08/27/13 02:08PM
Touhou RAGS Game (By Vanndril)
I think it would be best to bring over info on Vanndril's Masterpiece, Touhous, to the new Booru.
The Info, Grabbed from the old booru is as follows.

Vanndril said:
Play as the mind mage Soren, from the real world, who finds his way to Gensokyo while studying the mystical Touhous, a book of magic that boasts powerful spells locked behind layers of wards and secrets. You have one goal in mind: to create your own harem of mind-slaves using the spells contained within. And what better place to start than the mystical realm you now find yourself in?

~RAGS Game Engine~ www.ragsgame.com/Downloads/RagsSetup.2.4.exe

Game Download (All Chapters): tinyurl.com/To-CAGam
Gallery Download (All Chapters): tinyurl.com/To-CAGal

Note: Chapter 3.5 was separated from the rest of Chapter 3 due to arguably-loli content.

For those of you who've been with me since this series was still in the works; alongside the release of Chapter 3/3.5, Chapter 1 also got revamped. So, you might want to download the new version.

I hope you all enjoy it!

(Akuma-027: I sure as hell enjoyed it.)
08/27/13 03:31PM
I think there's no problem with linking to loli content here, pal. Just warning should be enough (seems to be the spirit here; look at loli if you want).

By the way, I didn't play it, just because I was never in much contact with Touhou itself, and I thought it wouldn't make much sense as I wouldn't know what was the story about. What's the general plot? (or, is the story self-contained enough that you don't need to know what's Touhou about)?
08/27/13 11:12PM
Honestly, there's no real plot to Touhou itself. It's all a bunch of mostly self-contained stories (some events may lead to each other, or be referenced, but there's not much of a continuity). Most of the story is contained within the characters, and since Vanndril's game takes place from the point of view of someone new to Gensokyo (Touhou world), it does a good job of giving you a brief introduction of each character.

In short, no, you really don't need to know anything about Touhou to follow along with it. It's just about making a slave harem, anyway. :P
08/28/13 01:44AM
Seems nice. If I ever install RAGS again, I'll check it up.
08/29/13 07:04AM
Stem_Cell said:
I think there's no problem with linking to loli content here, pal. Just warning should be enough (seems to be the spirit here; look at loli if you want).

Heh, he just copycopstaed my old post. Back then, it did need censoring.

Akuma-027 said:
I think it would be best to bring over info on Vanndril's Masterpiece, Touhous, to the new Booru.

Aw gee, I'm touched! Apparently, it's a masterpiece now. :3
Thanks for bringing this over. I thought about doing it, but with college having started again, it was way low on my to-do list.
08/29/13 08:36AM
Chapter 3 download link does not seem to be working.
08/30/13 06:52AM
nwolf said:
Chapter 3 download link does not seem to be working.

All fixed. I never got around to updating the link when I had to reupload it recently.
08/31/13 11:24AM
I too did enjoy it and thought it to be a masterpiece. I would be interested to know if there are any more of these?
09/01/13 05:32AM
nwolf said:
I would be interested to know if there are any more of these?

Chapter 3.5 was the end of my planned Touhous RAGS games. I have no plan nor intention to make any more of these. Not to say it won't happen, but if it does, it certainly won't be anytime soon. To be honest, I'd probably say that, at the earliest, it would even be a few years before I so much as considered making more games for the fetish.

Currently, I'm actually slowly working on another project unrelated to our fetish altogether; a little RPG Maker game with a basic, custom-tailored CTB battle system (think: Final Fantasy 10, with the turn gauge). I'm making it casually, and I figure it will take me at least a year by itself. I've spent... *looks at steam timing* 118 hours creating this game thus far. I've gotten down all spells, items, equipment, classes, characters, and the like that I think I'll need, and I'm creating enemies and troops (enemy groups) as I go along. I'd say around 80 of the 118 hours were spent developing and detailing all of that ahead of time. The remaining 38 or so were spent making the intro. That's right - the intro. It took me that long to make just the (long) intro. Judging by that, I have a long road ahead of me. I haven't touched it in a month or so, though, due to new game releases that I had to play earlier and now due to college.

Anyway, not sure why I went on to rant about that unrelated game. I get a tad excited at times... My point is that this game project will have my full creative attention for some time to come, so I don't intend to do any more large-scale fetish projects like this trilogy until it's fully completed (or, worst case, I give up on making it or lose interest).
12/21/13 02:21AM
I'm wondering if anybody here could help me. I've never played a touhou game before and I've been having trouble getting it to run. I have a mac computer and I know that's part of the problem but I was wondering if anyone here knew what programs I could use to get this to work on my computer. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
12/21/13 02:45AM
mm257 said:
I've never played a touhou game before and I've been having trouble getting it to run.

By the way, this isn't technically a Touhou game, it's just a... Touhou game :P Meaning the Touhou games proper aren't actually pornographic (except if you count mind rape upon the user).
12/21/13 03:20AM
Fiiiiiilthy touhou >_______________>
12/21/13 04:11AM
Henry-killenger said:
Fiiiiiilthy touhou >_______________>

12/21/13 05:20AM
LillyTank said:

Inside joke.
12/21/13 10:35AM
mm257 said:
I'm wondering if anybody here could help me. I've never played a touhou game before and I've been having trouble getting it to run. I have a mac computer and I know that's part of the problem but I was wondering if anyone here knew what programs I could use to get this to work on my computer. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

You'll need to run CrossOver to emulate Windows to use the rags player
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