07/04/16 10:14AM
Writer's Block
I'm doing my own thread about this, LillyTank beat me by a few minutes to starting one.

But I've been stuck in a rut for a while, I write mostly yuri porn, I dabble in a lot of fandoms, Pokemon is one of my main series. I've only just recently started doing MC, But I'm open to any kind of idea MC or not.
07/04/16 10:35AM
I made a suggestion already in the other one, so if ya wanna take it on in the event she doesn't, be much appreciated~!
07/04/16 10:38AM
That is a pretty fun idea, Want to discuss it a little in a PM. I find it easier when I have someone to bounce ideas with.
07/04/16 10:55AM
Imasuky said:
That is a pretty fun idea, Want to discuss it a little in a PM. I find it easier when I have someone to bounce ideas with.

Shore thang. Shoot it at me whatever ya got thus far.
07/04/16 05:21PM
Before I go into any detail, are you familiar with the Dragon Age franchise? Cause I've got a few ideas for fics that could be made.
07/04/16 05:29PM
Contorted said:
Before I go into any detail, are you familiar with the Dragon Age franchise? Cause I've got a few ideas for fics that could be made.

Sadly not really, I played about a third of the first one and that's it.
07/04/16 05:39PM
Imasuky said:
Sadly not really, I played about a third of the first one and that's it.

Ah. That sucks. Well, how about Ghost in The Shell?
07/04/16 05:48PM
It's been a few years since I saw the movie, And I'm spotty on the series, So it depends on what you have in mind.
07/05/16 01:03PM
Just wanted to say that the story I'm doing for RedCollarBlackCollar is coming along very nicely. It's a lot of fun and I think it's shaping up to be a top quality story.

I'll be sure to share it with everyone here once it's finished.

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