06/25/16 11:45PM
The favourite games list thread.
Do I need to explain this? Just a thread that needs to exist. Try to keep it one per franchise.

10. Burnout Revenge- I don't particularly like racing games. I'm not particularly good at racing games. I fucking love Burnout. Well, specifically, I fucking love Takedown onward. (maybe not Dominator.) But Revenge is my personal favourite. Why? Traffic Checking. A mechanic that made someone not that good at racing games able to play it well. Being able to not only ram opponents to their death, and be rewarded, but hit the traffic and get boost?! It's the only racer I've 100%. (Though I'm close on Paradise.) And then of course, there's that one song from the game burned into my brain, <<|Red Flag.>>

9. Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction- There was quite a bit of a split when it came to choosing this over A Crack In Time, but when it came down to it, even though ACIT is undoubtedly the better game, and I visit it just as much, I have a lot more memories with ToD, and think of it more. Perhaps this is because I play them back to back (with Quest For Booty) and the first half is ingrained more? idk. Point is, I love this game. Personally, my favourite of Ratchet's arsenals, too. And it gave us the Groovitron and Mr. Zurkon.

8. INfamous- A game I love, and never wanted more than one sequel. (If you've played 2, you'll know why. Second Son was good, but I hated its existence.) Lightning has never been my favourite power, more of an ice guy, myself, but FUCK IS COLE COOL. The thing is, it's technically a 3rd person cover shooter. But it doesn't feel like it! You have pretty good melee capacity, high maneuverability, so many options on how to defeat your enemy, and there's the Karma system. It's pretty much black and white, but being a hero feels great, and being a dick is invigorating, each getting their own upgrades which help do each other's thing better, and make sense. (Also, at endgame, Evil Cole has BLACK AND RED LIGHTING.)
Side note: this game's climbing made it impossible for me to play Assassin's Creed.

7. Brütal Legend- You never forget your first Schafer game. It's hard to explain why I like this game so much, but it's really worth playing. It's not for everyone, for sure, but I would recommend picking it up. You might enjoy it. Jack Black is priceless, Ozzy Osbourne is hilarious, and the late Lemmy gets some great lines. Tim Curry is also there. There are a lot of questionable design choices, but it just sort of works? The licensed soundtrack is godlike, too. The strange thing is, the main gameplay that you're supposed to get invested in is a 3rd person hack and slash, that has heavy RTS elements! Now, I love RTS. If I had more list Kane's Wrath or Red Alert 2 would be on here. But it's not everyone's genre, and going in knowing that might be a good idea. It'll likely throw you off otherwise. Still gets a high recommendation from me though.

6. Tekken 5- I owe a lot to Tekken 5. Getting me into fighting games? Check. Introducing me to some of my favourite characters in gaming? Check. Sparking the creation of my name?! Check! Tekken 5 is a game I can always come back to, even with later games out. (Though it does confuse my head when I can't do some of Devil Jin's later, fancier moves.)

5. LittleBigPlanet 2- Ah, memories. I spent a good 4 years with LBP2 before it finally died, with the release of the [spoiler=sequel]GARBAGE[/spoiler] that was LBP3. I made many a friend with that game, yet sadly they've all moved on, and I've lost touch with them. Even still, I adore the craftsmanship that went into this game, and all the beautiful community levels. Even though I think the jump to 2 made a major mistake dropping the handmade aesthetic of the first game in the story levels, it had the music synthesizer, which led to some great tunes. Hell, BladEX's "Departure" remix from MMZ2 is my preferred version! You might not get as much out of it now, since the player base is much smaller now, but the story is still wonderful, and I'm down to playing with you if you ask.

4. Batman: Arkham City- Oh man, I love Arkham City. If this list was longer, there'd no doubt be a Spider-Man game on here, and even though I prefer Marvel and the ol' Web Slinger, I absolutely adore the Arkham games. Except Origins. Fuck Origins. Fuck WB Montreal. A game I have played to death, and always want to come back to. Hell, I'm buying the PS4 port, just for an excuse to play it again. Not that I need one, I just want one.

3. Metal Gear Solid 3- Do I need to explain this one? The epitome of tactical espionage action. Perfect story, perfect gameplay, and enough Kojima brand humour to stop it being way too serious for it's own good.

2. Sonic Adventure/Shadow the Hedgehog- Cheating here, but I CANNOT decide between these two. I enjoy the stories for different reasons, but on the same level. I think I prefer Adventure's ost more than Shadow, but Shadow has some of <<|my>> <<|favourite>> <<|tracks>> <<|in>> <<|Sonic>> <<|history.>> I've also got a lot more memories of Shadow, and after the TRAVESTY that was Heroes (no, fuck you, Heroes is utter garbage) Shadow was a godsend. Neither games are perfect mind, Adventure has a bunch of little issues that do pile up, and Shadow's control could be a little better. Not as bad as people say though. On the genuinely bad side, Adventure has Big, and Shadow has FUCKING LOST IMPACT. But I really fucking love both games, and go back to them all the time.

