06/17/16 06:15PM
The VR thread. A place for boasting about how much money you have, how cool it is, and exploitable VR Trooper jokes.
06/17/16 06:19PM
The VR parts during E3 were just embarassing to watch.
So I still think that it won't last and disappear like Kinect at some point.
06/17/16 06:28PM
Roxa said:
The VR parts during E3 were just embarassing to watch.
So I still think that it won't last and disappear like Kinect at some point.

But the PC stuff with the Vive and stuff looks interesting. <<|Nerd3 has done a good number of VR videos>> and they show off a good number of it's potential.

06/17/16 07:44PM
Star trek VR looks really cool to be honest

then you realise you must buy 4 HTC VIVE + the computer to run it to play with your friends

then you realise buying the ship in real life will cost you less than to play it in VR

so the VR, not for me yet, even though i just bough a new computer with the gtx 1070 so at least i will be "VR ready" :p

06/17/16 07:52PM
Roxa said:
The VR parts during E3 were just embarassing to watch.
So I still think that it won't last and disappear like Kinect at some point.

The thing about motion controlls is that they are just straight up worse then a standard controller, as waving your arm a certain way is harder and less efficiant then pushing a button. Vr doesnt have that limitation. general cunsensus seems to be that occulus and vive are good enough to want to push through the headaches, so i'm still hyped.
06/17/16 08:56PM
After reading that Topic title and Nintendo delaying the NX to implement VR features, who is actually expecting for it to be renamed to Nintendo "Wii R"?
06/17/16 09:01PM
HypnoMangaEditor said:
After reading that Topic title and Nintendo delaying the NX to implement VR features, who is actually expecting for it to be renamed to Nintendo "Wii R"?

Please, they'll make it a Virtual Boy reference, I'm wagering.
06/17/16 09:06PM
Roxa said:
The VR parts during E3 were just embarassing to watch.
So I still think that it won't last and disappear like Kinect at some point.

I think it is hard to grasp as someone watching it from the sidelines. It's something you need to experience for yourself by wearing and playing it. It's also a matter of if you can get rid of motion sickness, which is quite hard to do. That is why most titles are on rails or you teleport. Moving around with a VR headset can make you vomit pretty quickly because of the difference of you not moving your body but your brain registering movement.
That being said, it is going to be a hard sell for people not trying it, and the price doesn't make it more attractive as well. It's like buying an additional console oder a second graphic card. It's gonna be a rough couple of months for VR for sure.

Cell said:
Star trek VR looks really cool to be honest

then you realise you must buy 4 HTC VIVE + the computer to run it to play with your friends

When was the last time you saw a game have LAN Modus only? Because that is what would be needed (you need 4 PCs to run 4 HTC Vive, cannot do it on one comp). So there will be Internet multiplayer. Still, I wonder if you can get enough people together to play a multiplayer VR title. I think single player is probably the way to go atm, because there aren't enough people with VR, there won't be vor a while and there're always people that just want to play solo anyway. It's a neat thing, especially for Trekkies, but like you pointed out, the more you think about it, it will be hard to realize if it is Multiplayer only, so let's wait for a little bit more information.

qqqqq said:
The thing about motion controlls is that they are just straight up worse then a standard controller, as waving your arm a certain way is harder and less efficiant then pushing a button. Vr doesnt have that limitation. general cunsensus seems to be that occulus and vive are good enough to want to push through the headaches, so i'm still hyped.

It's gonna be different from person to person. I get nauseous easily and can't play games with a low FoV because of that. Before I buy one, I am gonna test it out.

Oh and if you go to a big convention to test it out, DEMAND they sterilize it in between people using it. There have been reports of people getting red eyes due to infections because someone didn't do that.
06/17/16 10:07PM
Valve is the best gaming studio to ever exist, so i'm tempted to get the Vive at some point.
06/17/16 10:45PM
Personmang said:
Valve is the best gaming studio to ever exist, so i'm tempted to get the Vive at some point.

There are actually 2 things I find questionable with that sentence.

1. How do you actually rate it as the best gaming studio? They made how many games? Three? Four? They were all pretty good, I will give you that, but to be frank, I question if that is enough to rate them that high.


2. How does being a good gaming studio translate into making good hardware? Because while it may help, these are 2 completely different things.
06/17/16 11:07PM
HypnoMangaEditor said:
There are actually 2 things I find questionable with that sentence.

1. How do you actually rate it as the best gaming studio? They made how many games? Three? Four? They were all pretty good, I will give you that, but to be frank, I question if that is enough to rate them that high.


2. How does being a good gaming studio translate into making good hardware? Because while it may help, these are 2 completely different things.

Well, to be fair, they did get Justin Roiland for The Lab, the prepackaged game. That's worth a sale to me.
06/17/16 11:28PM
Well, this speaks for their game, but not for the hardware. If you can't enjoy a good game because the hardware is bad, this doesn't mean much.

I have not tested any VR yet, but just be careful. This is the same as a console exclusive, so you have to decide for yourself if that is worth to buy the whole hardware, or if you'd rather wait a little and see how the market unfolds. Exclusives are always consumer unfriendly, because it takes away choice.
08/02/16 03:47PM
08/02/16 04:18PM
Truly this is where VR was always heading.
08/02/16 05:16PM
Is it true that VR gives people headaches when they play a game with like normal controls and not motion controls? I've used a Vive before, but there was no software that could be played just sitting down with a KB+M or controller.
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