06/21/16 08:06AM
RPG Maker Counciling Request
So everyone, I can tell that a lot of people are sick to death by of my threads of projects for RPG maker.

The truth is I want to complete a project but I know that what I want may not be for everyone. People tend to lose interest in projects that don't meet their preferences.

What I'm aiming to do now is make a personal project that I will likely share with everyone at some point.

So now, I would like to shamelessly request the help of any like minded individual who can make the time answer questions and offer input.

Some may know my preferences but others may not. This not a major issue. The game I make would not necessarily be heavily pornographic in nature. It would focus more on the mental side of things. It would be fairly anime centered, and may have cameos.

It you have the free time and are interested in being an adviser of sorts then please contact me via D-mail.
06/21/16 08:27AM
Just post your questions here. I can help with advice as long as it doesn't involve scripting. But eventing and stuff is easy for me. Which engine are you using? MV? VX Ace?
06/21/16 09:05AM
I'm using VX Ace for now. I'm slightly more familiar with it.
06/21/16 09:07AM
LillyTank said:
I'm using VX Ace for now. I'm slightly more familiar with it.

K so... What're your questions?
06/21/16 09:14AM
LittleToyMaker said:
K so... What're your questions?

What sort of protagonists do you prefer?
06/21/16 09:30AM
LillyTank said:
What sort of protagonists do you prefer?

Uh... I dunno? I thought we were talking about like, how to use the program and stuff...

Edit: But since you asked, I'll list off some of my favorite RPG protags (in no particular order).

Zidane Tribal (Final Fantasy IX)
Lloyd Irving (Tales of Symphonia)
Luke fon Fabre (Tales of the Abyss)
Jr. (Xenosaga) (He is TOTALLY the main character of XS2)

Can't think of any more off the top of my head...
06/21/16 07:00PM
LittleToyMaker said:
Uh... I dunno? I thought we were talking about like, how to use the program and stuff...

Edit: But since you asked, I'll list off some of my favorite RPG protags (in no particular order).

Zidane Tribal (Final Fantasy IX)
Lloyd Irving (Tales of Symphonia)
Luke fon Fabre (Tales of the Abyss)
Jr. (Xenosaga) (He is TOTALLY the main character of XS2)

Can't think of any more off the top of my head...

Thanks. Questions about game mechanics will come too. I'm just asking in the order of personal relevance. I'll ask more questions throughout. It's just that I'm currently in the planning phase.
06/21/16 09:50PM
they're not main characters in the strictest sense, but I enjoy characters like:

Delita Hyral (FF Tactics)
Jowy Atrieds (Suikoden 2)

I dunno, I have a predilection towards antiheroes, I think...

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