1. Undertale- I tried to put this lower, but I really couldn't. I fucking love Undertale. Few games make me feel such genuine emotion, let alone every single one. A game that simply can't be put into words. For the two of you who still haven't played it, do so. (Also, thanks hub for making me play it.)

Looks like a good list to me. (Spent about two hours on it, damn.) There's a lot I wish I could have added, as I said, the Command & Conquer games are favourites, many Spider-Man games, Budokai 3, Dishonored, Lego Batman, Skyrim, and many a Kirby game should be there, but I left it at 10. I guess this is where you post yours.
06/26/16 12:07AM
Pinkanator said:
the TRAVESTY that was Heroes (no, fuck you, Heroes is utter garbage)

*Inner childhood sadness intensifies*
06/26/16 12:18AM
Off the top of my head:

Bioshock Infinite - The original Bioshock was an instant classic in the seventh generation of gaming and while the sequel earned a decent but not on the same level reception as the first game, it didn't stop Irrational from making their own follow up. And hot diggity damn did they somehow manage to top the first and then some. Exhilarating, disturbing and something of an exercise in mind fuckery, this beautiful mishmash of Religion, Racism and Quantum Mechanics left quite the impression on me. While the gameplay could have been better paced (though genuinely satisfying as a whole), the strong story and amazing visual design kept me chugging on through, all concluding on an ending that fried my brain in ways that I hadn't felt since I first saw Neon Genesis Evangelion. One for the history books and probably my favorite game.

The Darkness - Before Infinite took my top spot, however, a little game from the creators of The Chronicles of Riddick: Escapre from Butcher Bay and based on the Top Cow comic of the same name was at the top spot for me. Granted, even with it being knocked off, I still hold a lot of love for it. For me, this was the game that showed how amazing story telling in video games can be. Who would think that the story of a demonically possessed hitman would also turn out to be one of the most tragic revenge stories I've ever played? Brimming with personality in technical design and emotional content, Starbreeze's early gen title hit me like a sack of bricks and very few games have been able to recapture that feeling. NOW WHERE'S MY GODDAMN PC PORT?

Max Payne 2 - Continuing the trend of tragic stories, this John Whoo/Film Noir mashup is a, as PC Gamer put it in a misquoted article, a thing of beauty. A massive improvement overall its promsing but flawed original, MP2 is what happens when a up and coming studio like Remedy is given a budget and creative control and the results were astonishing. Though dated in the visual department, everything else (story, gameplay, soundtrack) holds up amazingly well. And let it be said that the titular protagonist is probably my favorite video game character. For all of the miserable bullshit he puts himself through, he absolutely refuses to let it go until he sees it to the end. This is a guy who, especially in the third game, has survived untold amounts of tragedy and horror but keeps soldering on, out pure spite for the bad guys more than anything else. And if you can't find something to admire in that, then there's no hope for ya.

Mass Effect 2 - Not only the best installment in the franchise, but also my favorite RPG ever made. Though lacking in customization and freedom that the first game (plus that obnoxious mining mechanic), ME2 more than makes up in just about every conceivable way. Punchier combat, energetic writing and world building, an amazing score, a colorful cast and a massive upgrade in optimization puts this in the pantheon of great sequels for me. Not just in games but in all mediums. It's almost like Bioware's take on something like The Empire Strikes Back or Wrath of Khan in terms of Sci-Fi sequels, but somehow better. Plus you get Martin Sheen as your boss as an Smoking Man/James Bond villain expy! How cool is that?

Spec Ops The Line - Apocalypse Now meets Call of Duty and Madoka Magica in this terrifying examination of the Shooter genre and via that extension, games as a whole. Or Undertale's more expensive and hostile older sibling. Subtly is not Yager Development's strongest suit here but what they lack in that, they more than make up for in raw emotional power. Featuring one of the ugliest moments of interactivity to a blistering color palette that would make Michael Bay blush, this journey into hell bore its way into my psyche and has never really left it since. To wit: Usually, I like to go through games several times if I really liked/loved it. Spec Ops, on the other hand, I have only ever played twice in my life. I have tried to go back to it, but I can't. The pain is simply too harsh. But that's a pretty good sign of how effective it is, isn't it?

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - Before the genre was deconstructed to hell and back by Spec Ops, however, the original Modern Warfare was the one who kick started the Modern Military shooter genre with a bang. Stunning visuals, tight shooting mechanics, memorable set pieces and breakneck pacing were the hallmarks of what is considered the high mark of the series, one that unfortunately caused the franchise to draw itself into a corner and become at once the ultra popular cashcow and everybody's favorite punching bag as the video game equivalent to the Transformers film franchise. Still, despite all of the hate the franchise gets, COD4 still remains a classic to this day, both in Single and Multiplayer.

