07/06/16 03:11AM
I did it!
A couple days ago, I rambled in the "weird things about you" thread about how I had a story that I was working on that I hadn't written anything for in about a month. Thanks to that rant, I was able to put it into perspective and I actually wrote a bit -- enough to complete and upload the latest chapter, at that. Not only that, but I even went so far as to set up a schedule so that I won't fall into a rut again.

I'm not gonna lie, this thread actually played a large part in it. Mostly because I kept thinking to myself, "I'll finish this chapter and post on Hypnohub about how excited I am to get it done." So thank you guys! If it wasn't for all of you, I'd probably still be sitting around and watching reruns of Whose Line is it Anyway?
07/06/16 03:22AM
Good for you for finishing what you started.
07/06/16 03:27AM
Argonis said:
Good for you for finishing what you started.

Fortunately for me, it's nowhere near finished. It'll probably be a couple years before I'm actually done with it.
07/06/16 03:28AM
NaturalCalm said:
Fortunately for me, it's nowhere near finished. It'll probably be a couple years before I'm actually done with it.

At least you're one step further.
07/06/16 03:43AM
Argonis said:
At least you're one step further.

Haha, yeah, I guess.
07/07/16 10:01AM
Good stuff ^__^ Full disclosure, Ihad nothing to do with it but I know that feeling and it's the best =) Congrats.
07/07/16 11:38AM
It seems like there has been an increase in the number of threads about writing as of late. Good for you with that, I've just gotten past a nasty writer's block myself.

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