06/23/16 07:35AM
Submitting an official request for internet friendships
Hello all. Chances are you don't recognize my name, but i've been around since the days of hypnochan. I love this community, but I've always felt more like an outside observer than a participant- I don't draw anything, i don't write anything (well technically I do write, but i tried and didn't feel comfortable writing MC-themed stories), i don't know how to hypnotize someone for real, and i've never really desired to try being hypnotized by someone else- pretty much the only things i've contributed are a few comments here, a occasional forum post there, maybe a fan-message to an artist i like if my anxieties allow me to.

Anyway, here's the deal- I've recently had some major changes in my life that have left me feeling lonely and isolated (would rather not get into the details here), and I'm trying to reach out to every avenue I can to find good people to help me through it- although I'm not currently in that "What's the point of even trying" level of depression, I know i've been there before, i know how much it sucks, and i know I'll probably be there again within 12 months if I don't take a proactive approach while I've still got the energy.

So yeah, here I am, one of many nerdy anime/game enthusiasts with a love for hypnosis (but you knew that already), with a creative mind and a tendency to make bad puns in conversation, looking for cool internet friends to help keep me fighting the war against my own brain. Feel free to comment here, or message me if you want to talk contact information.

Note: I'm into lolicon. I'll probably never talk about it unprovoked, but if you're the type who refuses to associate with that kind of people, theres your warning.
06/23/16 08:20AM
ShadowSeraphim said:
Hello all. Chances are you don't recognize my name, but i've been around since the days of hypnochan. I love this community, but I've always felt more like an outside observer than a participant- I don't draw anything, i don't write anything (well technically I do write, but i tried and didn't feel comfortable writing MC-themed stories), i don't know how to hypnotize someone for real, and i've never really desired to try being hypnotized by someone else- pretty much the only things i've contributed are a few comments here, a occasional forum post there, maybe a fan-message to an artist i like if my anxieties allow me to.

Anyway, here's the deal- I've recently had some major changes in my life that have left me feeling lonely and isolated (would rather not get into the details here), and I'm trying to reach out to every avenue I can to find good people to help me through it- although I'm not currently in that "What's the point of even trying" level of depression, I know i've been there before, i know how much it sucks, and i know I'll probably be there again within 12 months if I don't take a proactive approach while I've still got the energy.

So yeah, here I am, one of many nerdy anime/game enthusiasts with a love for hypnosis (but you knew that already), with a creative mind and a tendency to make bad puns in conversation, looking for cool internet friends to help keep me fighting the war against my own brain. Feel free to comment here, or message me if you want to talk contact information.

Note: I'm into lolicon. I'll probably never talk about it unprovoked, but if you're the type who refuses to associate with that kind of people, theres your warning.'re essentially in a similar position to what I'm in, save for being into lolicon (I don't mind that you are, btw, I'm just not into it myself.). If you want to geek out or talk or just have someone lend an ear while you vent your anxieties, I can listen. I can't do much else beyond all this, but I can listen and talk with you.
06/23/16 08:37AM
DrgnmastrAlex said:'re essentially in a similar position to what I'm in, save for being into lolicon (I don't mind that you are, btw, I'm just not into it myself.). If you want to geek out or talk or just have someone lend an ear while you vent your anxieties, I can listen. I can't do much else beyond all this, but I can listen and talk with you.

The heck? 3 in a row? i am starting to think most hubbers have this position.
06/23/16 08:37AM
It is my belief that psychotherapy is largely crap and that therapists are primarily people to talk to for those who don't have someone to talk to.

What I'm trying to say is that you should try to see a therapist if you can.
06/23/16 08:41AM
I'm also in a similar position. I'm not into lolicon but I do appreciate the aesthetic of cuteness.
I wouldn't mind talking with you. I'm not necessarily an otaku but do enjoy anime a jrpg almost exclusively. I'm a big fan of the 'Tales of' series so if you'd like to discuss that kind of stuff that'd be great.
06/23/16 08:53AM
I'm an otaku and a lolicon, Written plenty of loli stories. I wouldn't mind talking here some.
06/23/16 09:01AM
I am not that much of a otaku but i love videogames and movies so you can talk about that with me.

06/23/16 09:48AM
Ok, I'll be your friend.

What now?
06/23/16 04:38PM
So many sad hubbers :s.

Jamesypoo will be your friend! I hope I see you on IRC sometime :D.
06/23/16 05:25PM
Keep the puns to a minimum, and we'll be perfectly fine.

Seriously though, feel free to hit me up anytime. If you play any vidjya garmes, <<|my info for just about anything I play is in the thread a while back there>>, and I'm always down for a gaming/chat session as long as I'm at my computer and free.

Personally not into loli, but hey, I figure we're not here to judge each other for fetishes on a fetish site, you know? (Won't stop it from happening, but it always seemed counter productive to me.)
06/23/16 09:58PM
Hey, can I request online friendships on this thread too?
06/23/16 10:42PM
LillyTank said:
Hey, can I request online friendships on this thread too?

Don't see why not. :P
06/23/16 10:50PM
DrgnmastrAlex said:
Don't see why not. :P

Then in that case I too request the internet friendship.

My interest include... well, I'm pretty boring but if you like any of the things from my profile on this site we might have something to talk about. ^_^

Edit: If you're a Milla Maxwell fanboy or enjoy TTT (turning the tables) then we should definitely talk.
06/23/16 10:52PM
LillyTank said:
Hey, can I request online friendships on this thread too?

the more the merrier :)

So im pretty sure i sent a message now to everyone who posted and showed enthusiasm towards social interaction- if you posted and i missed you, i must have also missed the point :P
06/23/16 11:28PM
ShadowSeraphim said:

Note: I'm into lolicon. I'll probably never talk about it unprovoked, but if you're the type who refuses to associate with that kind of people, theres your warning.

Lolicon and shotacon are just drawings. Nobody was harmed in drawing those pictures. Plus, drawings tend to be removed from reality and utterly unrealistic anyway.

Anyways, I'll send you my Steam ID. Always good to have more people to play with! :P
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