07/06/16 06:54AM
Attempt no. 2
Uggh... I've been caught up watching a lot of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit recently...

A show about the evilness of rape...

I'm having trouble enoying hypnosis. I know I personally am not a shitty person and that I'll only ever be involved in drawings and concenting role-play that results in everyone living happily ever after...

But jeeze... It's getting hard not to have my mind suddenly snap my attention back to the reality of my fetish. And with that comes the bile in the back of my throat.

I'm fine as far as understanding that my fetishes are only fantasy. It just happens to be a sort of "don't think of a pink elephant" scenario where the simularities make it hard to keep my mind clear of the nastiness of the world.

It's very distracting. I don't want to turn off the show to avoid thinking about that sort of stuff, I'm looking for advice on how to not let that sort of stuff get to me.


The original thread was locked due to going off-topic and the new subject rileing people up. Please, if you have something off-topic to say to me, do it via a private message, not here.
07/06/16 08:06AM
HypelHub said:
Uggh... I've been caught up watching a lot of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit recently...

A show about the evilness of rape...

I'm having trouble enoying hypnosis. I know I personally am not a shitty person and that I'll only ever be involved in drawings and concenting role-play that results in everyone living happily ever after...

But jeeze... It's getting hard not to have my mind suddenly snap my attention back to the reality of my fetish. And with that comes the bile in the back of my throat.

I'm fine as far as understanding that my fetishes are only fantasy. It just happens to be a sort of "don't think of a pink elephant" scenario where the simularities make it hard to keep my mind clear of the nastiness of the world.

It's very distracting. I don't want to turn off the show to avoid thinking about that sort of stuff, I'm looking for advice on how to not let that sort of stuff get to me.


The original thread was locked due to going off-topic and the new subject rileing people up. Please, if you have something off-topic to say to me, do it via a private message, not here.

The subject was locked probably because whats discussed has nothing to do with the hub and should not be discussed here imo. This is a topic that should be discussed with a therapist, I should know I have a therapist. Stop watching TV and go outside. This talk has no spot on the hub and i hope that whoever sees this thread and message does not reply and lets this fall into obscurity
07/06/16 08:12AM
I agree with everything above. The topic at hand shouldn't be on the Hub. Additionally, we aren't ever going to GET anywhere with this on the Hub, because everyone's suggestion is to stop watching the show, yet you refuse to do this because you don't want to forget about the awful things in the world. There's a difference between not forgetting and shoving something so far up your consciousness it makes a dildo-shaped indent in your cranium. Please, no one else reply to this, I just had to state my mind about the whole thing. Just let this thread die.
07/06/16 08:29AM
If the thread was locked it means that the topic is over. Starting a new thread just to get around locking is disrespectful.
07/06/16 08:39AM
Changer said:
If the thread was locked it means that the topic is over. Starting a new thread just to get around locking is disrespectful.

it's also ban worthy.

I don't feel anyone went off topic. You were blasting the art on this site as rape art. People were rightfully peeved. We sympathized with you at first, but the way you came off was a little concerning.
07/06/16 08:45AM
disassociating reality from fiction is important for any fetish. like lolicons aren't going around having sex with actual children because they know it's just a fantasy. this goes further for hypnofetishism because we are incapable of actually hypnotizing random people into being our sex slaves, as much as some of us wish that could happen to us. no one here thinks rape is an ok thing to do in real life as long as it's justified by a fetish and hey, how else are we supposed to get our rocks off. no one thinks that. i hope at least. whatever, here's a john mulaney bit on law and order to lighten the mood.

07/06/16 10:22AM
Delete this then. Y'all are done talking to me obviously so whatever.
07/06/16 03:33PM
I'll just be locking this since it seems to be going to same way as the first thread.

Changer said:
If the thread was locked it means that the topic is over. Starting a new thread just to get around locking is disrespectful.

PenKen said:
it's also ban worthy.

I don't feel anyone went off topic. You were blasting the art on this site as rape art. People were rightfully peeved. We sympathized with you at first, but the way you came off was a little concerning.

Sometimes a thread is locked to reset the discussion so it can start on a better foundation. It wasn't the case here, but I'd just like to point out that not all threads are locked to shut down the discussion.

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