07/13/16 12:19AM
New Writing Thread
So would it be cool to just make this here? I can't find the old one.

Also, would it be possible for everyone who posts a story link here to tag it by Hub tag rules?
Particularly: rating, series, characters, etc.

In fact, if this thread could be stickied with that as a rule then great.
07/13/16 02:48AM
So does anyone have any stories to post?
07/13/16 03:00AM
LillyTank said:
So does anyone have any stories to post?

I'm gonna write one maybe sometime. It will not be very good probably, but I will work on making it good, as it will probably not be good because first draft + inexperience.
07/13/16 03:07AM
I have the first draft of a story I'm writing for RedCollarBlackCollar, It's pretty good but I'd rather hold off until my editor is done.
07/23/16 03:34AM
I have like 3 but I'm pretty much just sitting on them until there's a real place on the internet for them. Gave up on emcsa after running into the owner's unwritten walled-garden rules about what stories he'll post.

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