07/04/16 08:53AM
Writing Prompt Request (SFW Only)
Hello, everyone

It's been a while but I want to try writing something. Would it be alright if I asked the community for a brainstorm?

I appreciate any and all feed back.
07/04/16 08:57AM
Well, do you have a basic topic in mind that you want prompts for, or are you asking for any and all prompts, no matter what they're about (as long as they're SFW)?
07/04/16 09:00AM
I was just thinking about posting the same kind of thread, I'm stuck with pretty bad writer's block myself.

What I always try to do is pick if I'm doing an Original or Fanfic.

So which are you wanting to do?

I personally write most Fanfics, almost always yuri, And very far from SFW.
07/04/16 09:01AM
MilesHypnoPrower said:
Well, do you have a basic topic in mind that you want prompts for, or are you asking for any and all prompts, no matter what they're about (as long as they're SFW)?

For now "any and all" is what I asking; as do not want to restrict people to much in providing.

Imasuky said:
What I always try to do is pick if I'm doing an Original or Fanfic.

So which are you wanting to do?

Edit: I don't mind doing a Fanfic either if I'm familiar with the series.
07/04/16 09:08AM
Write about a "werewolf" style hypnotist, where by day she's just a normal woman working the 9-5 grind while attending school, but by night, she goes around looking for girls to entrhrall that follow her every whim. And when she wakes back up in the morning she's still with the girl still acting like a total sub, making her get all flustered like, "Aw no, not agaaaaain!"
07/04/16 09:18AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Write about a "werewolf" style hypnotist, where by day she's just a normal woman working the 9-5 grind while attending school, but by night, she goes around looking for girls to entrhrall that follow her every whim. And when she wakes back up in the morning she's still with the girl still acting like a total sub, making her get all flustered like, "Aw no, not agaaaaain!"

Oh, I like this. Or, if you wanted to flesh this prompt out any more, perhaps the werewolf-style comes from a tulpa -- at some point in her past, she was programmed with a latent extra personality that wants nothing more than to collect thralls, pets, slaves, subs, etc.~
07/04/16 09:28AM
... Hmm. Not really much to go on right now. But sfw, I guess. Are you more comfortable from the dom or sub pov? As far as the story goes. Sorry, need a bit more to go on than brain storm.

If the sub (just a guess) maybe something to do with the acceptance of an "out there" request from the dom as a proof of loyalty? My favourites always have more to do with asking for something not directly sexual or forceful.

Maybe if you felt really interested you could do a story from the viewpoints of the "dominant-submissive" where the sub is pushy about getting "forced" to do something. Been in those relationships before... Good times. Once again, most certainly doesn't have to be sexual. Just something the sub needs "pushed" into. Am I on the right track?
07/04/16 09:43AM
Spot reserved. Will get back later.
07/04/16 09:44AM
MilesHypnoPrower said:
Oh, I like this. Or, if you wanted to flesh this prompt out any more, perhaps the werewolf-style comes from a tulpa -- at some point in her past, she was programmed with a latent extra personality that wants nothing more than to collect thralls, pets, slaves, subs, etc.~

Well yeah, basically that, hence why she gets all annoyed with her other persona whenever she's stuck "babysitting" for some other adult woman now acting all lovey-dovey for her. She'd prob be more timid by day, other persona by night's super promiscuous and never likes taking "no" for an answer.

This is based off a concept for an OC I originally had, but eh, working rn with a friend to get a dryad OC up and running here on the hub first and foremost. So yeah, interested in seeing ya flesh this idea or if possible. :3

EDIT: then again would prob fit more as a "Dr. Jelly Mr. Hyde" sorta thing, yet I still like the idea of by day = timid normal girl, by night = noble domineering seductress.
07/04/16 10:05AM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
EDIT: then again would prob fit more as a "Dr. Jelly Mr. Hyde" sorta thing, yet I still like the idea of by day = timid normal girl, by night = noble domineering seductress.

Yeah, I could see this, but it's something a bit harder to work with from a sfw perspective, especially if you wanted to play up the differences in the personalities.

That's why I was thinking something in the "Dominant-submissive" sort of camp. Something where the sub could be pushy to get "forced" to do something outside of the standard comfort zone. (Getting hypno'd for a night on the town, or a friend's party that the dom wasn't too interested in going to before the sub brought it up.) I'm a huge fan of the sort of thing Miles brought up, but it in a sfw story is a bit hard to get going (From my perspective, feel free to prove me wrong, PLEASE).

Either way, I'd be curious to see the end result of the story!
07/04/16 02:22PM

If you know Mass Effect, I'd love to see prompt of Legion reprogramming geths (big ones, alphas? Not sure, long time since I played it) in ME3... from point of view of reprogrammed geths.

Also, point-of-view of disobedient pokemon, from capture to point where it starts to obey? :3
07/04/16 11:59PM
Nazwa said:
Also, point-of-view of disobedient pokemon, from capture to point where it starts to obey? :3

All of my this. Is it the Pokeball that makes it obedient? Is it the badges? What is it about badges that make Pokemon obey? You have SO MANY options for this. XD
07/05/16 12:21AM
MilesHypnoPrower said:
All of my this. Is it the Pokeball that makes it obedient? Is it the badges? What is it about badges that make Pokemon obey? You have SO MANY options for this. XD

Perhaps that would be a good one to do but I'm not quite sure I'll go in that direction.
07/05/16 12:42AM
LillyTank said:
Perhaps that would be a good one to do but I'm not quite sure I'll go in that direction.

Pokemon one intentionally was formed in way that allow, but not force, MC elements.
07/06/16 02:23PM
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