07/05/16 12:21PM
I need serious brain bleach.
Uggh... I've been caught up watching a lot of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit recently...

A show about the evilness of rape...

I'm having trouble enoying hypnosis. I know I personally am not a shitty person and that I'll only ever be involved in drawings and concenting role-play that results in everyone living happily ever after...

But jeeze... It's getting hard not to have my mind suddenly snap my attention back to the reality of my fetish. And with that comes the bile in the back of my throat.

It's very distracting...
07/05/16 12:29PM
Yeah SVU is kind of heavy handed sometimes. I'm not defending rape by any means but that show is just so fucking heavy with hammering home it's point.

So just keep in mind that a fetish is something that you don't really have much control over, if something turns you on it turns you on. Just keep in mind that the stuff here is fiction and that no one is getting hurt.

And if nothing else just go to the consensual type of hypno stuff for a while.
07/05/16 12:33PM
Had the same problem, but like it's good to keep in mind that traditionally, there is a very respectful relationship between dom and sub, and ideally a good 'tist should be more conscious of their sub's boundaries than any other. Unfortunately, the art here doesn't always reflect that, but there are the ones that are completely consensual, even having a monthly theme recently.

I have 2 ideas:

Have a consensual tag, or if there is one, have it tagged more often on relevant images.

Until then, use this space to compile good consensual images!

And in the end, just search for the humor tag. It's all sunshine and rainbows over there. Usually.
07/05/16 12:54PM
Well, I find SVU to be heavy-handed as far as hammering in their morals go. Their depiction of rape though? That's some serious hard-hitting stuff. And even then, it looks like a kid's show next to reality.

My problem isn't a moral delima. I'm pretty well-convinced that I'm a good person. I'm only into fantasy.

My mind wanders though. Not thinking about reality is getting hard.

(I'm not really a fan of consensual hypnosis, by the way.)
07/05/16 01:02PM
All I can really say bout this is that you're not a bad person for liking this kinda stuff, nor is it inherently bad as it's mainly grounded in the realm of fantasy/fiction. And while yes hypnosis is a thing in reality, it usually tends to be between willing partners from what I can tell.

Which is why I've come to have a special appreciation for some of the work put out here like Veronica and Andis hypnosis session from Lasci Me. I suggest just looking through those kinda works here to regain some hope in your heart, as it goes to show just how sweet some couples can be. Either that or go and read some delicious Sweet Sweet Vanilla hentai (vanilla in the sense of it being super cute and romantic) ;3
07/05/16 01:24PM
I'm fine as far as doubting myself goes. This is fiction and I have extreme disgust for actual rape.

My difficulty is that I'm having trouble keeping my mind from snapping my attention to really fucked-up cases of non-fiction. "Don't think of a pink elephant" scenario.

On another matter, I've been a bit put off by the sheer size of this site. You and I know the difference. But probability dictates that there'a someone here on HypnoHub who can't tell fiction from non-fiction. That's extremely unsettling and has been keeping me from interacting much with this website's community.
07/05/16 01:44PM
HypelHub said:
On another matter, I've been a bit put off by the sheer size of this site. You and I know the difference. But probability dictates that there'a someone here on HypnoHub who can't tell fiction from non-fiction. That's extremely unsettling and has been keeping me from interacting much with this website's community.

...flat out no.

I mean sure, there will always be some really fucked up people out there in the world, but as far as members here being scum of the Earth rapists, I'm gonna flat out deny that we have people like that here. Not a guarantee of course like I somehow know this place inside and out, but I find it kinda crazy to fear such a tiny minority of users that could be just that, when in fact we have no way of knowing nor do we need to know to begin with (like cmon kids, let's try and keep our personal info to ourselves).

And cripes, that's me accepting the absolutely ridiculous notion that people here can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality. Like I absolutely HATE rape and NTR stories in Hentai, but I'm fully aware that those who read and enjoy em aren't doing that kinda shit out there like they got no self control whatsoever...

Anyway, I don't think it's wrong of you to not wanna interact with the community here (by all means, do what makes you most comfortable ofc), but please don't assume the absolute worst. It kinda upsets me to hear such a thing as that... .______.
07/05/16 01:50PM
If there is anyone here who can't separate reality from fiction and wants to do the things depicted in the drawings and manips for real, they are not amongst the people that actually participates in the community.

It is far more common for people to be unable to separate reality from fiction in the opposite way; where they feel bad about having a fetish that is immoral if done for real. Which is why a lot of people are misunderstanding your problem.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure what to suggest for not having the moment ruined by thoughts of real-world consequences beyond not watching the show that is provoking the intrusive thoughts.
07/05/16 02:16PM
A flat no is naive.

