06/29/16 01:25PM
Fandom Harem Hypno Roleplay Invitation
Roleplayers wanted! Anyone interested in being a hypnotist or being a sub is very welcome!
I always had this little fantasy ever since I was little about various cartoon/video game gals getting hypnotized by some super powerful hypnotist girl. She'd gather all of them and turn them into her slaves and she could do whatever she wanted with them using erotic hypnosis to keep them under her thumb. I always wanted someone else who shared my interests to roleplay this setting, maybe even a group.

Here's what the Mistress is able to do: Reality Manipulation, Instant Triggers, Body Control, whatever else your heart desires.

I am mega lesbian fan so I don't think I'll be letting any cartoon guys into this rp. Maybe if they're gender bents like Fiona the human for example....she's a cutie.

Skype username: sgt-mickey

contact me if you're interested ^///^
07/01/16 05:44AM
07/01/16 05:45AM
Disney girls, anime, pokemon gals are very much encouraged! Just to give you ideas
07/01/16 07:17AM
sgtmichelle said:
Disney girls, anime, pokemon gals are very much encouraged! Just to give you ideas

Does it have to be skype? I might be open to the idea if it's like a text chat or something...

07/01/16 08:11AM
sgtmichelle said:
Roleplayers wanted! Anyone interested in being a hypnotist or being a sub is very welcome!
I always had this little fantasy ever since I was little about various cartoon/video game gals getting hypnotized by some super powerful hypnotist girl. She'd gather all of them and turn them into her slaves and she could do whatever she wanted with them using erotic hypnosis to keep them under her thumb. I always wanted someone else who shared my interests to roleplay this setting, maybe even a group.

Here's what the Mistress is able to do: Reality Manipulation, Instant Triggers, Body Control, whatever else your heart desires.

I am mega lesbian fan so I don't think I'll be letting any cartoon guys into this rp. Maybe if they're gender bents like Fiona the human for example....she's a cutie.

Skype username: sgt-mickey

contact me if you're interested ^///^

Love the idea, but don't want it to be by skype.
07/01/16 08:20AM
Pieman754 said:
Love the idea, but don't want it to be by skype.

Maybe Discord?
It's free and it doesn't have ads
07/07/16 11:19AM
LillyTank said:
Does it have to be skype? I might be open to the idea if it's like a text chat or something...

Pieman754 said:
Love the idea, but don't want it to be by skype.

steek said:
Maybe Discord?
It's free and it doesn't have ads

I guess I can get a Discord server working for you three!
07/11/16 08:06AM
Is this still occuring, cuz i haven't been on the hub in a while and I would love to be a part of this! (I did get an invite)
07/12/16 04:32AM
I wanna be part of it too, actually. Could I join as well?
07/16/16 11:04AM
I'm interested on that too
07/18/16 11:09AM
Pieman754 said:
Love the idea, but don't want it to be by skype.

If you don't want it on skype then I got a discord server!
07/18/16 11:23AM
OrangeJuicestice said:
Is this still occuring, cuz i haven't been on the hub in a while and I would love to be a part of this! (I did get an invite)

So you did get an invite? I-If not then you got the my skype contact! I'll post the link to my discord server on the thread ^w^

This link changes each day so I'll do my best to keep the thread updated! But my skype account doesn't. If Discord or Skype doesn't work for you then I'll see what else I can do to accomodate
07/20/16 01:20PM

