07/10/16 04:18AM
JoJo's Bizzare Adventure Thread
Besides the stand thread, there hasnt been a JoJo thread, atleast from what I've seen. So I ask you this question...

Whose the best Bro-Jo and why is it Okuyasu?

Also general JoJo talk.
07/10/16 04:32AM

I'm on Battle Tendency. Love it so far.
07/10/16 04:33AM
I got hooked on the series because I got bored and checked out the anime.

Then while he was visiting for a few weeks I got my brother hooked on it. Dug up the dub and got him to watch Phantom Blood. Showed him the first two episodes of Battle Tendency and he had to see how it ended. He refused to watch Stardust with me, so I picked up where I'd left off halfway through, and he wound up watching with me. Then we watched DiU up to episode 13.

07/10/16 04:34AM
07/10/16 04:35AM
My friend who got me into the series is gay, and I'm about 55% sure one of the main reasons he likes it so much is because of all the male eye candy.

That being said, if it was mostly female eye candy, I'd be guilty of the same thing
07/10/16 04:45AM
TheSpoon said:

I'm on Battle Tendency. Love it so far.

Battle Tendency's is great, plus the opening is pure funky goodness
07/10/16 04:47AM
NakAtNight said:
Battle Tendency's is great, plus the opening is pure funky goodness
07/10/16 04:48AM
NakAtNight said:
Battle Tendency's is great, plus the opening is pure funky goodness

You know, this will piss some people off, but my favorite theme is actually the EDM arrange of Crazy Noisy. When I first found it, I was confused by the tonal shift from the last theme I'd heard, Stand Proud, but I now love it as its own thing
07/10/16 05:26AM
Dude, I love Jojo!
Part 2 is the best by far.
I would say part 4 is my least favorite.
Best JoBro is Caesar.
07/10/16 06:40AM
WhyWouldYouDoThat said:
Dude, I love Jojo!
Part 2 is the best by far.
I would say part 4 is my least favorite.
Best JoBro is Caesar.

Joseph is my favorite JoJo. The weird bond he has with Caesar is amazing.

I know it's not canon, but when Joseph was "dead" in Part 3 I saw someone leave a comment to the effect of him saying "Now if you'll excuse me I need to see an old friend."

I love that they kept him around, but...that would have been a perfect end to his story. He saved the world once already, and in the process lost a man who was his brother in all but blood. He died passing on the knowledge to defeat DIO and had the chance to finally meat his friend again.
07/10/16 06:45AM
EoD, can you spoiler that? Not everyone in the thread is caught up, myself included
07/10/16 06:49AM
TheSpoon said:
EoD, can you spoiler that? Not everyone in the thread is caught up, myself included

Sorry, fixed it!
07/10/16 08:11AM
Best Bro-jo is not Okuyasu, because he can neither possess people with tentacles nor charm us with his calm introversion!
07/10/16 08:20AM
You're spelling Gyro strangely.

Steel Ball Run is objectively the best part.
07/10/16 08:23AM
I agree! But Diamond is Unbreakable is my favorite, subjectively :3

Sure, it uses cheaper tactics to get us to care about its characters, but damn do those tactics work on me... also, love the use of environment and innovation in 4's battles.
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