I'm into this fiction as well, so you don't have to defend the content.

There's bound to be someone though. It's so highly unlikely that in this scale, 100% of the community is right in the head.

Anyways. As far as the original topic goes, I'm not really liking the idea of stopping watching the show so I can have a less interrupted time with my hands.

I don't want to forget that the world is horrible. I would feel wrong doing so.

At the same time though, it's getting to me mentally. How can I deal with these realities besides putting them off?
07/05/16 02:20PM
HypelHub said:
A flat no is naive.

I'm into this fiction as well, so you don't have to defend the content.

There's bound to be someone though. It's so highly unlikely that in this scale, 100% of the community is right in the head.

Anyways. As far as the original topic goes, I'm not really liking the idea of stopping watching the show so I can have a less interrupted time with my hands.

I don't want to forget that the world is horrible. I would feel wrong doing so.

At the same time though, it's getting to me mentally. How can I deal with these realities besides putting them off?

Stop watching TV series on rape if they make you feel bad? :o It's not "ignoring the world", it's just... eh. I feel uneasy with the idea of surgical operations so I don't watch shows about them e.e
07/05/16 02:36PM
HypelHub said:
A flat no is naive.

I'm into this fiction as well, so you don't have to defend the content.

There's bound to be someone though. It's so highly unlikely that in this scale, 100% of the community is right in the head.

Anyways. As far as the original topic goes, I'm not really liking the idea of stopping watching the show so I can have a less interrupted time with my hands.

I don't want to forget that the world is horrible. I would feel wrong doing so.

At the same time though, it's getting to me mentally. How can I deal with these realities besides putting them off?

Read/watch stuff where the people pulling this shit are brought to justice perhaps...? [shrug]

But as far as my counter argument goes...

It's actually not naive for me to reject this ridiculous notion that the media we're consuming here affects us to do such terrible things; things that are arguably worse than fucking murder (please nobody debate me on which is worse, I'm not here for that today).

And I'm going to defend the content cause if anything, illustrated/fictional porn here has no link to the shit being done in the real world. It seems to have been a hot debate topic for decades (mainly adult film indutrsy), as much as "violence and violent video games being connected."

Regardless, I certainly don't think we have a clean 100% of users here, but I highly doubt even the 1% would be composed of such fuckers, and ones that wanna replicate the shit they see here.
07/05/16 02:37PM
Psi said:
Stop watching TV series on rape if they make you feel bad? :o It's not "ignoring the world", it's just... eh. I feel uneasy with the idea of surgical operations so I don't watch shows about them e.e

Agreed, after I stopped watching cable and ignored all the "Murder Death Kill" shows (As my dad used to call them) then things start looking better. The things that happen in SVU are extreme and most likely rare cases that happen probably no more than once a month if not longer.

You can marathon the show and watch episodes nonstop so it feels like theres nothing but crazy rapists out there that they keep catching. But in reality it's not how things work
07/05/16 02:54PM
@Psi, Abe_Smith

The show is making me think more about rape than usual. I don't mind thinking about rape. I don't like to intentionally push awful things into the back of my mind and I would rather think about it more than necessary than less than.

Intentionally turning off the television would be intentionally putting the awful shit of the world aside. In my case, at least.

Is there no other way I can cope however?


SVU is actually a bit off in the sense that someone gets justice every episode. I actually can recall thinking "okay, fuck this guy," and waiting in anticipation to get to the part where he's put away, knowing it's going to happen.

Like I said before, SVU's very mild next to reality.

There's some miscommunication though. I never said that this content turns good people into evil. My point was that this content attracts evil.
07/05/16 03:01PM
Any site you go to can have sleazy people there, and if anything, I feel like they'd go to the sites where more innocent and naive people are to be taken advantage of...

Cause at the end of the day, this a site for fucking porn/showcasing any MC related images. This site is not some sorta beacon of sin that attracts all the rapists to come see their favorite "rape artwork" and engage with the community. Like holy shit even if they are doing just that, what are they honestly going to do to us if we engage with them?

People here are anonymous, and I'm sure we (or vast majority at least) all got stuff to hide, so I don't see what the concern is with the community here...
07/05/16 03:18PM
The majority of this site is rape artwork.

The truth of it is that that's going to attract rapists (whether their shtick is "I'm not actually doing anything wrong," "I can't help myself," or "I don't care") and rape apologists more often than the run-of-the-mill porn website.

And just as they can hide in society, they can hide here.

So that's my fear.
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