06/28/16 01:27AM
Who's crying like an anime fan on prom night?
So... Might No. 9.

Get out your journals kids, this is going down in video game history. You'll be able to tell your kids, "I was there." Christ, talk about having the perfect ingredients, and still fucking it up. The music's okay? I guess? I'm sympathetic to the art style, but that's a super personal thing? The designs of the not Mavericks are okay? I like Not Zero?

Seriously though. HOW THE FUCK DID YOU DO THIS INAFUNE?! Hell, the worst thing is that now people are doubting Bloodstained and Yooka-Laylee. So... fuck you?

Still, Steve Blum is better than nothing.
06/28/16 01:45AM
<<|Jim Sterling>> just did on a vid on this if anyone's interested.

As for my personal thoughts, though I did not contribute nor am I a Mega Man fan, my condolences towards fans who were disappointed. While there can still be some from the absolute schadenfreude that launch and reviews the game has generated, I can't help but view this whole affair as something of a tragedy.

Here's hoping those other two games you just mentioned help restore Kickstarter's credibility.
06/28/16 06:49AM
Shantae's coming out later this year too! I remember backing that back in 2013...

It's just a warning about feature creep, is all.
06/28/16 08:51AM
I also backed Mighty Big Disappointment and I apparently got it on hands down the worst console to get it for: the Wii U. I figured the game would be right at home on the Wii U considering it was supposed to play similarly to ye olde Mega Man-e Gamese. Instead, they should have called the Wii U version Mighty Long Loading Times because the fact that Tokyo Mirage Sessions, a game exponentially more graphically intensive, has loading times that are a fraction of Mighty Number 9's is absolutely pathetic. I think I saw that other platforms do not have this issue, which good for them, but makes me wonder what the hell they did to the Wii U version. Also add in the fact that the graphics look average at best and arguably worse than the tech demo for the game shown in early Kickstarter videos, the mediocre soundtrack, and the frustrating level designs that will punish you if not for absolute precise movement (Electric Boss' Stage). I'm also disappointed by the English voice acting. I'm usually one of the weird people in my group that actually shies away from Japanese voice acting in favor of dubs because... I guess because that's the language I speak? Idk, I won't get into that conversation, it's just how I am. But in here...? It just grates on me (with a few exceptions). Call sounds so... lifeless, and the fact that nobody's mouths even move just looks lazy. Ugh... just thinking about all this nonsense gives me a headache.

I have no idea where all of that Kickstarter money went. I am extra frustrated because I backed at the $99 marker thinking this was going to be a full retail $60, or at least $40 game. Now I find out it's $19.99? You mean to tell me I paid five times the price for... this and things I won't ever actually get? Wow I'm such a tool. Never again though. Not from Comcept.

But hey, we're supposed to be happy. "It's better than nothing."


Sorry for the rant. I had to get that out of my head. It's been driving me insane for the past week.
06/28/16 09:04AM
Chibideath said:
I also backed Mighty Big Disappointment and I apparently got it on hands down the worst console to get it for: the Wii U. I figured the game would be right at home on the Wii U considering it was supposed to play similarly to ye olde Mega Man-e Gamese. Instead, they should have called the Wii U version Mighty Long Loading Times because the fact that Tokyo Mirage Sessions, a game exponentially more graphically intensive, has loading times that are a fraction of Mighty Number 9's is absolutely pathetic. I think I saw that other platforms do not have this issue, which good for them, but makes me wonder what the hell they did to the Wii U version. Also add in the fact that the graphics look average at best and arguably worse than the tech demo for the game shown in early Kickstarter videos, the mediocre soundtrack, and the frustrating level designs that will punish you if not for absolute precise movement (Electric Boss' Stage). I'm also disappointed by the English voice acting. I'm usually one of the weird people in my group that actually shies away from Japanese voice acting in favor of dubs because... I guess because that's the language I speak? Idk, I won't get into that conversation, it's just how I am. But in here...? It just grates on me (with a few exceptions). Call sounds so... lifeless, and the fact that nobody's mouths even move just looks lazy. Ugh... just thinking about all this nonsense gives me a headache.

I have no idea where all of that Kickstarter money went. I am extra frustrated because I backed at the $99 marker thinking this was going to be a full retail $60, or at least $40 game. Now I find out it's $19.99? You mean to tell me I paid five times the price for... this and things I won't ever actually get? Wow I'm such a tool. Never again though. Not from Comcept.

But hey, we're supposed to be happy. "It's better than nothing."


Sorry for the rant. I had to get that out of my head. It's been driving me insane for the past week.

Better let it out.....when keiji anounced the first delay is when i stopped believing on that game potential(that and the first trailer) sadly it seems megaman is pretty much dead.
06/28/16 09:07AM
I just wanted Megaman Legends 3. Barring that, a game that could successfully thumb its nose at Capcom. Now?

All I can do is hope that Bloodstained is good.

06/28/16 09:09AM
DrgnmastrAlex said:
I just wanted Megaman Legends 3. Barring that, a game that could successfully thumb its nose at Capcom. Now?

All I can do is hope that Bloodstained is good.


Actually i forgot that they are making a megaman series,the one working on it are the makers of generator rex and avengers earth mightiest heroes.
06/28/16 09:55AM
I'm starting to think that Azure Striker Gunvolt might be a better Mighty Number 9 than Mighty Number 9 actually is.

-Gameplay that simultaneously tried to feel like the old games but did so without being unintuitive (when you shoot enemies, you "tag" them and then you shoot electricity at them.). No confusing stunning crap. Enemies that you feel should already be dead, actually are dead.

-Level design that actually complemented this reimagined gameplay.

-Is anime so it won't make anime fans cry.

-Also when you do well enough in the game, the music suddenly gets vocals and it's the best shit ever.

Anyway, I'm pretty bummed about this as well. I was thinking about getting the game myself cuz Call is a qt. Oh well.
06/28/16 10:27AM
I had hope when they announced the delay. It either means the devs are legitimately behind, OR they are working to make the game better than it already is.
When I heard they were cutting features promised, I knew it was going to be DOA. The team had an okay budget, thanks to kickstarter, and they were experienced from what I'm told. But I'm now so glad I didn't back it, because it's a mess. I haven't even played it, but from how all my friends are talking I won't want to. I have friends that like the game and still say it's essence of ASS.
06/28/16 03:21PM
I torrented it and I still feel cheated.
06/28/16 09:56PM
God, how do you have a budget of four million dollars (nine-hundred thousand before stretch goals, but still), and have a game that just looks so ugly and plays so poorly? Where did that money even go?

I just can't even imagine what was going through the developers' heads when they released in its current state. How did they delay so much and still get freaking nothing done? Did they spend all their time and money on that four hour credits sequence?
06/28/16 11:33PM
At least we still have Bloodstained. I don't really know about either of the other games -- was never hugely into Megaman and was never into Banjo Kazooie at all so I haven't payed attention to either of those Kickstarters. Bloodstained, though, is looking fantastic, and since I just played their E3 demo that they sent out to backers, I'm not worried at all. It's gonna be freaking amazing.
06/28/16 11:39PM
ChefPyro said:
I torrented it and I still feel cheated.

People who haven't played it feel cheated.

And they're the lucky ones.
06/29/16 01:57AM
Pinkanator said:
Steve Blum



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