Come on in if you feel fit
09/17/16 03:39PM
* the girl with red hair was grumbling as she was at Starbucks and bringing back coffee * She's always such a bitch! Why does she have to be such an idiot? She doesn't clean her room and she makes me go out and get her coffee after she left me at a resturaunt to pay the bill?! I'm using this thing! * she poured the love potion in her coffee * dumb girl...she'll get what's coming to her...her magic is too weak and she's too poor to afford a love potion like this...she'll be begging for me and I'll treat HER like crap
Tracer: * arrives home and lays the coffee on the table glad that starbucks sharpie's names on the cups *
WannabeSceneKid: *walks into the room, being a little taller than you and having the same coloured hair, with similar facial features, mine being covered up almost entirely by an overdose of makeup* Haha, look who arrived home! Little One finally got my coffee, did you? I hope it's the correct type, otherwise i'll have to take more of your stuff away from you and hide it... and we don't want that now, do we Little One? *I keep mocking you, being the annoying bitch i always am towards my younger sister* Now scurry along, i left something in your room... *i hint at something urgent, possibly a horrible prank, the type i usually play on you, something so urgent you've learned to attend the situation quickly*
Tracer: * I gasp and glare at you * Dammit! Can't you go one day without absolutely fucking with me?! * she scrambles out of the living room and into her bedroom *
Tracer: * she slams the door and starts working in her room and you could hear crashing as she tripped * AHHHHH!!!!!!
WannabeSceneKid: hehe... that annoying little brat is gunna get what's coming for her... she'll be BEGGING for me to hate her by the end of this... *as you leave the room in a hurry, i pull out a small pink vial of the exact same liquid you used, having bought it a few minutes after you'd bought yours, just missing you* haha, Little One still can't walk correctly... *i open the vial and your coffee cup, before dumping all the liquid into the cup, hastily covering the coffee and hiding the vial* Oh yeah Sis, i was just joking! There's nothing in your room!!! *i then mutter* guliable sis...
WannabeSceneKid: // am i typing too much
WannabeSceneKid: // ?*
Tracer: // no I'll find some stuff do as we go on
WannabeSceneKid: // okay, i'm okay if you don't match my word count, small is good, as long as i can understand it
Tracer: // alright
Tracer: * she irritatedly opens the door slowly, her red hair all messed up. She flattens it back down and grumbles... * ha ha ha...I just love it when we get to spend time together sis. You're so delightful... * she says as she walks grumpily to her coffee and snatches it up and takes a long sip *
WannabeSceneKid: *i take a sip almost in sync with you, our blood line giving us similar timing in all apsects* haha, yeah, it's SO much fun hanging out with you Little One, i just hope you'll call me Big One one day, like you should~ *i tease at what i believe will come next, with you bending to my will as i am blissfully unaware of the surprise you've left for me in my cup*
Tracer: * she slowly feels the coffee flow down her through her throat and she mockingly says * yeah! Alright Big one!
WannabeSceneKid: hehe... *i mutter to myself "it's working..." before taking another sip of the coffee, feeling the same feeling as you with the slightly-off taste in the coffee due to the potion*
Tracer: * she gulps her coffee down more and then squints at her * Big is right...Big mouth! Big head! Big...boobs...big b-butt, * she gulped and sipped her coffee trying to brush off what she said *
WannabeSceneKid: oh? What was that, Little slu-one? *i try to cover my mistake the same way as you, taking a sip and staring into your eyes* D-Does this coffee taste off to your sis?
Tracer: * she then glanced at her big sister apologetically and then shakes her head * t-tastes fine to me~ * she was very upset that she had insulted her big sister...Why would she say something so hurtful especially after all she's done for her...she then said something softly* Hey're real know that? * she said softly without smiling kind of reluctant but she continued to sip her coffee slowly but surely being affected *
WannabeSceneKid: r-really...? *i look at my little sis with surprise, my expression turning from surprise into kindness as i look at you and finish taking the sip i had started after questioning your compliment* W-Well, i've always been... jealous of your body.... *i blush a bit, breaking eye contact and not believing i just said what i said*
Tracer: (name for my character, Crystal)
WannabeSceneKid: // i'll go with Ruby then
Tracer: Are you kidding?! You're the bombshell! You* her eyes widened * sexy......* she continued to sip her coffee as she began to feel a moistness between her legs. What was going on?! She was never like this no no! She was! Her sister too, always so hot. She was just having a bad week was all....oh but she wanted to make her sister happy in any way she could. * Hey sis! You like lesbian porn right? * why was that what she chose?! Is she insane?! Why would she bring up porn...? *
