07/16/16 06:10AM
Hypno Hunts! (Monster Hunter Generations)
Alright, I said I'd do it so here it is.

Anyone who wants to do some MH together put your information somewhere in the thread! I just got the game downloaded due to some irritating connection issues, so I probably won't be down for hunting till tomorrow (Gotta shake the rust off and get myself back into the swing of things). But tomorrow I am down for playing most of the day.


Friend Code: 2466 - 1858 - 3203
3DS Name: Josh

I use primarily the Long Sword and have been using it since Freedom Unite. I may pick something else up occasionally though.

Edit: Ah, we may also want something for chatting during hunts. I personally primarily use <<|Curse>> as my chat tool, you can add me there as SlackerSavior (the avatar should be Sol Badguy from Guilty Gear) if anyone else has any suggestions/preferred programs let us know and we can work it out.
07/16/16 07:47AM
Friend Code:4983 4941 4082

3DS Name: Kyle

Hunter Name: Sylvia

I'm game for hunting anything with anyone, but I probably won't be geared up for Multiplayer for at least another few days. I tend to tackle the solo content at a somewhat lax pace. Though since Generations has no GR I should be at HR relatively quickly.

I'm currently using the Switch Axe, but might mix things up with the Charge Blade every now and then.
07/16/16 09:36PM
FC : 2637-9994-0968

3DS Name: [FAZE] DIO

Hunter Name: CoconutSod

I don't main any weapon type in particular.
07/16/16 10:24PM
ZeldaIsHot said:
I own Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate 3DS & Knuckles but never really got into it (im contributing so much to this thread rn)

Does it feature Dante from the Devil May Cry series?

No really, that's a legitimate question.
07/16/16 10:28PM
ZeldaIsHot said:
Only reboot Dante...

Nah, it was Devil May Cry 2 Dante. The second worst Dante. You could dress your cat up like him.
07/16/16 11:56PM
ZeldaIsHot said:
I own Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate 3DS & Knuckles but never really got into it (im contributing so much to this thread rn)

Good to have you back, Zelda.

I'm tempted to pick Generations up now, but I still have to finish Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl. I don't want to have too much of a game backup when September rolls around and SMT IV: Apocalypse and the new Ace Attorney are both released.
07/17/16 06:58AM
NaturalCalm said:
Good to have you back, Zelda.

I'm tempted to pick Generations up now, but I still have to finish Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl. I don't want to have too much of a game backup when September rolls around and SMT IV: Apocalypse and the new Ace Attorney are both released.

Hey, the Etrian Odyssey games are good, I won't pull you away.

And damn, I had forgotten about Apocalypse. *sigh* I should really get around to finishing SMT4.

And let's be fair, it's a mixed bag to have Zelda back. (Joke? Not joke? Let the audience decide! Nah, but seriously, just don't get too crazy kid.)
07/17/16 08:33AM
SlackerSavior said:
Hey, the Etrian Odyssey games are good, I won't pull you away.

I don't know what it is, but I've just been having so much trouble with Untold. I love IV, Untold 2, and even Persona Q, but the first Untold just feels completely draining. It's been hard to play – maybe because the Strata just feel so bland and certain gimmicks are criminally underutilized – and I'm not sure if I'm gonna go back and do a Classic runthrough once I've beaten Story Mode. I'm almost tempted to just power my way through Lost Spoiler to get it over with quickly.
07/19/16 09:36PM
I'm not too inclined to put my details up presently tbh, not least because my L key has died almost entirely now, and I don't really wanna drag other players down with the effect that's having. =w=;

How's everyone finding the game so far tho'?

Personally coming on the heels of 4 I kind of miss the story/character side of things, but it's nice to be able to fight some older monsters that I remember from 3U or just literally haven't fought before.

[Honestly kind of put out by them using Tremble of Land and Sea as a general Deserted Island battle theme tho' :c That should really be reserved for Lagi.]
07/20/16 11:49PM
I haven't gotten nearly as much time in it as I had been hoping for (got a bit unexpectedly busy in real life and I'm only HR2 right now and up to rank 3 in the village stuff) but I'm liking what I've done so far. The adept style is a bit rough to get into , but I love essentially having Evasion for free. I'm not entirely sure when and where is safe for using the long sword's adept fade slash equivalent, but that's mostly an experience thing I'll pick up eventually.

