08/27/13 07:35AM
Most popular tags
One of the things I've been looking forwards to with the new site is being able to look at the tags registry and sort them by count. I don't know if anyone else will find this interesting (and I apologize if you don't!) but here's some stats:

The most used tag on Hypnohub is... wait for it...

* femsub with 7795 images! I know, I'm so surprised too.

Top ten tags overall:
1. femsub
2. long_hair
3. empty_eyes
4. text
5. short_hair
6. large_breasts
7. happy_trance
8. maledom
9. brown_hair
10. topless

Top ten hypnosis-related general tags:
1. empty_eyes
2. happy_trance
3. expressionless
4. tech_control
5. dazed
6. spiral_eyes
7. kaa_eyes
8. pendulum
9. glowing_eyes
10. magic
Honorable mention: corruption

Top ten general tags not describing hair, sub/dom, or hypnosis:
1. text
2. large_breasts
3. topless
4. blush
5. manip
6. nude
7. western
8. drool
9. comic
10. feet

Top ten artists:
1. jimryu
2. brokenteapot
3. sleepymaid
4. chaoscroc
5. crazycowproductions
6. hypnogoat666
7. p.chronos
8. suechan
9. trishbot
10. egarashinai

Top ten manippers:
1. deathwish
2. mindwipe
3. vanndril
4. lost+name
5. tiechonortheal
6. vorp
7. hypnosisisgreat
8. anonymind
9. bellchan
10. arashidrgn

Now, for characters, Kaa is #1, character_request is #2, and Hypno is #11. I'm gonna ignore them since Kaa and Hypno don't typically take the sub role, and character_request is not an actual character.

Top fifteen characters:
1. Misty
2. Reimu Hakurei
3. Princess Peach
4. Tifa Lockhart
5. Amy Rose
6. Sally Acorn
7. Dawn
8. Raven
9. Kim Possible
10. Rouge the Bat
11. May
12. Patchouli Knowledge
13. Samus Aran
14. Wonder Woman
15. Saori Kenzaki (she's from Soushinjustu 3. I'd never heard of her either.)

Well, there you have it. Feel free to make baseless statistical speculations!
08/27/13 07:47AM
Huh. I always thought I'd be the one to make this. A couple things to note:

* your "induction-related tags" includes eye tags and expression tags.
* it's hard to say for sure how accurate the "most hypnotized characters" list is, because it doesn't take into account pics where the character is a dom or present, but not hypnotized (unless you did that yourself, in which case, wow).

Also, no copyrights? Allow me:

Ignoring original (#1), and company tags, the top 10 copyrights (series) are:

1. Pokemon
2. Touhou
3. Sonic the Hedgehog
4. My Little Pony
5. Final Fantasy
6. Super Mario Bros.
7. Soushinjutsu 3
8. Sailor Moon
9. Kim Possible
10. Batman
08/27/13 07:57AM
Ah, what the hell. Here's some more:

Top 10 hypnosis eyes tags:

1. empty eyes
2. spiral eyes
3. kaa eyes
4. glowing eyes
5. symbol in eyes
6. shrunken irises
7. whitewash eyes
8. heart eyes
9. ring eyes
10. crossed eyes (black sclera, if this doesn't count)

Top 10 inductions:

1. tech control
2. pendulum
3. magic
4. hypnotic eyes
5. spiral
6. headphones
7. brain injection
8. parasite
9. hypnotic music
10. hypnotic screen
(if corruption counts as an induction, it's actually #4)

Edit: My predictions:

* Jimryu will remain the top artist, barring an unforeseen event. Brokenteapot, however, will gradually fall, as he is no longer making pics.
* The "feet" tag will climb, if I have anything to say about it (However, I will not overtake deathwish as the top manipper. At least not for a very long time).
* Reimu and Misty will remain in a heated battle for top character spot (excluding Kaa), but Reimu will be victorious (is it victorious if you're constantly the victim?).
* Likewise, Touhou will eventually overtake Pokemon for top copyright. Original will likely remain #1 (especially if people actually start using the tag when they should).
* Shoushinjutsu 3 will eventually fall out of the top 10 copyrights entirely.
08/27/13 08:17AM
I totally can't believe I forgot copyrights. I looked at them and everything. As for the inductions, I guess I kind of meant just hypnosis. And the characters thing was not thought through either, although I can't see any of those fifteen being the dom very often. Edited accordingly.