WannabeSceneKid: o-ohh.... uhm... *i blush quite a bit, looking back at your eyes as even my plastered on foundation fails to hide my blush* Uhh... y-yeah, i love it!! *What? I didn't feel right, like i was saying things i didn't want to. Personally prefering guys and cocks, i didn't know why i answered yes to lesbian porn... except i did feel a strange connection to my sis deep down inside* H-Hey... now that you bring it up... wanna faa....aantasise about guys at our school? *i try to avoid the subject, not fully in my "trance" yet but obviously breaking, only just "saving" the situation*
Tracer: guys?
WannabeSceneKid: u-uhm... i-i meant.... *i blush even more now, unable to break eye contact this time though* g-girls...?
Tracer: * Crystal laughed and then raised an eyebrow * Don't be going straight on me sis! * Crystal shook her head as if she'd always been a lesbian * I can't really get into the whole boys thing...kind of...icky~ I could never look at a cock and go...oh cool! But with girl's butts and....everything! UGH!!! So hot! Fantasizing about girls, huh? Guess you're guiding me through that phase. * she was sliding into this more! She sat across from her sister and thought * What about Miley? She's cute! Her southern accent is so cute! Sometimes I wanna rip her lil' plaid shirt open and motorboat those tiny breasts of her's!
WannabeSceneKid: u-uhm... *i take one more sip and finally fall into a state of "Oh my god, i love my little sis"* Oh my gosh, yes! Miley is SO cute, but her ass puts mine to shame! I love it and i wish i could just eat her out!! Damn though, that sounds like something fun... *i then look your body up and down* say... what about you? your ass is pretty big!
Tracer: * Crystal giggles and turns around, her leather skirt pressing against her butt and her sweet supple legs and she smacks it causing it to jiggle *
WannabeSceneKid: oh, hehe! Oh crystal... *strangely calling you by your name now, as if i gained a new-found respect for you* Dat ASS!!! I'm SO jealous!
Tracer: * her skin slowly mollding to her touch as she lay her hand on top of it and then giggling* this old thing? your's is even bigger!!! I go for the skinny girl with curves just are a natural! H-Hey sis! Remember when we were kids and we had the booty game? We'd press them against each other or hit them against eachother...and then see who's was stronger... wanna try it out again...
Tracer: you know...for memorie's sake
WannabeSceneKid: oh, haha... Sure Sis! That sounds like fun! Th-Then... maybe i could eat you out? Hehe! *i run up to you a bit, turn around and bump my hot-pants covered rear against yours* Damn though, i WISH i had a skirt AND and ass like yours! Suuuper sexy! *my blush starts to die down as i get much more comfortable with the situation*
Tracer: * Crystal on the other hand was all blushed all over, she was always a bit tougher when it came to smarts but she was dangerously close to becoming incestuous. She giggled as her butt went against her's as it did, her ass jiggled nicely, ripples of her cute tight ass was shown as her skirt slid up a bit. Upon touching it however, it felt like a soft silky pillow... * Eat me out? Were sisters silly~ * taking that statement surprisingly well despite the implications and then giggling as she began pressing her butt against yours and slowly swaying her butt side to side, her soft cheeks dipping in and out of your ass and the cheeks slowly rubbing against eachother *
WannabeSceneKid: mhmm.... *i moan a tiny bit as our asses rub together. I try to follow your patterns, moving my ass in tune with yours and following you, my shorts not sliding up or down like your sexy as fuck skirt is* mhmm, i know sis~ That's why i asked~ *i stare back at you, looking over my shoulder as our asses touch in a rather sexual manner* DAMN though, i NEED to get my hands on one of those skirts!
Tracer: * Crystal then panted and then shook her head * n-no were just playing! Sex is completely different, Ruby! See? If we were having sex we'd be in love! Do we love each oth- ? * The answer was clearly yes... why werent' they dating? She should be all over that incest love... * n-no what..amm i...* the potion kicked in and she gasped at the last bit of resistence faded and the love for her sister expanded *
WannabeSceneKid: hehe, yes DO love eachother, don't we sis? I mean, i don't know what i was doing before today, but i LOOOOOVE you now, you and your sexy little... well, sexy BIG butt! *i start to shake mine more against yours, my tits jiggling as i do so* so don't you want to have your ass eaten out? Doesn't it sound nice? Especially from me, Crystal? C'mon~ *i try to lure you into this, seemingly unaware of being hypnotised myself*
Tracer: * Crystal shook her head and she wanted to try a little bit more foreplay as she teased * but Ruby... I got a new game... it's called booby bump. Or breast press... or turn Crystal the fuck on, Ruby wh-why am I so in love with you *she gripped herself, she was in a tanktop and she huggled her arms against her waist unsure of if she was doing the right thing by wanting to date her sister*