Bayonetta - Sexy, stylish and satisfying as hell, Platinum Games' spiritual successor to the Devil Mary Cry franchise is celebration of every kind of excess and fun. Though I am not much of the best player of the game, I will not deny the sheer enjoyment of the game's great combat system. Easy to use but hard to master. And that's not even getting to the titular protagonist, who's bright and showoffy personality shine all the way through. The story leaves to be desired (a bunch of nonsense about the end of the world, punctuated by terrible film strip custscenes) but it won't matter much when you have some nasty looking Angel on the receiving end of a spanking before chopping his head off with a guillotine.

The Punisher (2005) - I hold a lot of nostalgia for the now forgotten 2005 game featuring everyone's favorite gun toting vigilante. It came out almost a year after the movie with Thomas Jane did and though it not the prettiest or well written game, it's a sadistic blast to play, thanks to solid controls and a fun narrative written by Punisher guru Garth Ennis. The game takes a lot from the runs by Ennis, ranging from his unpleasant take on the character to the unrelenting black humor but not without making plenty of fun and clever connections to the rest of the Marvel Universe, with cameos by Black Widow, Nick Fury, Iron Man and more. Thomas Jane also provides voice work for Frank Castle and in my humble opinion, he's what Kevin Conroy was to Batman in my eyes. It's a shame that we never got a sequel but at least Volition went on to create their famed Saints Row series. I do hope, though, that we'll get a Punisher game like this again soon. I'd buy it in a heartbeat.

Dragon Age Inquisition - The first two installments in Bioware's Dragon Age franchise are a bit weird to me: Origins is a great but flawed start, with great storytelling and tons of content hampered by "meh" combat and technical issues. The second game was a mixed bag, with improved combat and a more interesting art style but thanks to EA rushing the game, the technical issues were even worse than they were in the second, limited customization and a narrative that was mostly unpleasant to play through. Inquisition, however, manages to combine the best of both games with an amped up visual presentation and a truly epic soundtrack into what I consider the best in the series. The story might lack the complexity of the other installments (Dragon Age's version of Satan wants to blow up the world) but it makes up with a compelling cast, satisfying combat and tons of places to explore. It may take a while to for the story to get rolling but once it does, this tale of adventure becomes pretty hard to put down.

Viva Pinata - The oddball out of this and one the few games Rare made post-Microsoft buyout that was worth a damn. An early title for the Xbox 360's heyday, Viva Pinata may look colorful and cute on the outside, but on the inside is a surprisingly complex and somewhat dark game. MS was looking for something to appeal to kids but Rare went the extra mile and made their answer to Animal Crossing instead. Extremely colorful and highly addictive, this obscure relic from 2006 was one of my most played games back in the day, alongside more gruff stuff like Gears of War and Call of Duty 2. I'd spend hours and hours trying to catch one pinata or naming them to breeding and spending a whole lot of cash to get the best garden space I wanted. Thought there moments of heartbreak and frustration as I played it, I had extremely found memories of it and I'd love it if MS would resurrect this series for this generation. It deserves a second chance.

I also have a lot love for Condemned Criminal Origins, Htiman Blood Money, the later Jak and Daxter games, Wolfenstein The New Order and the original Starcraft.

Pinkanator said:
Do I need to explain this? Just a thread that needs to exist. Try to keep it one per franchise.

4. Batman: Arkham City- Oh man, I love Arkham City. If this list was longer, there'd no doubt be a Spider-Man game on here, and even though I prefer Marvel and the ol' Web Slinger, I absolutely adore the Arkham games. Except Origins. Fuck Origins. Fuck WB Montreal. A game I have played to death, and always want to come back to. Hell, I'm buying the PS4 port, just for an excuse to play it again. Not that I need one, I just want one.

Strange. I've been playing a LOT of Arkham City recently on PC. Just completed the main campaign and Harley's Revenge and have now started on NG+. I wish I could play Knight but I won't because the PC port is ass and the whole affair looks grotesquely excessive in comparison to City.
06/26/16 12:43AM
Actually, since I'm here, I suppose I should actually contribute.

10: DotA 2- I feel obliged to put this here, because of the terrifying amount of time I've put into it. (1665 hours and counting) About 50% of that time, however, has been hatred and suffering, yet I can't stop playing it so I must enjoy it inside...

9: Realm of the Mad God- There was a time when this game was truly fun. It isn't anymore, yet I love it and still play it from time to time, pursuing the mostly pointless endeavour of trying to achieve 8/8 on a character. It'll never happen, but I can dream.

8: Left 4 Dead 2- Its fun. Its more fun with friends.

7: FTL- I love "rogue-lite" games. (I don't love actual roguelikes, played ToME for a while and couldn't get into it) but honestly, FTL is my greatest experience with this genre, and will likely remain so for quite a while. Or maybe it won't, because Enter the Gungeon also exists.

