06/30/16 12:33PM
The I'm sorry thread.
So, that last thread was deleted. Not sure by who, or why, but it was. Doesn't matter. Point is, I can never thank you guys enough for always being there for me, and to keep me in check. I've been with you guys for just over a year now, and it's been a year that's completely turned my life on it's head. Without you guys, I doubt I'd have made it through. I was dead-set on doing it, too. I'd been planning the whole month, reading myself, distancing myself, and believing that it had to be done. Do I still believe that? I don't know. Always remember that if I'm gone for too long without explanation, expect the worst. Thing is, that birthday thread pretty much broke me. You guys are so wonderful, and to get such a warm reception from you guys was more than I could take. So thanks, I guess. Sure, now I've got to plan around NOT being gone, but, details. Anyway. I'm going to try and get some help today, going to ask some people I know, and they should be able to get me in contact with someone. I can't really put into words how much you guys really mean to me, but I'd be gone without you all, and as much as I want that, I can't bear to let you go.
06/30/16 01:51PM
Happens to the best of us, no need to apologize.

Ok, I was a tiny bit miffed that my wall of text was deleted without much time to linger, but a small price to pay, yeah?

I'll pull the apology for that from your grave long, long from now.
06/30/16 02:16PM
Good on you. I really mean it. I hope you get everything sorted out.
06/30/16 03:15PM
And hey, my offer for letting u hear about the big upcoming project I have in mind's still on the table... ;3
06/30/16 03:30PM
I'm very glad you're still here, pink :-)

That offer I made to sketch up an OC of yours is still on the table, you know ;-)
06/30/16 05:27PM
Good to hear from you man. Wishing you the best on getting yourself back up, finding some help is the first place to start.

It's gonna be a rough road, but we're all here with you.
06/30/16 05:27PM
Thanks so much for staying alive, it means a lot. Best wishes.
06/30/16 06:14PM
Thank fuck for snapping out of your breakdown last night. Glad to see your head is (mostly) back on right.

(I say mostly because of your random shitposting, and I wouldn't have it any other way).
06/30/16 06:14PM
Good to see you're doing better. Thank you for staying.

You don't need to apologize for having a problem. Like pokefan said, it happens to the best of us.

Thinking of you.
06/30/16 06:15PM
Thanks guys. You really do mean the world to me, and this means so much.
06/30/16 06:20PM
You can't leave yet, you still have work to do!
06/30/16 07:12PM
Like I said in the last thread... not trying to be mean here, trying to be helpful here, but... if you seriously considered killing yourself over the fact that an animated pony isn't real... then you need to see a shrink. Like, right now.
06/30/16 07:48PM
Good to know you are ok.
06/30/16 08:36PM
Glad to hear you're still kicking dude!
06/30/16 08:44PM
You don't need to apologize. I'm just glad to know that you're doing alright.
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