like the other stuff that is shown isn't ready. Most of the things are coming out this fall, some was obviously tease for the future, but it is still nice to known what is being worked on.

Aand once more I have to disagree. If Nintendo's consoles are out of the game, it's only because Nintendo is deliberately keeping them out of the juvenile dick-measuring contest. Nintendo has always shot for quality that doesn't sacrifice cost and accessibility, which is why they haven't even bothered to try and include all of the latest doodads like the newest and best graphics or whatever. Instead, they make games that manage to look like they have the newest and best graphics to anybody who doesn't have their head so far up their ass that they can't see how good the graphics really is. And they make innovations that, invariably, Sony and Microsoft try to introduce into their own dick-measuring contest, and their lack of true innovation and the lack of quality of their knockoffs shows just how small their dicks are compared to the company mature enough to stay out of the competition.

Maybe I misspoke on this one. When I said "that's ready to be shown", I didn't mean that the other stuff isn't ready. What I mean is that the other companies, in accordance with the eternal dick-measuring contest, may be rushing their deadlines, pushing their companies to make sure that everything they're releasing over the next year is ready to be shown before E3, instead of just showing it whenever it's damn well ready like Nintendo does. Which leads to what we saw at least once or twice during the conferences: a conceptual trailer followed by "more on this at another con later!" -- which is, to me, a clear sign that they tried and failed to make any significant amount of progress by E3 but had already committed to showing it off, so had to try and cover up their shortcomings.
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