06/15/16 11:10PM
The stupid situation music thread.
The thread for those tracks that perfectly encapsulate the most moronic of mishaps, the most imbecilic of individuals.

<<|The classic, of course, the hero we all deserve.>>

<<|The OTHER heroes we deserve.>>

<<|Obvious track #3>>

<<|A personal favourite of mine. Fairly fitting I think. I mean, it uses Wah wah's, what more could you want?>>
06/16/16 01:18AM
06/16/16 02:13AM
JksAccount said:
<<|This song exists.>>

On the one hand, I love this song.
On the other, holy shit I despise Heroes more than 06.
06/16/16 08:32PM
Pinkanator said:
On the one hand, I love this song.
On the other, holy shit I despise Heroes more than 06.

Wait what really?
06/16/16 08:44PM
JksAccount said:
Wait what really?

Okay, so, 06 is undeniably the worse game, getting that out of the way. But I can enjoy playing 06. There is a hint of a good game there. There are moments where I am legitimately having fun. HEROES PISSES ME THE FUCK OFF. Mother of god, I cannot fucking stand to play Heroes for more than 5 minutes! The controls fucking suck! The level design (that isn't Air Fleet) fucking sucks! The length sucks! The monotony sucks! AND THE SPECIAL FUCKING FUCK FUCK FUCKETY FUCK FUCK STAGES FUCKING FUCKING FUCKING SUCK!!!!! 12 YEARS!!! 12 FUCKING YEARS IT TOOK TO BEAT THAT PIECE OF SHIT! If you told strapped me down, and forced me to play Team Sonic, or all of 06, TIGHTEN THOSE RESTRAINTS, WHO'S READY FOR HIS WORLD FOR THE 18TH TIME?!? There are games that are better in retrospect. I've grown an appreciation for Unleashed, especially after Boom's combat. Lost Cause was decent. Secret Rings can fuck off, but Black Knight is a really good game. Shadow the Hedgehog is tied for my favourite Sonic game with Adventure. I have given Heroes so many chances to win me over. SO MANY! Heck, I probably wouldn't have finished it, if it wasn't for Best Character, Metal Sonic stealing the show. And What I'm Made Of. In summary, fuck Heroes.
06/17/16 03:40PM
Pinkanator said:
(What you said)

Well, I seem to have the unique ability to like absolutely anything regardless of whether it's actually good, even if I can see the glaring flaws. So yeah, a lot of things about Heroes are quite frankly awful, but that didn't stop me from getting an emulator so I could play it again. I kinda wish I'd not traded in my copy of 06 just so I could play it again, but ah well. People can complain as much as they like about Sonic games, especially some of the recent ones, but if the game works, I'll play it and I'll probably enjoy it too.
06/19/16 12:11AM
ZeldaIsHot said:
On one hand, I love your memes.
On the other, holy shit I despise you more than HypnoMangaEditor.

Note: I've only played the PS2 version.
Note: I still fucking hate Heroes.
06/19/16 02:30AM
ZeldaIsHot said:
Note: I started with PS2 and finished it there, but I've also completed it in the GameCube version.
Note: I still fucking hate you.

Note: Labyrinth wasn't the worst.
Note: Adventure 2 isn't that good. It's good, but it's a strain to replay the whole thing.
Note: R is fun.
Note: Fuck Riders.
Note: I only played Riders for 3 days. As a shit-for-brains.
Note: I felt no remorse buying the 06 dlc.
Note: Generations could have been so much more.
Note: SA2 Remake would be a good idea.
Note: If it has the Chao garden.
Note: Rivals 1 and 2 were great.
Note: Bringing back Mephilis wouldn't be bad.
Note: Metal Sonic is the best character.
Note: Flattery will get you nowhere.
Note : Back 2 Back is a shit song, and they need to stop bringing it back.
06/19/16 03:46AM
Playing the Fool - Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne
06/19/16 04:15AM
06/19/16 08:45AM
Is there really any song that encapsulates moronic mishaps better than Dare to be Stupid?
06/21/16 09:22PM
ZeldaIsHot said:
Note: Labyrinth wasn't the worst, still unbearably boring to play though.
Note: I do agree that Sonic Adventure 2 isn't the best. But it's still an enjoyable game to most people, at least the first time around.
Note: I can't agree with this. But whatever floats your boat.
Note: Which one? Free riders I'll agree is bad, but Riders and Zero Gravity are pretty enjoyable.
Note: Again, which one?
Note: I don't blame you, Sonic 06, despite being one of the worst in the series, is a fucking hilarious game to play.
Note: You're right, it could've. But at least we got a fun, playable 3D Sonic game.
Note: You know, I don't think it would be. What with Sonic Team failing to make any good games recently.
Note: Yes.
Note: Yes it would. Because Mephilis is a prominent plot-point in the non-canon '06. It wouldn't make sense and would most likely make people think '06 was canon.
Note: You may know everything I'm going to do, but that isn't going to help you, because I know everything you're going to do! Strange, isn't it? NNNNGHHH
Note: <3
Note: Back 2 Back perfectly encapsulates how not to make music.

Note: Not played it.
Note: Not played it.
Note: Not played it.
Note: Only Zero Gravity is good. Original Riders has the Air mechanic, and also controls like tank.
Note: Babylon Garden=Suffering
Note: Wasn't it just the levels but backwards?
Note: Eh, you're probably right.
Note: Not sure if I'd play it.
Note: Don't understand what the fascination with this is, to be honest.
Note: They could just retcon him to hell and back like they did with Nega.
Note: 3<
Note: I did not realise this was a thing. WHY IS THIS A THING?

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