06/21/16 05:41PM
Thinking about making another series
Alright, so, I've been pondering on some perverted story ideas.
Was planning on starting atleast a few roughs after I've finished the commissions I have.

These mostly based in the universe of my OC which we all perverse as my own persona. So in saying that, most of the scenes I've already drawn relating to my character would be connected in some way.

I thought it might also be a good idea to write down my ideas for possible stories so I don't forget them, and anyone is more then welcome to steal my ideas if they like, I know I've stolen bits and pieces from others to improve my skills over the years. Seems only fair, but this is providing my ideas are any good!

To the Point, My ideas:

1. A deceased girl who was once under the influence of the powers of my oc, and still wishes to serve him and obey, using her ghostly abilities to possess others and causing them to do bizarre things to get her masters attention.
Knowing her master had a flair for the dramatic and over the top from once making her happily hump her mother's leg like a dog in heat all while wearing her panties on her head. Her mother freaking out, but then her master enslaved her aswell to make her do the same to her.

2. A Mother of two, struggling to fight the urges she has to be controlled and commanded and to hide her growing sexual cravings that come from being triggered by regular conversation.
She would watch the news for any information on were this urge come from and if she was the only one. But everytime she'd hear word about this male with glowing eyes, she'd want to serve whoever he was, to any means.

3. The new officer on the police force is troubled when reports of strange happenings around town, women contently wearing nothing and having sexual actions in public. Even her own police chief seemed to be afflicted by whatever was accruing, once arriving at the scene of the reported "boy with glowing eyes have sex in a public place", the police chief responded by standing there, with her hand down her pants as she drooled and rubbed herself in public.

She knew she had to find this man by here self. (but along the way would be accidentally inflicted by overseeing whatever command he was giving at the time)

So those are the three concepts I have in mind, tell me what you think

And yes... I know, "You could always start up LoZ again!", but I just don't think it would be all that good to continue now, only reason I started it up in the first place was due to the hype of a remade Ocarina of Time for the ds was a thing. So I don't see much point.

But, I have thought if people really wanted it, I could start up a patreon, that way I'd have to make it if I was getting payed and people really wanted more. Since I just heard it pop up on reddit...

But, tell me what you think. c:
06/21/16 06:30PM
Hey, DHB! I have a question for you actually. Whatever happened to the Fairy Tail hypno story you were going to write? Is that on hold or is it dead?

Man, it;s hard to choose one of the three story ideas above because I can see you doing great things with any of them. Hmm... I think #'s 1 and 3 appeal to me the most.
06/21/16 06:56PM
oh god the first story

<<images.google.fr/imgres?i...&bih=910&biw=1680|starting by a deceased girl>>
dont know why, but it shocked me a little
but still, the story would be cool for a lot of people, but ghost and possession are not for me :p

i really like the second one though, i really like the idea of a mother who try to stay normal in front of her kids but who cant resist her master's order

<<hypnohub.net/post/show/29...ir-blonde_hair-blush-clea|as for the third story, i think you already started a story like that no :?>>
06/21/16 07:48PM
I quite like idea number 1! I like ghosts and possesions C: and the relationship angle of the master/ghost girl sounds really cyuuuute!
06/21/16 08:21PM
I like number 1 and number 3. Nice to have you uploading again!
06/22/16 06:07AM
averageguy17 said:
Hey, DHB! I have a question for you actually. Whatever happened to the Fairy Tail hypno story you were going to write? Is that on hold or is it dead?

Well, that was a commissioned series, It wasn't really my story. And so the client didn't want to continue it, which is fine, cause neither did I really.

Cell said:

<<hypnohub.net/post/show/29...ir-blonde_hair-blush-clea|as for the third story, i think you already started a story like that no :?>>

That's actuarially where I got the character and idea from, glad someone picked that up. Was basing that story around her perspective though, showing someone affected by the suggestions while tracking down my oc.

Thanks for all your awesome feedback guys, seems most are leaning towards #1 and #3 story.
06/22/16 06:39AM
I'll put in another vote for 1. I have a little thing for ghost girls :)
06/22/16 01:48PM
Sketched up what the character of #3 would look like. No colour


Based off that Police picture I had done.
06/22/16 01:54PM
I am in for the slavegirl-posessing and leg-humping. I vote for 1 ^^
06/22/16 04:13PM
Morgoth said:
I am in for the slavegirl-posessing and leg-humping. I vote for 1 ^^

06/24/16 05:31PM
Since #1 seemed to be on the margin of popularity, I drew up a little concept of hwta she might look like. Might get around to doing up a concept for #2 if people are interested.

06/24/16 09:57PM
Liking idea number 2 and 3 the most, myself.
What if like in this picture...
The kids are also controlled somehow and have a trigger of their own that makes them do something relevant to what their mom is doing? not necessarily something sexual, just weird or crazy, etc...
07/08/16 04:15PM
Long since anyone even cared about this anymore.

But I thought I'd put atleast put up my attempt at writing some stuff I made
for the story ideas. I know I'm not a writer, so don't expect my stories to be
as good as my drawings.

In saying that, feedback would be awesome.

The Mother based beginning:

The Cop based beginning:

Was in the middle of writing out the ghost girl one, but laptop issues caused
all the writing to cleared.

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