6: Shovel Knight- Its hard not to dig such a ground-breaking game raised from the dirt of the Steam store like buried treasure. The game is fun, funny and well designed, and just highly enjoyable overall. Also, Spectre Knight campaign hype.

5: Gods Will be Watching- A highly enjoyable narrative experience, if you ask me. If you ask anybody else, they'd probably tell you it is an awful RNG based slog with pitiful nonsense story telling. They're wrong. They're all wrong. Also it has a great soundtrack.

4: Dragon Age: Origins- I love this game. It has a great story, fun characters, interesting lore (Especially with magic), actions with consequences, was made by Bioware while they were still great and is set in post Brexit Britain. What's not to love?

3: Chrono Trigger- I only played it for the first time very recently, and I really enjoyed it. I like it for a lot of the same reasons I like Dragon Age, except Chrono Trigger has time travel as well as magic and has Ozzie as well as a main antagonist.

2: Super Mario World- As far as I can remember, this was the game that got me into gaming. Childhood me loved everything about this game, even though he always asked his dad to beat the castles for him, because he was an incompetent. Its also my favourite game to watch other people play through, perhaps so I can watch them experience the same enjoyment I had.

1: Halo 3- A game which brought me almost ceaseless fun from about 2008 to 2011. My relationship with Halo 3 was similar to the one I have with DotA 2 now, except I always found Halo to be fun. It is the only shooter I've ever been good at, and I was really quite good at it. I enjoyed the campaign and the story it told, despite having never played either of the two previous games. But really, the true highlight of Halo 3 was the custom games. There were so many, they were so varied, they often involved the bullying of whomever was unfortunate enough to be the alpha zombie, and they introduced me to friends that I had for several years.

(Honestly, most of this list is misordered and just random games I could think of that I've enjoyed, not necessarily all my favourites, but ah well...)
06/26/16 01:13AM
Oh geez, one of these... this is actually hard for me, since I've got so many games that I truly enjoy and come back to consistently. Well, here goes (in no particular order)...

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance- I've played Devil May Cry 1-4 and Bayo 1, and while the action is face-paced and the difficulty some of the most challenging in any single-player game, I never had the level of fun in them like I did in MGR. Cutting shit, shit blowing up, badass sword fights, a more zany and campy take on the Metal Gear universe, and being able to play a badass version of Raiden like everyone wanted to after MGS4. Not to mention that the game rewards you for taking time to get the parry mechanics down; I remember the first time I got the achievement where you parried an enemy ten times in under a minute. It was against Jetstream Sam in the prologue mission on the train. Whenever someone talks about parrying in a game, my mind immediately goes to MGR; if it doesn't match that level of responsiveness, then I just feel like it's a wasted effort. *Looks at the SoulsBorne games*

Xenosaga Episode 3: Also Sprach Zarathustra- The last game in the Xenosaga series, and considered to be the best in regards to art style, story, pacing, gameplay...really, it's a shame that the series ends when it finally gets everything exactly right. Some characters (I'm looking at you, Shion and Kevin) become very two-dimensional, but we finally get the answers we're looking for. Not to mention we see KOS-MOS reach her final state, we see Albedo and Jr. bury the hatchet, and we see how cool of a guy Jin is. My only regret is that Ziggy's character essentially takes a backseat to everything else, and he kind of fades into the background in regards to his relevance. Then again, his story's importance was taken care of in Episode 2... oh yeah, and the really bittersweet ending that essentially leaves KOS-MOS and chaos floating in space, awaiting the day that they could be reunited with their friends (which will never happen, because Squeenix is full of rat bastards who wouldn't let Monolith Soft integrate Xenogears into the Xenosaga storyline, even though Monolith Soft helped to make Xenogears when they were still with Squaresoft). At least we got Xenoblade Chronicles, right?

*it's still not enough for me...*

Lunar: The Silver Star- Solid JRPG that came out on the Sega CD, then had re-releases on the PSX and PSP. It has what is probably my favorite pairing in a JRPG, Luna and Alex. The story itself is typical fantasy fare, but its presentation and characters really pull the player in. Plus, Luna gets mind controlled and corrupted by the main bad guy, whose motivations aren't campy villainy. And yes, I get my handle from the game. :P

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic- While I do enjoy KotOR2, and I've played the fan-restored version on PC (which makes the game actually better), I still prefer KotOR1 and view the first as superior to the sequel. Why?

Revan, motherfucker. That's why. Plus, it's a shining example of the excellence that Bioware is capable of with its series prior to Dragon Age 2/Mass Effect 3's ending. It wasn't just that you could go light side or dark side, but once you found out that your character is Revan, and that you exemplified both light and dark to the Republic, you're left with a choice: disregard the fact that the Jedi Council essentially stripped you of your memories to ensure you weren't a threat for the good of the Republic (which is ultimately the canon ending), or give the bird to the Council and Malak and take back what is yours, plus a corrupted Bastila, before bringing the Republic to near ruin (which is ultimately what the Sith Emperor brainwashed you into doing prior to the beginning of the game anyway). You're still being used; it's your choice of how you want to be used, and whether you feel that light or dark is your true self.

