06/21/16 10:31PM
I've never actually been hypnotized...
Hey everyone, just another discussion thread that I wanna start.

So I have always had hypnosis as one of my biggest fetishes, like most of you on the hub. Naturally, I have also desired to be hypnotized. I have tried to be hypnotized over youtube, and that doesn't work all that well. It will for a minute or two, but I quickly get out of it because I want to be hypnotized be another, live human, not a video. Besides, in a video there are those moments where the hypnotists will say something like "now begin to close your eyes" and my eyes will already be closed. Not to rag on hypnotists youtubers, it just doesn't work for me personally.

I have also tried it over chat and skype, again, these didn't work for me. With chat, you can't hear the person's voice, meaning you have to keep your eyes open to read what they are typing. With skype, I did it with a male hypnotist, and while he did a fantastic job, it didn't work that well for me. I feel like the reason is because I have this fetish, it felt a little weird to be hypnotized by a man (I am a straight male) when I naturally associate hypnosis as something erotic.

I know when one is hypnotized, they don't lose their free will or anything, but still, I just want to be able to experience it. Any suggestions? Thanks!
06/21/16 10:38PM
...I poked at youtube hypnosis videos recently after listening to some asmr stuff.

Kind of takes you out of the experience when they predictably want you to send nudes.

I believe there's an irc thingy connected with the hub irc for people that're interested though?
06/22/16 12:44AM
I'm doing some stuff with Waverun right now that feels amazing. Don't really have any suggestions, but if you find something that works, it'll feel great.
06/22/16 12:50AM
I've usedsom of the stuff from eSuccubus, The free files are pretty good.

Even if you don't trance they are till very relaxing to listen to.
06/22/16 01:03AM
I've always thought that videos and text aren't really authentic enough to create the conditions needed for hypnosis. But then, I've never seen real hypnosis and assumed it wasn't fake or bunk...
06/22/16 01:57AM
You're probably going to do best with a live, real partner who can give you a personalized experience.

But that brings us to the crux of your predicament: I can't help you because I'm a male, and this topic just made me realize that I don't actually know any female hypnotists in the community ^^;

But I'm fairly new to the scene, I'm sure there are plenty out there. If this topic doesn't attract at least one who's interested, you might consider making a new one to the tune of 'looking for a fem hypnotist to take on a male sub' or something.
06/22/16 06:51AM
Same, i have heard that having a not trusting attitude doesnt work. and the files relax me but end up not making their job.
06/22/16 11:30PM
Mezzberry said:
this topic just made me realize that I don't actually know any female hypnotists in the community.

They only exist in myth or legend, the only girls out there willing to be the hypnotist are ones that only really care about getting paid for it.

OrangeJuicestice said:
Hey everyone, just another discussion thread that I wanna start.

So I have always had hypnosis as one of my biggest fetishes, like most of you on the hub. Naturally, I have also desired to be hypnotized. I have tried to be hypnotized over youtube, and that doesn't work all that well. It will for a minute or two, but I quickly get out of it because I want to be hypnotized be another, live human, not a video. Besides, in a video there are those moments where the hypnotists will say something like "now begin to close your eyes" and my eyes will already be closed. Not to rag on hypnotists youtubers, it just doesn't work for me personally.

I have also tried it over chat and skype, again, these didn't work for me. With chat, you can't hear the person's voice, meaning you have to keep your eyes open to read what they are typing. With skype, I did it with a male hypnotist, and while he did a fantastic job, it didn't work that well for me. I feel like the reason is because I have this fetish, it felt a little weird to be hypnotized by a man (I am a straight male) when I naturally associate hypnosis as something erotic.

I know when one is hypnotized, they don't lose their free will or anything, but still, I just want to be able to experience it. Any suggestions? Thanks!

Pretty much what everyone else is saying, try it with a live partner or at least through skype with a live partner, although finding a female hypnotist might be near impossible, I'm a male hypnotist as well so I can't help ya there. You might be able to convince a girl you know to do a simple induction on you, but then she would have to be comfy with you getting turned on by it. A lot of us just end up having to settle with the fantasy of it sadly.
06/22/16 11:54PM
Thank you everyone for all the suggestions! It is greatly appreciated. I may eventually try to find a female hypnotist, but for now, I think I'll relax a bit and try some more online inductions. MAYBE I'll find one that works...
06/23/16 12:59AM
I am very fond of Night Night, By Elena from eSuccubus, It's a very good lead into to plenty of other files she has.
06/23/16 01:27AM
Imasuky said:
I am very fond of Night Night, By Elena from eSuccubus, It's a very good lead into to plenty of other files she has.


Any other recommendations? I wouldn't mind some more sleep files.
06/23/16 02:02AM
Pinkanator said:

Any other recommendations? I wouldn't mind some more sleep files.

Well more than a few files from there are good, There a series based on Corruption of Champions
06/23/16 12:06PM

That is the only audio file I've listened to that has put me under so to say. Other stuff definitely zones me out and gets in my head, but I'm always...aware. There's a nagging feeling in my head and I know all I'd have to do is blink and sit up and I'll be out of it.

But nagging feeling. At all. It's just an induction, but you could find something else to play after it.
06/23/16 12:32PM
I've been hypnotized quite a few times. It's really an amazing experience when your brain just shuts off and you can't think.

Though due to the many stresses of life it's hard for me to go down so deep that, say for example, amnesia would be possible

Also the other thing that completely destroys a trance for me is annoying binaural beats, that shit is just stupid and causes headaches

For me the biggest thing is trust, the more you trust the person the easier it is to let them into your subconscious and the more you trust them the more willing your subconscious mind is to do what they say

So in that regard finding someone willing to do a live audio session with you seems like the best thing.

But hey, don't get discouraged and keep searching, maybe you just haven't found the perfect hypnosis mp3 yet, who knows

Before you know it you'll find what you need and your brain will be complete mush like the rest of us ^w^
06/23/16 12:41PM
Binaural beats actually have a pretty potent effect on me. My only issue is that if I sometimes get the same kind of feeling like Sleep paralysis which is not enjoyable at all,

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