07/05/16 07:10AM
Village of Nightmare 2
I think we're pretty much all aware that there was a sequel to the original game out. Well, back in January, an English translation was made for a side story of the second game. And more importantly, the English translation for the main game came out in May. That version still needed locale set to JP, but a version from the end of June removes that issue.

The released version from late June has two issues I've come across in a playthrough. One is that I get pop-up warnings any time I get into a battle (but I can just click through them and keep playing without issue, and has been a known issue since the first EN release). The other is mentioned in the comments of the June release post, and is a game crashing bug (but fortunately, it appears to be an optional conversation).


VoN2 English Audio download needs nothing else but the standard RPG Maker XP library thing. The side story is already integrated into the EN release, so you don't need to get that separate.


I kinda wish it was longer. My first play-through was ~4 hours, though it could've been longer if I didn't discover the battle "I win" spell button that was Succubeam. You have a main story line that eventually splits into three or four paths that cross each other a times before merging back together for the final push against the Exorcist. The characters from the first game make an appearance, and 4 or 5 are vital for plot progression during the time the Joyville Succubi are around.

My main issue is that we have this large town, with dozens of people we can talk to, but the vast majority are just colored shadows that change shape as the corruption spreads over the course of the game. Some elements are kinda glossed over, and I kinda wish there were more ways to corrupt the town - for instance, there's a bakery that people love, but you have zero ways to influence it except via story progression - or more events displaying the ongoing corrupting efforts.

Overall, I think the first game had more "hands on" corrupting sequences, but the sequel didn't feel as cumbersome on starting or going through the sequences. It could be that the sequence of progression is a bit more linear, but I never felt that I needed a walkthrough to guide me through how to corrupt the town like with the first game.

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