Juhani is awesome, HK-47 is bae, Jolee is a cool guy, Zaalbaar is cool, Mission is kind of annoying, T3-M4 is KotOR's R2-D2, Bastila is pretty cool, and Carth is mostly a whiny bitch with trust issues. The fact that HK and T3 make a return as party members in KotOR2 should tell you why Bioware knocked it out of the park with this game.

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask- I'm really glad that MM got the recognition it deserves over the past ten years, as I always considered it a particularly shiny gem in what is already an excellent series. The tones and themes of each area you visit, the three-day cycle that puts a sense of urgency on you, quest and side-quest NPCs having their own schedules (in a limited sense), A WATER DUNGEON THAT ISN'T MONUMENTALLY FRUSTRATING THE FIRST TIME YOU PLAY, all the hidden stuff you can find, and so on. It's amazing to me how Nintendo utilized the assets from OoT and created a game that mechanically is the same, but narratively is vastly different from every other Zelda game, save for maybe Link's Awakening. I cannot recommend Majora's Mask enough, and I consider it the best Zelda game made. Yes, better than A Link to the Past by a significant margin, and this is coming from a guy who's been playing Zelda games since he was three, with the first LoZ.

Sonic the Hedgehog 3- While most people would put Sonic 2 on their list, I chose 3 for the following reasons. 1. The Special Stages aren't fucking infuriating due to Tails losing rings and costing you progress to get a Chaos Emerald. Sonic 3's special stages require precise timing and reaction that is all on you. 2. The music is just better in Sonic 3, even if there are less stages and less music tracks to listen to. 3. Knuckles is introduced, and he starts off as an antagonist. It's that trope of "a character is cooler as a villain than as a friend" that was replicated with Shadow in Sonic Adventure 2. 4. Different shield power ups. You had flame, bubble, and electricity, which imparted passive resistances and had their own unique ability. This was actually cool, and could get you into areas you couldn't reach without a lot of speed, as well as make some boss encounters a lot easier. 5. Animation and graphical quality was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than Sonic 2.

Crash Bandicoot 3- The series didn't get any better than this. Collect-a-thon platforming on the PSX at its finest, besides Spyro 3. Crash's later entries were either just copying the formula in Crash 3, or were party/racing games.

Undertale- In regards to meta-narrative, goofy, memorable, and fun characters, and a story that actually has some pretty damn good lore for a 3-5 hour game, you can't do much better than Undertale. It's an example of how wrong the belief that linear narrative story-driven games are no good or have no place in the game industry is. Plus, THE FRIGGIN MUSIC. SO GOOD.

Darkstalkers 3- Solid fighting game series. Even if I'm not very good at Capcom fighters (I find I do better with the likes of Guilty Gear, BlazBlue, and Soul Calibur), I still find myself pulled to this series. Part of it has to do with being a big fan of the Universal and Hammer Films monster movies, as well as being into follklore and mythology. Fantastical creatures and monsters, with their various reactions and animations, are considerably cooler than those in the Street Fighter series. Plus, Morrigan and Felicia are two of the sexiest and badass characters in the fighting game genre, not to mention the industry as a whole. The story for each character in Darkstalkers 3 is pretty good, too. And the mechanics are improved upon greatly.

Resident Evil 4- This, Majora's Mask, and Sonic 3 are the games I keep coming back to the most. I don't even need to go into why RE4 is so good. Just play it. And if playing it isn't enough to convince you, then go watch videos that analyze RE4. The only stain on this game is Ashley, and how having her around gives you three lose conditions instead of one, which throws off the balance of gameplay some. Not to mention 'HEEEELLLLLLLLP, LEOOOOOOOOOOON!!" and "Don't leave me!"

Just...shut the fuck up Ashley, I'm like fifteen feet away from you. Just let me grab this ammo for God's sake...
06/26/16 07:39AM
Etrian Odyssey -- Just a great series of dungeon-crawling RPGs. I love the character customization, emphasis on a personal narrative, creative dungeon designs and layouts, and the fucking brutal difficulty… that is, if you're unprepared. Highly recommend it if you've got even a passing interest in the genre. All three of the 3DS titles currently have an available demo on the E-Shop, and the community is very welcoming to new members.

Demon King Chronicle -- A gorgeously written and nightmarishly difficult RPG Maker XP game. It's completely unknown by a lot of people, but it contains some of my favorite lines in any game, a well-crafted world, and a story told through very few cutscenes. My favorite line in pretty much any game ever comes from it: "There is no Healing Magic. No Star Fall Magic. No Holy Sword that Cuts the Dark. No secret Resurrection Magic to bring loved ones back. Because we live in such a world, we continue to write stories." There's an awesome LP of it over on the Let's Play Archive, so give it a look if you're interested!

