07/06/16 08:57AM
World of Hypno Upload vote
So, I recently found this Android app called Office Lens that can make the drawings I make look more like they were scanned onto a computer. I'm going to upload 2 versions of the newest page: one using the traditional camera while changing saturation and contrast, second using Office Lens.

I apologize for not being able make it digital. I can't afford a tablet nor will my dad buy me one. I'm not ready to start commissions because I can't color for shit and I still have trouble with anatomy so I'm limited in the amount of poses I can do.
07/06/16 09:05AM
Eh, traditional work has a special place in my heart, and yeah take it at your own pace with commissions and such.

There are some artists here where I find their comm work kinda iffy when they really fuck up the anatomy, but eh, I guess in that case it's more or less hit and miss if anything. Regardless, it's appreciated that ya wanna keep improving before ya pick up any comm requests (as ya gotta be comfortable with what you're doing). Keep up the good work as always!
07/06/16 09:22AM
Office Lens might be a bit more exact, but it's clearly getting sorta grainy with the lines and such. If you had some means to crop your photos once they're taken I'd definitely say to stick with doing it that way.
07/07/16 02:25AM
Jesus christ, 95 votes....

Well, the majority was spoken.
Tradition camera it is. But this does not mean the sequel wont use Office Lens.
07/07/16 05:01AM
Myuk said:
Jesus christ, 95 votes....

Well, the majority was spoken.
Tradition camera it is. But this does not mean the sequel wont use Office Lens.

You should look into getting software like gimp or if you can *AQUIRE* photoshop and this tutorial is perfect most software will have similar tools to this tutorial probably.
Apps that automate the process will always be shotty, as long as you take a picture where the light is fairly even across the page you can just photoshop and crop very quick to make it clean. Even if you dont have proper lighting you can add a white gradient to the shadow and overlay to lighten it up without effecting the pencil work.

Here's what i did to your unscanned picture with photoshop. And if you don't like the result, you can always adjust it to however you like anyway
07/07/16 06:38AM
Zko said:
You should look into getting software like gimp or if you can *AQUIRE* photoshop and this tutorial is perfect most software will have similar tools to this tutorial probably.
Apps that automate the process will always be shotty, as long as you take a picture where the light is fairly even across the page you can just photoshop and crop very quick to make it clean. Even if you dont have proper lighting you can add a white gradient to the shadow and overlay to lighten it up without effecting the pencil work.

Here's what i did to your unscanned picture with photoshop. And if you don't like the result, you can always adjust it to however you like anyway

Looks promising. I hope it's possible with gimp since that's all I can use atm

Thanks! ^u^

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