07/04/16 09:41AM
A request from a bunch of turds in a Skype group (POLL CONCLUDED)
So, while in the SECRET ELUSIVE PENKEN SKYPE GROUP that isn't actually elusive or anything, me and some other guys got into an argument we'd like the Hub's opinion on.
Catgirls, Bunnygirls, or Cowgirls?


And the winner of the poll, with a whopping 51 votes, is Catgirls! Bunnygirls came in second with 39 votes, and Cowgirls came in last with only 20.
07/04/16 11:44PM
If cow girls win free milk for everyone.
07/04/16 11:58PM
Argonis said:
If cow girls win free milk for everyone.
07/05/16 12:08AM
TheSpoon said:

If it's hypnotic milk, then sure.
07/05/16 12:16AM
Catgirs if taken at face value, cowgirls if the level of cow-ness isn't too severe (that is, more than 2 breasts/nipples, cow-faces, etc.) but yeah, curvy large-breasted girls with horns, i can get behind that
07/05/16 01:07AM
Level of furriness makes a huge difference for me. If they're all just anthropomorphic animals, I've gotta go with catgirls. If we're talking about women with animalistic features (tails, ears, horns, etc.), then I've gotta go with cowgirls. Of course, it really depends on their outfits, since clothing makes a huge difference as far as presentation and attractiveness are concerned, at least for me.
07/05/16 02:00AM
Catgirls. Thinking about the typical ones with only ears and tail and their skin is not actually fur. (Although I am fine with a bit more furry). They actually have to be 'realistic' though. So not whatever the fuck is in Re Zero/Gate, but more like Spice and Wolf.
07/05/16 02:52AM
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance really got me into bunny girls.
07/05/16 03:12AM
Cat girls are a lack luster saturated medium full of mediocre creative design limited to ears and tails followed by nothing else leaving it a flippant fanservice and nothing more. BUNNY GIRLS are a glorious art full of beautiful variety and inspiration, bringing to life a character through next level bunny ears tech, buck teeth that symbolize purity through naivety, floofy poof tails that don't distract from a beautiful design and healthy curvy legs that invoke a primal sexual arousal in all man and woman.

[spoiler] cowgirls more like whybothergirls
07/05/16 04:28AM
Zko said:
A bunch of stuff

For something so lack luster it sure is funny how they're winning the poll.
07/05/16 04:32AM
I've found a problem with your poll.
07/05/16 04:33AM
Zko said:
Cat girls are a lack luster saturated medium full of mediocre creative design limited to ears and tails followed by nothing else leaving it a flippant fanservice and nothing more. BUNNY GIRLS are a glorious art full of beautiful variety and inspiration, bringing to life a character through next level bunny ears tech, buck teeth that symbolize purity through naivety, floofy poof tails that don't distract from a beautiful design and healthy curvy legs that invoke a primal sexual arousal in all man and woman.

[spoiler] cowgirls more like whybothergirls

I thought we were friends
07/05/16 04:37AM
Zko said:
Cat girls are a lack luster saturated medium full of mediocre creative design limited to ears and tails followed by nothing else leaving it a flippant fanservice and nothing more. BUNNY GIRLS are a glorious art full of beautiful variety and inspiration, bringing to life a character through next level bunny ears tech, buck teeth that symbolize purity through naivety, floofy poof tails that don't distract from a beautiful design and healthy curvy legs that invoke a primal sexual arousal in all man and woman.

[spoiler] cowgirls more like whybothergirls

Them's fightin' words.
07/05/16 04:50AM
LillyTank said:
I've found a problem with your poll.

If it's that you can technically vote more than once, I'm playing honor system on that one.
07/05/16 04:57AM
ZyxS said:
For something so lack luster it sure is funny how they're winning the poll.

And Transformers is still doing gangbusters in the box office, check mate, game set and match, Christians 1; Atheists 0, Team kill, #triggered.

Dreamshade said:
I thought we were friends

There are no friends in war.

[spoiler] Also I've just seen so many catgirls they aren't as special to me at this point, so bunnies are just more interesting.
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