I've got others, but they're all pretty standard RPGs (Bravely Default, Final Fantasy, Undertale, Pokemon, etc.).
06/26/16 11:31AM
There are plenty, but this ones I remember right now:

Age of Empires 2 - I don't think it would be an exaggeration to say this game was my chilldhood. It's pretty much the game I played the most as a kid and I wouldn't be surprised if this was the game I have put the most hours in my life. Just a brilliant strategy game.

FTL: Faster Than Light - If you ever watched Star Trek and wanted to feel like commanding a starship, playing FTL is a very nice way to go about it.

Unreal Tournament 2004 - Regarded as the "last hardcore arena shooter" by some, UT2004 certainly makes a compelling case for its reputation. The game is loads of fun, with multiple game modes, great music and graphics that have aged pretty well. Lets hope the new UT4 can end as good.

Mount and Blade: Warband - Killing a bunch of peasants with your army while riding a horse have never felt better.

Deus Ex - <<|"s'cool">>

The Megami Tensei Series - Ok this may be cheating since is not just one game, but I just love, LOVE, LOVE this series as a whole and I can't bring myself to just choose one as a representative. There is something about the atmosphere of this games, filled with mythology, religion, occultism, philosophy, technology, cyberpunk and jungian psychology that I just can never get enough of.
06/27/16 01:05AM
Uh... Shit I have so many favorites... Well, in no particular order...

Pokemon Platinum: God damn do I love this game. I grew up with Sinnoh, being a fuckin fetus-ass child, and I just love the design of the region, and the characters, and Cynthia is best champion, etc

The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess: Do I even need to explain why this game is so good? Seriously oh man everything is amazing. Huge world, darker storyline, Midna is the best companion character in Zelda, and also the fucking dungeon designs are glorious. Except City in the Sky or whatever, the clawshots are great and all but DAMN was that dungeon slow.

Minecraft: You can literally never go wrong with a sandbox game, especially a sandbox as heavily moddable as Minecraft is. My only quarrel is that it went 1.9 to 1.10 as opposed to 2.0 like what the fuck Mojang that isn't how numbers work

The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask
Y'know for such a small area there sure is a LOT of shit to do in this game. Also masks are fun.

Pokemon Black 2 and White 2: The aftergame made me shit myself I swear to god there is so much to do it's almost like an entirely different game somehow made its way into the actual one. Oh also Team Plasma FROZE A CITY which was kinda cool.

Just noticing all of these are Nintendo except for Minecraft.. Let's switch it up a bit!

Civilization V: Hot damn do I love competing against friends to rule the world. I say I'm going for a science victory. I'm never going for a science victory. I will crush your nation under my heel and I will laugh sadistically while I do it. My armies will slaughter yours and I will fucking applaud.
...Anyways this game is good, best turn based strategy I've played like... Ever.

Undertale (Specifically the genocide route): I'm pretty sure I've beaten Sans on one try at this point. I played Genocide like... 5 times or so. It is really fun slaughtering everyone, because it's more of a challenge to fight the bosses.

Xenoblade Chronicles/Xenoblade Chronicles X: I haven't even completed either of these games and I still adore them. The worlds are so fucking huge it's hard to comprehend sometimes. Also I love the combat system, it's unique and fun and I want more of it.

Touhou Immaterial and Missing Power (TH 7.5): I suck ass at every other Touhou game due to their bullethell bullshit, but I am pretty good at 7.5 due to it being a fighting game. Mostly because Remi is insanely powerful in that game.
06/27/16 02:47AM
I wish I was in a more writin' mood to do blurbs on all my top picks, which would include Super Metroid, Castlevania Symphony of the Night, LoZ Wind Waker, and Fallout: New Vegas, but I am in the mood to give a few thoughts on my uncontested king of games:

1) Final Fantasy 6: at the tender age of 11, this game was the turning point for how I viewed videogames - they could now use artistry and depth to be something more than just a way to pass the time. It introduced me to both gameplay and storytelling elements that set standards for future gaming and arguably still go unrivaled, such as no true central character, a non-linear sandbox feel in the latter half, and the villain actually succeeding in destroying the world. It may not be as relevant nowadays, but the opera house performance was jaw-dropping at the time - I was enthralled with how Celes synched so perfectly with the music, and how they actually managed to weave a small amount of gameplay into the scene. My current work may not reflect this, but Amano's artwork blew my mind wide open as to how to draw with pure creativity and expression, and my notebook doodles emulated this for a decade or more. And what makes the game even more special is that some of the most emotional moments - such as Locke's past, Sabin and Edgar's history, and Gau finding his father - can go completely missed if you don't know how to trigger them - the game rewards you with more than just power items for paying attention. And I also haven't found a finer ending to a video game ^^
06/27/16 06:37AM
I'll do mine by system since I can't even think of rating them.

