07/15/16 11:30PM
Manippers: What inspired you to start?
For me, it was these two manips:

I noticed that the style of hypnosis where the sub is basically just being talked or forced into being hypnotized instead of being hypnotized by spirals or the standard pendulum stuff was an uncommon thing, and I wanted to perpetuate it.

And at some point I wanted to harm people's eyes because I found that a lot of the most effective spirals were harmful to the eyes.
07/16/16 12:53AM
07/16/16 01:39AM
Making UI elements in GIMP for a game at university I started to wonder if the same techniques would be used for manipping

They could

I kept it up because I found it helped my writing. Language is not my strong point

I started animating manips when I was working on a game jam and one of the other devs used processing to make a unit editor. I saw it had a lot of good image features and could export frames and got ideas

Now days I only really manip if it's a collab. A while back PomPom asked if I wanted to make a collab manip and I found it much more fun then working alone

Also what Finn said
07/16/16 04:05AM
Because I wanted too, pretty much.

I saw an image, thought, "Why don't I manip that?", and did so.
07/16/16 06:46AM
What got me to start posting was essentially just 'I wonder if anyone else would like this shit I make.' Was manipping on and off for a while before then but only kept to myself. As a result I barely tried to improve my skills or writing since I already knew what happens in my head.
07/16/16 02:21PM
Rage. I'm normally content to hang out on the forums. Every now and then someone or something makes me mad enough to spend a couple hours making a manip or two.
07/17/16 11:20AM
"Damn, this would look so good if she were hypnotised"
07/23/16 03:56AM
I was a horny teenager and started learning how to recolor furry art with more dramatic colors, usually with one hand. "I dyed all my fur this outrageous color" made them even sexier in the same way that dressing scantily does. To this day I still have a lot of manips with furs turned pink.

It was a rare, casual, private thing, and I slowly and secretly developed my Photoshop skills until one day people were posting manips on hypnochan and on a whim I anonymously posted one of mine. Then <<|someone upped it to hypnobooru, and Vanndril flattered me.>> I logged in to let them know who it was, then they tagged me with the stupid throwaway name I had used, and suddenly I had a name and a tag so I uploaded a little more of what I already had anyway (having made them with the intention of just enjoying them myself), and people seemed to like them, and once you have an account anyway it's no big deal to start posting on the forums, and somehow it all kind of snowballed from there, and now being a pervert is a notable hobby of mine.

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