Tracer: // how's the erp so far? you're doing SO well for someone who never did this before
WannabeSceneKid: // am i? Oh, thanks ^.^ well, this is really good o-o
Tracer: // YES!!!! Although I can't take all the credit, you did come up with the setup ;3
WannabeSceneKid: // :P
Tracer: // ruby's so cute
WannabeSceneKid: well sis, you SHOULD be my lover i reckon~ You and miley and all the girls in our group... we should all just fuck here! And if that's too fast... maybe foreplay? *i ask this, feeling as though you were being rushed into something you weren't quite ready for, but "knowing with all my heart" that you'd want it, desperately just wanting to show my love and affection for my sister in any way, shape or form* C'mon sis, i'm sure you'd LOVE it, even if it's just foreplay and a little undressing~
WannabeSceneKid: // hehe, well crystal is super duper sexy~
WannabeSceneKid: // and i WANT THAT DAMN SKIRT >:C :P
WannabeSceneKid: // hehe :P
Tracer: // im so glad were friended again
Tracer: // you and I are pretty good erp partners for each other ;3
Tracer: // u like her skirt? :3 The short leathery one that clings to the body? :3
WannabeSceneKid: // oh heck yes, i want one myself!
Tracer: // so facking cute
WannabeSceneKid: // i find it sexy :P
Tracer: // anyway... i'll reply now :3
Tracer: Uhmmm can I touch those Ruby Boobies? * Crystal asked sweetly as she smiled offering up the game that she had suggested earlier about pressing their boobs together all at once *
Tracer: * she cutely pulled at her straps of the tank top and snapped them down on her shoulders with a small smile on her face as they jiggled with an audible boining sound *
WannabeSceneKid: can you touch them? Crystal, are you out of your mind?!?! *i say this as if i had snapped back, before stopping my pause and aying abruptly* Of COURSE you can touch them! W-Well, as long as i can touch yours~
WannabeSceneKid: hehe... and i want that tank top gone~ I know you look amazing in it, but you'd look even better without it, i bet~ *i say this at you, my blush shyly returning as i stare into your eyes, my eyes dancing with glitter, being the reason to both our names*
Tracer: * Crystal felt herself melting away to a time when we were younger and used to be best friends...maybe even lovers...what happened between us? She was overjoyed to see the sparkle in Ruby's eyes that had been absent for so many years, she felt her own returning as she stared into Ruby's eyes. She then slowly reached out and her soft delicate fingers ran across your breasts and smiling...soon the smile and blush grew bigger across her face *
WannabeSceneKid: mhmmm... th-this feels... special... intimate... *i say this as i stare into your eyes, into your soul and "touch" you, almost, feeling true love for the first time with... my sister?!? Is this right? I questioned myself for a moment but when i regained focus i knew why. I loved you, i loved my sister and i loved her with all my might and wanted to share it with her* C-Crystal... i love you! I love you so much!
Tracer: * I look into your eyes, locked in this bond that we shared as sisters, she knew that she indeed loved her sister but not until today did she ever consider this..., that tthey were destined to be sexual well as romantic, she loved her with all her heart now and she wasn't afraid to show it! She then pressed her body against Ruby and said * I love you too Ruby...with all my soul...I will stay forever true to you...whatever you say...I will obey...I live to make you happy * she squeezed her breast playfully before winking and smirking bringing back the light hearted tone * sis~ <3
Tracer: ♥
WannabeSceneKid: mhmmm, that's right~ You're mine, my lover~ and my obedient pet when i want.... *i can't believe i just said that, calling you a sexual slave for me.... i was even a sub myself and could never imagine myself being a dom, especially for another woman... yet here i was, standing over my sis with a slightly devilish look in my eyes, as if i controlled her* mhmm, sis, i still love you though~<3
Tracer: Be the dom? I'll allow it only if I get to be YOUR mistress from time to time and I get some Ruby pet time as well, as well as when we can be equal and just go on dates~ * she giggled and then shook her head a bit dissapointed as she ran her thumbs around Ruby's nipples flicking them a bit playfully * I'm sorry I think I'm winning this game~
Tracer: You haven't touched my lil' C cups once yet
WannabeSceneKid: but you've touched my D cups already~ *That was a lie, my breasts were really just high-end C cups, larger than yours but not by much. I still liked to show them off though, as my big ass still wasn't as big as yours. We had advantages in other places. I decided to move on and start playing with your breasts, instantly groping them and playing with them softly, yet roughly, taking care as i groped them almost*
WannabeSceneKid: hmmmm sis, i should've started earlier~
09/18/16 12:10AM
anymore from this? This may be interesting...
1 2>>>

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