07/13/16 10:54AM
Is anyone intrested in doing a Hypnosis RP in World Of Warcraft?
I've asked a few people elsewhere, but have been mostly ignored or just not given an answer, I tried to look for Forum rules but couldn't find anything, so sorry if this post breaks a rule. I just wanted to see if anyone would want to meet up and RP (Hypnosis or not) in WoW.
07/13/16 09:24PM
Moonguard... Never go to Moonguard...
07/13/16 10:02PM
Shmecha said:
Moonguard... Never go to Moonguard...

While we can all agree moonguard is a terrible place, especially in gold shire. I can only hope to do this kinda thing on that server cause no one else would probably do it.
09/15/16 06:10AM
I'd be up for some Warcraft role play got me 2 toons I mainly play a pally and a rogue both BElves pally is a lady and rogue is a dude
09/15/16 08:13AM
I would if my subscription was up. Unfortunately, I hatehatehate subscription services.
09/15/16 10:10AM
Thadias_trip said:
I'd be up for some Warcraft role play got me 2 toons I mainly play a pally and a rogue both BElves pally is a lady and rogue is a dude

I would totally be up for it with your pally if your game.
09/15/16 10:40AM
If I was still playing the game, I might be up for it. Sadly, I cannot support a $15/month subscription fee, and haven't been able to since I left over four years ago.

Plus, I see no purpose behind putting in those idiotic Pandas.
09/15/16 07:11PM
DrgnmastrAlex said:
If I was still playing the game, I might be up for it. Sadly, I cannot support a $15/month subscription fee, and haven't been able to since I left over four years ago.

Plus, I see no purpose behind putting in those idiotic Pandas.

Actually you can buy game time with gold now.
So if you have a bunch of non obtainable non-soulbound stuff that could be pretty rare you could earn some gold and by a month.

A month in gold is different between servers, because it's the players who run that market. It's usually around the 30-40k market, Which isn't super hard to earn.

Also, Now it's 12 a month.

Also they put them in, because a lot of people actually wanted them mainly because of Chen Stormstout from WC3.
09/15/16 07:12PM
pokefannafekop said:
I would if my subscription was up. Unfortunately, I hatehatehate subscription services.

Well you could always use a trial account just for RP services.
05/03/17 08:48AM
Me and another hub user (who I shant name, in case they wish to remain ananomous.) Have been doing this, and I'm wondering if anyone else is game, and wanna join doing some hypnosis for in wow. Pretty much this is a bump.
10/02/17 12:27AM
I know this is an old thread but I'm just getting back into WoW and would be very keen to do some RP/hypno/hypno RP in-game! I'm only on a free account but I imagine that would suffice.
10/02/17 03:45AM
kulov said:
I know this is an old thread but I'm just getting back into WoW and would be very keen to do some RP/hypno/hypno RP in-game! I'm only on a free account but I imagine that would suffice.

Hey! If you RP, I sent my Battle tag to your message board!
10/02/17 01:31PM
Pieman754 said:
Hey! If you RP, I sent my Battle tag to your message board!

cool, added you!
10/04/17 01:32AM
i am the other player who remained unnamed until now, my battle tag is Thadias#1445
10/04/17 02:04AM
I know this is a porn site, but I didn't want to assume right away - is it erotic hypnosis only or other mind control things too you're looking for? It might be interesting for plot devices and such :)
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