07/04/16 08:17AM
Happy Dependence Day!
Let's all do our utmost to celebrate our lack of freedom! @w@
07/04/16 08:35AM
Aye. I like to call it National Hypocrisy Day. The day in which we celebrate our freedoms as our government strips more and more of those freedoms away every year.
07/04/16 08:39AM
LittleToyMaker said:
Aye. I like to call it National Hypocrisy Day. The day in which we celebrate our freedoms as our government strips more and more of those freedoms away every year.

I like to call it July 4th.
07/04/16 09:22AM
LittleToyMaker said:
Aye. I like to call it National Hypocrisy Day. The day in which we celebrate our freedoms as our government strips more and more of those freedoms away every year.

* Hypnocrisy
07/04/16 10:07AM
Wait, dependency day has nothing to do with giving into your vices, does it?

Whoops. Oh well, c'mere Cap'n Morgan. We got some stuff to sort out.
07/04/16 10:10AM
Well, after the Brexit debacle, I think everyone's just taken it as "International Fuck Britain Day"
07/04/16 10:11AM
pokefannafekop said:
Well, after the Brexit debacle, I think everyone's just taken it as "International Fuck Britain Day"

I think that was decided as the official title well before Brexit.

That just made it a bit more official after the split.
07/04/16 10:19AM
pokefannafekop said:
Well, after the Brexit debacle, I think everyone's just taken it as "International Fuck Britain Day"

Since brexit I think that's pretty much every day, tbh.
07/04/16 10:24AM
Talking about Brexit makes me think about how some people want Texas to leave America.

I think it would be funny as hell to see that happen, I think Florida and New Jersey should do the same.
07/04/16 10:30AM
Imasuky said:
Talking about Brexit makes me think about how some people want Texas to leave America.

I think it would be funny as hell to see that happen, I think Florida and New Jersey should do the same.

Let's be honest, we could certainly do without Florida.
07/04/16 11:16AM
All I really need to say is if you care so much then instead of complaining on the internet, go do something about it.

Can't remember where I heard this, but unless you can come up with a course of action to take, all complaining achieves is making other people complain. Propose a course of action and you get people thinking about how they could enact change.

But really, no one here is gonna be bothered to get off their ass and do anything, myself included.

So happy 4th of July!

(PS, the "Independence" in Independence Day has nothing to do with personal freedom. It's all about declaring independence from Britain. Independence =/= Freedom)
07/04/16 11:23AM
Great going on Nigel Farage though. Yes, quoting ID4 is the perfect way to show you are completly attached to reality.
07/04/16 11:24AM
Guys, listen I know the sequel came out recently but both of those movies were sub par at best, can we please stop talking about Independence Day? Seriously, that movie is always talked about this time of year and I can never understand why.

Edit: Damn it Pink! You suddenly made my post more topical! :P
07/04/16 11:32AM
Note: Who the fuck chose to call it "ID4", anyway?! Little Pinky was always super confused because he say it all the time, but never ID 1-3.
07/04/16 11:37AM
Pinkanator said:
Note: Who the fuck chose to call it "ID4", anyway?! Little Pinky was always super confused because he say it all the time, but never ID 1-3.

There was a rights dispute while they were making the movie and they weren't sure if they could use the title "Independence Day". By the time it was sorted out, the movie was mostly done and the advertising had already been using ID4.
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