I wonder where Rosvo would be in artists if his pics were allowed here.

Also, Touhou/Reimu dominance may happen sooner than later if the long pixiv sequences that I posted and childed on Hypnobooru, which are now swimming in a sea of tagme, get their copyright and character tags added. I should probably do that, actually, I was delaying the inevitable by making them child posts anyways...
08/27/13 08:33AM
This thread makes me want to be a better tagger just to get more data to read and share. This is actually fascinating to look at.

Out of curiosity, regarding "Original". How established does a copyright have to be for the tag. A few characters from my morphE webcomic have shown up in Shadowednavi's art (mostly sketches) and I am certain that number may increase in time if I ever get to make requests again or start commissioning (actually... I should get Sue-Chan on that sometime...)

On one hand, those are Shadowednavi and I's original characters, but they also appear in a webcomic, though not nearly as established as Homestuck.

Is it worth tagging when a "Copyright" is not noteworthy enough to exist?

Double goes for something like Squid-Ops or HypnoBishieLand where the entire concept is hypnosis... but it's an original copyright by content providers in the community.
08/27/13 08:43AM
Squid Ops is an easy one. Since Sleepymaid is selling it, it is a commercial work, and therefore, should be tagged (as well as its characters).

For non-commercial works... Do we actually have any of those tagged besides Homestuck? (That's non-commercial, right? Do they sell anything of that series?) I think it would have to be really well-known. Though, we'll probably make an exception for our mascot, once we get the new banner up and all shake hands on a name.

petal said:
I wonder where Rosvo would be in artists if his pics were allowed here.

He had well over 400 (maybe even 500?) pics on the old booru before the DMCA.
08/27/13 09:37AM
Hooray random statistics!

Also, WOO I made the top ten! I have satisfied my deep-seated need for external validation! ;)
08/27/13 02:27PM
personally, I hate the eye and hair tags
I can, perhaps, imagine looking for effects on the eyes... but not to the point of excluding red eyes vs kaa eyes vs heart eyes vs spiral eyes, not to mention the variety of colors - I can't even imagine caring if a hot picture has blue or brown eyes.

While its a great indicator of control, it's kind of self evident, and rarely the source of control. Is it a functional tag? Do other people look for that?

hair is similar - does anyone have a strong preference for hair length? I can, once again almost imagine hair color, at least the exotic ones, like blue, green, and purple, but black and blonde? And again, when it comes down to it, it's almost like asking what color box to put my gift in

Last one I find odd is topless/ bottomless - I can imagine looking for nudity, and If I did a search, I can imagine wanting to include or exclude partial nudity, but I can't imagine separating the two as relevant
08/27/13 03:45PM
Hair and eye tags are extremely useful if you're looking for a picture and you remember what it looks like, but you don't remember the name of the artist or the characters in the picture. That's my two cents.
08/27/13 03:54PM
They are useful, for example to search for a specific pic or character whose name you forgot or don't know.

Also for artists when they look for inspiration, these tags may help. In any case having lots of descriptive tags do help, especially if they're standard (and these are so easy to tag too).

Statistics are fun.
08/27/13 03:58PM
I'm very likely to look through the tags for pink hair or the combination of short and brown hair.

There are just preferences, ya know?
08/27/13 11:07PM
Grim said:
personally, I hate the eye and hair tags
I can, perhaps, imagine looking for effects on the eyes... but not to the point of excluding red eyes vs kaa eyes vs heart eyes vs spiral eyes, not to mention the variety of colors - I can't even imagine caring if a hot picture has blue or brown eyes.

While its a great indicator of control, it's kind of self evident, and rarely the source of control. Is it a functional tag? Do other people look for that?

Yes. You may not have a personal favorite type of hypnosis eye, but some do. For example, I love empty eyes, but hate whitewash eyes. It's great to be able to search for the type of eye I like, and exclude the ones I don't like.

hair is similar - does anyone have a strong preference for hair length? I can, once again almost imagine hair color, at least the exotic ones, like blue, green, and purple, but black and blonde? And again, when it comes down to it, it's almost like asking what color box to put my gift in

Again, yes. I prefer girls with long hair. Honestly, if we were more like the top boorus, we'd also have a "very_long_hair" tag for characters with hair that hangs below their waist. And, why shouldn't you be able to search for blondes and brunettes the same way you search for pinks, blues, purples, etc?

