07/08/16 05:48PM
What Would YOU Want To See In An RPG Maker Game?
I just want to collect data for research. Do try to be aware of the limitation of the RPG Maker engines and scripts.

07/08/16 05:57PM
optional content my example is final fantasy 1 anniversary for psp that game added a lot of bonus dungeons with with all sorts of new weapons and bosses to fight.
07/08/16 05:59PM

All men are sub all women are dom.
07/08/16 06:06PM
Funny you should ask.

I was actually thinking of a sort of Hub rpg for the past few days. (Mainly the party, but y'know.) I'm not 100% sure how RPG maker works, but if you can swap party members, you could have a pretty cool roster. Imagine starting out with just Hypno-Tan, but the starting area is a sort of actual Hypno-Hub, where you can find Erika, Crystal, Naomi and Toon Liz. You've then got a full party, with one interchangeable slot. After that, you'll be able to find new members on your quest of unspecified importance. You might run into Zyii and Ara along the way, bump into Pitviper, and whoever else.

One of the cool things I thought of was at the start, someone (not necessarily me, but totally me), is completely zoned out in bed, and completely unresponsive, then near the end-game, there's a boss battle with Awake-san in her Clock-mech that I keep going on about. After the fight, Awake-san begrudgingly joins the party to fight a common enemy, then you can call back to the hub, and Awake-san wakes that guy up, and they also join the party.

I think it has a lot of potential, considering how many oc's we have, and each being able to fill a class slot.
07/08/16 06:07PM
Lore for items and monsters . Yes I'm one of those nerds who will read every single codex entry in a game.
07/08/16 06:22PM
Imasuky said:
Lore for items and monsters . Yes I'm one of those nerds who will read every single codex entry in a game.

07/08/16 06:23PM
Imasuky said:
Lore for items and monsters . Yes I'm one of those nerds who will read every single codex entry in a game.

As someone who binged the Monster Girl Encyclopedia when I found it, as I did when I played Soul Sacrifice? Yes plz.
07/08/16 06:26PM
Nazwa said:

Pinkanator said:
As someone who binged the Monster Girl Encyclopedia when I found it, as I did when I played Soul Sacrifice? Yes plz.

Glad to know I'm not the only lore nerd.

I have to say Blue Dragon is great for that, I went out of my way to fight every monster and get every item just because I wanted to read more.

Also that game is good no matter what anyone says, and it has one of the best fucking boss tracks ever!
07/08/16 06:28PM
Imasuky said:
Also that game is good no matter what anyone says, and it has one of the best fucking boss tracks ever!

And now to put on the extension and jam for 8 minutes.
07/08/16 06:30PM
Pinkanator said:
And now to put on the extension and jam for 8 minutes.

I have an RPG on another forum and used in a boss battle with a player.
07/08/16 06:58PM
Hypnofetish game:

- Consensual MC scenes.
- If the player is building a harem, I would like there to be interaction between harem members.
- If there's a plot, I don't want the end of the plotline to be the end of the game. Preferably, have some things to do just to mess around and have fun.


- Optional content. Preferably at least one dungeon with a superboss.
- If you're going to use standard art, at least use it well.
- Some sort of codex for all the monsters and/or plotline NPC's.
07/08/16 07:11PM
I'm really resonating with a lot of these ideas, especially yours', NAFTW.

I have another question:

If game were to have any cameos, which characters and/or series would you want them to be from?
07/08/16 08:52PM
If you're going for a traditional RPG combat system, I've gotta recommend that you use available scripts to make the UI a bit more interesting. Try <<|this site>>. A lot of the site is in Portuguese, but the scripts still work in an English RPG Maker game and it's easy enough to understand if you grab the demo when you get the chance. Not to mention that some of the scripts -- especially Battle Camera, Battleback EX, and a few others -- really help to make encounters more dynamic and engaging for the players.
07/08/16 09:52PM
If it's in regards to hypnosis, one thing I like is being able to mess with all the NPCs. It feels more open and free, as if I'm actually in control of what's happening, if I can ignore the main plot for a while and just screw around with the world and the people in it. I'm also generally a fan of harem building, but there's usually not much interaction between you and your harem after the initial scenes with a person. I also think it would be better to show scenes with members of the harem actually interacting, rather than each character basicaly existing in separate bubbles.
07/08/16 09:53PM
Making a game and already doing it by committee? You'll have a bright future in the AAA scene, Lil.

Joking aside, since you're asking for cameos, the only advise I can give is make 'em subtle. Maybe make them more like good old Easter eggs, rather than just have Batman standing on the sidewalk so people don't miss him.
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