GBA: Summon Night Swordcraft Story: An amazing game where you make unique weapons and fight against other weapon smiths with the help of a guardian spirit who helps fight and forge. There is also a dating element where you can date your friends or your spirit. You can be male or female and date male or female.

SNES: Terranigma: The only game of it's kind where you start from the dawn of history and slowly evolve the planet introducing plants, animals, humans, and then by talking to famous inventors you create different inventions like the airplane, electricity, and canned food.

N64: Mario Party: I bought my N64 from my cousin for $60, he gave me his friends Mario Party on accident but gave up getting it back because I lived in another state and played it for a large portion of my childhood with friends and family.

Playstation 1: Final Fantasy 8: Despite being one of the lesser enjoyed games of the series, I loved it. I loved how there was two ways to play the game, you either focus on your summons and spam and boost them, or if you feel like that's not enjoyable you be strategic with the junction system and fight using only your weapons. It also had the best mini game out of the series in the form of Triple Triad. A card game with simple rules, difficult to attain cards, and useful for the actual game.

Playstation 2: Final Fantasy 10: Probably the best structured final fantasy in the series with each character having a specific strength and weakness that works best on certain enemies. All the characters had amazing stories, spot on voice acting, and once again I love the summons.

Gamecube: Custom Robo: Not really sure why, its a fighting game where you choose all the parts of your robots and press different buttons to use their moves, the story was a bit repetetive in terms of fighting but I loved the world's background that didn't really feel like it belonged half the time in a kids game.

Nintendo DS: Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor: A tactical rpg with about 10 endings and dozens of different paths and the ability to choose all your favorite gods and demons throughout history then fuse them all together.

Xbox: NBA Street 2: 1 of only 3 sports games I actually enjoyed with no real rules and crazy moves that you could perform. (The other two sports games I've enjoyed is wiisports and mario basketball for gamecub)

Playstation 3: Skyrim: Bought it, played it, played it some more, I think I have 200 hours on my main char and 20 on my other 3. Not much more to say.

Wii: Super Samshbros Brawl: Just a fun fighting game with familiar characters enough said.

PSP: Legend of Heros Trails in the Sky: It's a very light hearted rpg with a female lead where you travel around the country solving everyone's problems while you try to become an official bracer which is a civilian run police organization.

3ds: Kingdom Hearts DDD: Despite Sora's anticlimatic ending it was the only handheld KH game that had combat that felt like the console versions and had a multitude of worlds and a pet partner system.

PC: Nox: An old single player rpg similar to balders gate and diablo where you play as a warrior, mage, or rouge and you travel across the world trying to defeat some chick and put together the pieces of an ancient spear.

Also PC: Space Quest 5: It was hard to choose pc but this game is a hilarious point and click adventure game made by Sierra where you plays as a janitor who becomes a captain and his misadventures around space (plot of all the space quest games). This one was the last made and made the largest impression on me as a kid because of the 3d art and three stooges fighting minigame.

I left out a few consoles that I've owned simply because there weren't or haven't been any games that were amazing to me including PS4, GB, GBC, and gamegear.
06/28/16 12:00PM
Oh god. Lemme see if I can come up with just 10 off the top of my head. I know I'm bound to forget something big. 1 entry per franchise, here goes!

1. Metroid Prime Trilogy - One great disc containing 3 of the best games in the genre. The superb Metroid Prime, the slightly less great Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, and the somewhat less great than that Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. And the first 2 games come updated with very well-integrated and smooth Wii motion controls. Great stories, stunning environments and art design, wonderful music, excellent level design, and rock solid gameplay.

2. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - I battle with myself internally over whether this or Super Metroid is the best 2D Metroidvania ever. One thing I'm sure of is that no Castlevania since has managed to match up to it. The surprising freedom the game affords its players is amazing even for Metroidvania standards. Areas are still blocked off by obstacles that require certain abilities to pass, but there are fewer of them. After the first couple of bosses, there are essentially at least 3 different paths to choose from at all times. And then there's the inverted castle. The entire game map... upside-down. The level design is astounding in that it works just as well when it's flipped.

3. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - I really didn't know which game in the series to put on here, but I went with the safe choice. For one, Majora's Mask has appeared in this thread enough, and this is also the entry I've played the most and own the most versions of. There's not much to say that people don't already know. A great story, memorable characters, well-crafted dungeons, and the music. Oh man, the music.

4. Pokemon Gold/Silver - These games were my childhood. Even more than Gen 1, these games were the shit at school. For those who grew up after the peak of Pokemania, I don't know if you truly understand what it was like to bring your GameBoy to recess and have link cable battles and trades with your friends on the playground. The things Gen 2 brought to the table were awesome. FULL COLOR (hey, it was a big fucking deal then), 100 new Pokemon, 2 new types, internal clock with day/night cycles, mystery gifts, the Pokegear (shut the fuck up about your Rattata, Joey!), and 2 continents to explore with 16 total badges to collect. Plus, you fight your character from the first games as the final battle!