Last one I find odd is topless/ bottomless - I can imagine looking for nudity, and If I did a search, I can imagine wanting to include or exclude partial nudity, but I can't imagine separating the two as relevant

Sometimes, you just wanna see boobs. In those cases, "topless" is a good tag to search for. For the bottom half, there's "bottomless". And then there's "nude" when you just don't want clothes in the way. Looking back at it, we probably could've done better than these tags, but I'm not sure we can do anything about it now.

Besides, what everyone else said is correct. These specific tags are a massive help for finding specific pics that you remember.

08/27/13 11:33PM
Because I'm weird, and this discussion made me wanna do it, here's the top 10 hair colors:

1. brown
2. blonde
3. black
4. red
5. blue
6. purple
7. pink
8. green
9. white
10. orange

Note: there are probably still a lot of red hair pics that should be orange hair. When we first started, we were using the real life definition of red hair (including both red-ish and orange-ish colors).
12/29/13 02:51AM
I thought it would be fun to see how all these lists have changed months later. I could've waited until the end of the year to do this, but meh, it's close enough and I'm bored. :P

Top ten tags overall:
1. femsub
2. long_hair
3. empty_eyes
4. text
5. short_hair
6. large_breasts
7. happy_trance
8. maledom
9. blush (new)
10. brown_hair (-1)
Honorable mention: topless (-1)

Top ten hypnosis-related general tags:
1. empty_eyes
2. happy_trance
3. expressionless
4. dazed (+1)
5. tech_control (-1)
6. spiral_eyes
7. kaa_eyes
8. pendulum
9. glowing_eyes
10. magic

Top ten general tags not describing hair, sub/dom, or hypnosis:
1. text
2. large_breasts
3. blush (+1)
4. topless (-1)
5. manip
6. nude
7. western
8. drool
9. thighhighs (new)
10. comic (-1)
Honorable mention: feet (-1)(*Mindwipe weeps*)

Top ten artists:
1. jimryu
2. sleepymaid (+1)
3. brokenteapot (-1)
4. chaoscroc
5. crazycowproductions
6. hypnogoat666
7. egarashinai (+3)
8. trishbot (+1)
9. p.chronos (-2)
10. suechan (-2)

Top ten manippers:
1. deathwish
2. mindwipe
3. vanndril
4. tiechonortheal (+1)
5. lost+name (-1)
6. vorp
7. danni68 (new)
8. bellchan (+1)
9. hypnosisisgreat (-2)
10. anonymind (-2)

Top fifteen characters (excluding perma-doms):
1. Misty
2. Princess Peach (+1)
3. Reimu Hakurei (-1)
4. Amy Rose (+1)
5. Tifa Lockhart (-1)
6. Sally Acorn
7. Dawn
8. Raven
9. May (+2)
10. Rouge the Bat
11. Kim Possible (-2)
12. Patchouli Knowledge
13. Samus Aran
14. Wonder Woman
15. Twilight Sparkle (new)

Top ten copyrights (excluding "original" and companies):
1. Pokemon
2. Touhou
3. Sonic the Hedgehog
4. My Little Pony
5. Final Fantasy
6. Super Mario Bros.
7. Sailor Moon (+1)
8. Shoushinjutsu 3 (-1)
9. Kim Possible
10. Yu-Gi-Oh! (new)

Top ten hypnosis eyes: (No changes)
1. empty_eyes
2. spiral_eyes
3. kaa_eyes
4. glowing_eyes
5. symbol_in_eyes
6. shrunken_irises
7. whitewash_eyes
8. heart_eyes
9. ring_eyes
10. black sclera (I decided crossed_eyes don't count)

Top ten inductions:
1. tech_control
2. pendulum
3. magic
4. hypnotic_eyes
5. spiral (corruption goes here, if it counts)
6. headphones
7. hypnotic_accessory (new)(O_o Did I miss this last time?)
8. brain_injection (-1)
9. parasite (-1)
10. hypnotic_music (-1)
Honorable mention: hypnotic_screen (-1)
12/29/13 09:57AM
So happy to see Blush climbing the charts as it really is something that I cannot do without. Likewise I am somehow climbing the manip standings and that's without me posting my text manips from the collective. :D

A happy welcome to Danni to the manipper charts, also :D

Need to get some new blood in that character list, though. I'll see what I can do.
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