06/19/16 09:30AM
Tulpas for hypnofetishists?
So I recently discovered the concept of the "Tulpa", a sort of psychological/meditation thing that allows you to "create" a new consciousness in your mind, or as it says on the reddit FAQ thread,

"A tulpa is believed to be an autonomous consciousness, existing within their creator’s mind, often with a form of their creator's initial choice and design.
A tulpa is entirely sentient and in control of their opinions, feelings, form and movement.
They are willingly created by people via a number of techniques to act as companions, muses, and advisers."

Or, layman's terms (as I understand it), kind of like an imaginary friend, but with enough personality and autonomy that once you develop one, it doesn't necessarily feel like you're simply talking to yourself

I was thinking of giving the whole process a shot (admittedly kind of skeptical, but at the very least I can use it as inspiration for my writing), but I also considered the possibility, "hey, could someone hypnotize their Tulpa? Or how about vice-versa, and their Tulpa hypnotizes them? No idea if that would work, given the psychology involved, but i wouldn't be surprised if someone here had their curiosity piqued by that information

Anyone here have any experience with the concept?
06/19/16 10:04AM
From what I can understand, the Tulpa is meant to be taken as nothing but a hallucination in standard Buddhist meditation.

Not to say the concept isn't neat or useful (after all, who hasn't argued with themselves before?) but the Tulpas as an entity is meant to be introduced as a God or manifestation of Self which PRESENTS itself as a truth, but most definitely isn't, and then is worked past and ignored, to find the real truth. Granted, if you wanted someone falling into a self-destructive, but seemingly well-meaning path... it could work as a pretty good story.

And of course, we're talking about a flexible system which can be adapted to serve whatever purpose you need. A better way to think about what I think you're describing would probably be a limited form of DID (Disassociated Identity Disorder) which could be in no way severe, just taking the arguing with yourself concept to the next level. Or a compartmentalization thing. Think of a base personality (The whole) as a collection of arguing personalities which each manifest as the embodiment of a general personality type (Like if your personality was the result of a council of representatives of each personality type on the D&D alignment scale, for an example.)

Honestly, the real world psychology on all of this is kinda hokey, but then again, this is a fetish site where hypnotism is seen as something literally magical occasionally. If you think of something you like as a story or as a piece of inspiration, just go for it. Chances are we (as a generalization for the readers, or the fellow hypno-enthusiasts on this site) won't care too much about the specifics, and if it gets somebody interested in the truth, hey, you got somebody to look something up (like me and the Tulpa thing)! And that is cool.

And if you want to use it as a personal thing? Hey, that still works. Hell, that D&D alignment thing? Works beautifully as a meditation tool for me. It's all about how you can work things out, and how you think. Find what works for you and refine it. If something works, build on it, and if it doesn't, either find out why and improve, or scrap it. Either way, I wish you luck!
06/19/16 10:09AM
It's pseudoscientific bullcrap. Everyone you talk to on the subject is either roleplaying, delusional, or some combination of the two.
06/19/16 10:21AM
06/19/16 11:22AM
It's basically a Stand. So how long can you move in the frozen time?
06/19/16 11:36AM
I being working on my tulpa since February 2015 and with this fetish since much long ago
I recommend it as a journey to discover your own imagination,
My tulpa is the one who likes to be in charge in terms of this fetish tbh with me and some kind of Npc's in our wonderland, kinky stuff every night guaranteed. She was able to understand why I liked it in the first place while I didn't could possibly do it before, and supported me to embrace it in a good way
{Since no one is being hurt I do not mind, but sometimes our tales gets interrupted just for sex and it is kind of annoying since I can not get pleasure by myself}

It can be a big delusion combined with heavy roleplaying but what if it really works uh?
That was I thought last year and we can't be more happy. Don't expect it to be something you should share with people outside some places of the internet, it's mostly something for you and your pal/s in your mind, alone.
There is no magic, everything is just convincing yourself that there is someone there beside you in your own mind and with time, and tons of hours of "forcing"(literally auto conditioning yourself with the same ideas over and over), someone is going to make sure is not passing unnoticed
Scepticism is the worst enemy
06/19/16 06:22PM
The only thing that could be more miserable than one person in my head would be two people in my head.
06/20/16 12:16AM
I've chatted with somebody who has a tulpa, and the concept is really intriguing. I just wish I knew how to create one -- and how to do a good job with it instead of fumble because I only know the basic theory. I wouldn't mind having one myself, tbh, it sounds like a fun idea.
06/20/16 01:29AM
plsignore said:
It's pseudoscientific bullcrap. Everyone you talk to on the subject is either roleplaying, delusional, or some combination of the two.

06/20/16 01:38AM
LittleToyMaker said:

The same argument could be said about hypnosis in general, though. The only thing we really know for sure about hypnosis is that there's no one right answer to almost any question about it. So with that in mind -- who says that tulpae are total BS? I can completely and totally believe it being completely real.
06/20/16 01:38AM
plsignore said:
It's pseudoscientific bullcrap. Everyone you talk to on the subject is either roleplaying, delusional, or some combination of the two.

This, basically.
Though I know a guy that sort-off pulled that off, but he was schizophrenic and on some sort of meds. This is a voluntary way of getting crazy, and not in a good way.
06/20/16 01:47AM
Wait, I'm confused. Does this make me less or more crazy?
06/20/16 01:54AM
MilesHypnoPrower said:
The same argument could be said about hypnosis in general, though. The only thing we really know for sure about hypnosis is that there's no one right answer to almost any question about it. So with that in mind -- who says that tulpae are total BS? I can completely and totally believe it being completely real.

Then you are literally insane and need to seek mental health care.
06/20/16 01:57AM
LittleToyMaker said:
Then you are literally insane and need to seek mental health care.

Dude, stop being such a downer. You can not believe in tulpae and plenty of other things without ruining other people's experience. You do you, but don't try to do us. :P
06/20/16 02:08AM
I'm standing by muy Jojo reference unless I can get super powers and name it after a band I don't care.
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