5. Super Mario 64 - Few games do platforming as well as the Mario series. It was honestly a toss-up for me between this and Mario Galaxy, but when all is said and done, I think this game has the edge in controls. With the exception of the camera, which fluctuates between inconvenient and completely useless, everything is so tight and responsive. It's also one of the view non-Metroidvanias that I actually put the effort into 100%-ing.

6. Shadow of the Colossus - This game is art. Plain and simple. A story told with few words, but it speaks volumes. Someone you loved was killed. You could bring her back, but doing so means violating your society's laws and potentially sacrificing everything. It also means killing some of the biggest creatures you've ever seen with nothing but a tiny sword and a bow. Use your magic sword to find the direction of the colossus, make your way there on horseback, climb the massive beast, and bring it down. Wait, are you killing innocent creatures for your own selfish gain? Do you care? Is killing the colossi slowly killing you? Will you even be alive to see your love resurrected? Will anything?

7. Rock Band 3 - Rock Band is still some of the most fun I've ever had playing a game with friends. It's just matching colored notes on screen to colored buttons/pads on instrument controllers, but it's doing that to some of your favorite music. Throw in several friends, with at least one on the mic, and you have an instant party.

8. Xenoblade Chronicles X - I wasn't sure whether to put this on here or not, but dammit, did this game suck me in. I'll get it right out of the way and say the story and the music aren't as great as the first game (though the cheesy vocal tracks in X are great in there own way), but they do what they need to, and the game itself is fantastic. Beautiful and expansive environments, lovable characters, an engaging and addictive combat system, tons of customization, and fucking transforming mechs! I just loved this game so much that I wanted to inhabit it. I really found myself wishing I could be on Mira... well, when it wasn't being ravaged by aliens, at least. I'm really hoping this game gets a sequel, because I desperately want more. This is one game I never wanted to end.

9. Persona 4 - This is another game that seriously pulled me in and made me want to be a part of its world. It takes a seriously good game to make going to school seem as interesting has going into a dark world to fight monsters. The characters and music alone make this game amazing, but a great story and a battle system that does just enough to mix up traditional turn-based conventions make it all a worthwhile experience. Leveling up your character by doing well in school, forming tight bonds with your friends, taking part-time jobs, and even doing things like eating challenges are all really fun. And I absolutely love trying to make the best Personas by fusing different ones together.

10. Dark Souls - This game is like what would happen if Shigeru Miyamoto did a line of coke the length of a soccer field, bitchslapped Eiji Aonuma across the face, sodomized a random art designer with a sealed copy of Star Fox 64, then brandished a leather whip while yelling at everyone in the room to get to work on a new Zelda game... Or something close to that. Basically, it's a quasi-open world RPG with tight controls, fantastic world and monster design, nail-biting challenge while still somehow remaining mostly fair, and tons of customization. Or as one Steam reviewer put it: it's like Skyrim, but good.

Man, there are so many other games I could mention. It's hard to limit this to just 10.
07/01/16 02:37AM
As i'm new here xD, i'll write a little reply

1- Chrono Trigger: This game is my life, i've completed it over 500 times (no joking) i know every aspect of it, i am waiting a remake of it, because a fanmade remake was cancelled :(

2- Super Hexagon: I like hard games, this is one of those, i completed every level and never got angry, is the best xD.

3- BioShock Infinite: As i was playing it, i didn't pay too much attention to what was i doing, but when i finished it... <3 i love time travel / paradox, you know.

4- Hyperdimension Neptunia: The best anime-like game i've played, i'm that kind of people that hates recycled dungeons, but doesn't means that the dialogue is its best pro.

5- Black Ops 2 Multiplayer: I usually don't like campaigns, i'm just listing the games i like the most, after becoming a pro on this game i left it, but i had +1000 hours on it.
I have more like Age of Empires 2, Ignition, but i don't want to say anything about it as most people know these.

PD: Why don't making a steam group about this site? just saying.

PD2: Just to improve my english, can you tell me the misatkes i made please? :D
07/01/16 03:27AM
Eh, sure. I'll give this a shot:

10) Dragon Quest V
09) Turok: Dinosaur Hunter
08) Magical Drop III
07) Riviera: the Promised Land
06) River City Ransom
05) F-Zero GX
04) Super Monkey Ball Deluxe
03) DOOM
02) Super Metroid
01) Metroid Fusion

I can't say this list is 100% accurate, but these are all games I really like.

Honorable Mention goes to:

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Clock Tower
Demon's Souls
Dragon Warrior
F-Zero X
Final Fantasy V
Gain Ground
Gradius III
Marble Madness
Metroid Prime
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!
Operation Darkness
Pocky & Rocky
Pokemon Puzzle League
Puyo Puyo SUN
Shin Megami Tensei
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
Super Castlevania IV
Super Mario World
The Battle of Olympus
Turok 2
Turok Rage Wars

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