07/02/16 01:18AM
The weird things about you thread.
Y'know, that weird stuff about you that no-one would guess.

Occasionally, during conversations, I. will. cut myself when speaking.

When I'm anxious about a situation (which is common), my arms default to this sort of... raptor state.

I travel nearly exclusively by bike.

I don't walk anymore, because it causes my legs to explode into a furious itch that makes it impossible to walk very far, without having to stop and sit down for 10 minutes every 5 feet.

When my hair is cut short, it makes my face look like a woman's. I have no idea why, my brain just looks at it and thinks "woman". This doesn't happen when my hair is longer.

I am a compulsive mug collector. I've got all sorts of shit. There's a Gromit mug from Curse of the Wererabbit, a Clark Kent mug that turns into Superman when heated, a Carnage mug that my friend didn't want from his LootCrate, an MGS3 mug, a Captain Phasma mug, a shit-ton of Sonic mugs, a Jack Skellington mug I got from Disneyland Paris (Disneyland is in the Google dictionary?) and a Neo Robia mug.
07/02/16 02:12AM
It is entirely feasible that I have an aspartame addiction...
07/02/16 02:15AM
Whenever I come up with an idea for a story, I become absolutely obsessed with it. I'll spend just about every waking moment thinking about how to improve it, where to take the story, how to make the characters more interesting or likable, whether to focus on comedy or drama, and other such things. These thoughts will consume me for hours at a time, and sometimes I'll spend months focusing on a story's creation -- only to never write it.

Yeah, that's the other thing. I want to write. I really want to write, all the time, about whatever odd stories I've come up with, but I have so much difficulty forcing myself to sit down and actually do it. So, most of the time, I don't get any writing done and I feel terrible about myself because I feel like I've disappointed anyone who reads it. Then I tell myself, "I'll write tomorrow," and then I never do.

Oh, and that part where I become obsessed with story ideas? I can't turn it off, and I can't focus on a previous idea once I've come up with a new one. There's an Undertale story I've been writing over on (not gonna link it or give the title since it's under my normal account name -- I trust you guys, but I'm too paranoid of a person to give out that information just yet), but I haven't touched it in weeks because I came up with the idea for an RPG Maker game. I want to work on the Undertale story, but I can't focus on it for too long, and I ultimately just find myself opening up RPG Maker MV every time I sit down at the computer. In a few weeks -- maybe a month or two, depending on how "lucky" I am --, I'll stop focusing on that because I'll find a new story that I won't write.

So yeah. I guess my weird thing is that I can come up with dozens of complex stories, and nobody will ever read them.

Also, I write huge walls of text to explain what I could get across in a sentence or two, dramatic sentences optional.
07/02/16 02:24AM
NaturalCalm said:
Whenever I come up with an idea for a story, I become absolutely obsessed with it. I'll spend just about every waking moment thinking about how to improve it, where to take the story, how to make the characters more interesting or likable, whether to focus on comedy or drama, and other such things. These thoughts will consume me for hours at a time, and sometimes I'll spend months focusing on a story's creation -- only to never write it.

Yeah, that's the other thing. I want to write. I really want to write, all the time, about whatever odd stories I've come up with, but I have so much difficulty forcing myself to sit down and actually do it. So, most of the time, I don't get any writing done and I feel terrible about myself because I feel like I've disappointed anyone who reads it. Then I tell myself, "I'll write tomorrow," and then I never do.

You know, I've been like that at times too, but I lack the talent to even write a single page. Writing is hard...
07/02/16 02:26AM
* My every creative thought process has been held hostage for the past three years. Ever since I started developing my first RPG Maker project, I started to have trouble thinking creatively about anything else. I really need to finish that so I can move on. <.<

* I talk to myself. A lot. In the shower, in the bathroom, in my house, taking a walk, driving around, in public; it doesn't matter where I am, I'm probably speaking my thoughts aloud.
07/02/16 02:31AM
I was petted for over 15 hours in last 30 days. 7 hours in one day. I grown to love this during few hours on convention. I am literally setting up july in way that will let me to get petted more.
07/02/16 02:37AM
JksAccount said:
You know, I've been like that at times too, but I lack the talent to even write a single page. Writing is hard...

Writing is incredibly hard, but it's also one of the most rewarding things I've ever done. Just knowing that someone somewhere enjoys my writing is enough to make me want to sit back down and keep going.

I like to think of writing as nine parts discipline and one part actual talent. The first page is always the hardest, but it gets easier after that. As long as you keep going and enjoy what you're doing, you will be a great writer to somebody.
07/02/16 02:45AM
Nazwa said:
I was petted for over 15 hours in last 30 days. 7 hours in one day. I grown to love this during few hours on convention. I am literally setting up july in way that will let me to get petted more.

Living the fucking dream, there.
07/02/16 02:53AM
*I talk with dogs

*I talk with myself

*I mix food

*I dance anywhere when i have time

07/02/16 02:57AM
No1 said:
*I mix food

I'm guilty of this. If there's food on one plate, it's soon to become a weird stew-like concoction.

No1 said:
*I talk with dogs

Funny you mention that. Apparently, fairly recent research has led scientists to believe that dogs, cats, and other domesticated housepet animals actually have the capacity to understand human language in its entirety.

Finally, science is learning all that pet owners have figured for ages!

Wish I could find that article again to source it, though...
07/02/16 03:28AM
Vanndril said:
Funny you mention that. Apparently, fairly recent research has led scientists to believe that dogs, cats, and other domesticated housepet animals actually have the capacity to understand human language in its entirety.

Finally, science is learning all that pet owners have figured for ages!

Wish I could find that article again to source it, though...

Not my Cat though. He's too stupid for that. He can't find food directly in front of him, and fall for the same "no, out of the room" tricks every time.
07/02/16 03:29AM
I learnt juggling and firespinning after I got tricked into running a circus skills society at college and have kept it up ever since. I mostly use the contact staff and the devil sticks

In all my time firespinning and doing martial arts I have never picked up a single injury but did once requite physiotherapy after a friend hugged me so hard I fell over

I know 3 people who have been kicked out of the Vatican and if I ever go there I want to try and join them
07/02/16 03:51AM
- I've been struck by lightning.

- Due to an accident I had as a child, where my arm was slammed in a van door, I can only move my arm straight across my back if I put it behind my back (my other arm, I can touch my opposite shoulderblade with)

- I have Trichotillomania.
07/02/16 05:14AM
EdgeOfTheMoon said:
I know 3 people who have been kicked out of the Vatican

make that four
07/02/16 06:45AM
I learned to masturbate when I was 5.
1 2345>>>

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