The changes to the weapon upgrades are a mixed bag for me. I like not needing as many specific parts, but having to level the weapons so that you can upgrade them to a different style seems a bit off to me. It all comes out in the wash, essentially, but it feels a lot slower to me.

Also the fact that you can hold a button to gather is the best Goddamn change in this game, no doubt.
07/21/16 12:11AM
SlackerSavior said:
I haven't gotten nearly as much time in it as I had been hoping for (got a bit unexpectedly busy in real life and I'm only HR2 right now and up to rank 3 in the village stuff) but I'm liking what I've done so far. The adept style is a bit rough to get into , but I love essentially having Evasion for free. I'm not entirely sure when and where is safe for using the long sword's adept fade slash equivalent, but that's mostly an experience thing I'll pick up eventually.

The changes to the weapon upgrades are a mixed bag for me. I like not needing as many specific parts, but having to level the weapons so that you can upgrade them to a different style seems a bit off to me. It all comes out in the wash, essentially, but it feels a lot slower to me.

Also the fact that you can hold a button to gather is the best Goddamn change in this game, no doubt.

Oh god yeah no, adept long sword is broken as fuck, it's amazing. Been hearing from the friend who got me into the franchise about it and they're basically able to get it up to red in no time flat by chaining the evade, that one hunter art that raises it by a level, then another evade.

And yeah, that's very much my experience as well with weapons, it's sort of hard to judge what's good/bad compared to before and the pacing feels a little iffy.

The hold gathering is wonderful for sure though~

[spoiler=5* village stuff] Finally getting to hunt the elite four properly now though and holy shit I love everything about astalos and tamamitsune. [except asta is made of paper so trying to tail them has pretty much required focusing solely on the tail for the entire fight or it dies too fast.]
07/21/16 12:22AM
Pastel-Daemon said:
Personally coming on the heels of 4 I kind of miss the story/character side of things,

This. I miss the Guildmarm ;-;. That being said the combat is the best it's ever been. I went Charge Blade Aerial because it sounded ridiculous but turned out to be a lot of fun. When I found out you could morph and use burst attacks from midair. Bouncing off a monster and switching to axe midair is not only badass but makes it easy to follow up with a few bursts

Found this guide for the way weapon combos change with styles which is very useful
07/21/16 06:39AM
EdgeOfTheMoon said:
This. I miss the Guildmarm ;-;. That being said the combat is the best it's ever been. I went Charge Blade Aerial because it sounded ridiculous but turned out to be a lot of fun. When I found out you could morph and use burst attacks from midair. Bouncing off a monster and switching to axe midair is not only badass but makes it easy to follow up with a few bursts

Found this guide for the way weapon combos change with styles which is very useful

The Guildmarm is in the game! In fact, the entire Capital C (sans the Hunter) is present!

And I just beat all of the Fated Four. Think I'm gonna try to make Glavenus's armor and weapon, then I have a few old faces to deal with (Brachy, Seregios, the Magalas) and I'm free to jump online.
07/21/16 12:43PM
EoD said:
The Guildmarm is in the game! In fact, the entire Capital C (sans the Hunter) is present!

Yeah I met her last night. I may have cheered a bit ^^

Also Ara sent me this last night which has been very useful and clearly shows why Aerial CB is so damn fun! Before watching this I didn't actually know about the shield jab/yellow shield charge
07/21/16 01:33PM
EdgeOfTheMoon said:
Yeah I met her last night. I may have cheered a bit ^^

Also Ara sent me this last night which has been very useful and clearly shows why Aerial CB is so damn fun! Before watching this I didn't actually know about the shield jab/yellow shield charge

Sadly I have to disagree with you and GH on Aerial CB. The fact you are denied a charged shield cuts you off of the CB's best moves.

Though in other news, I now have a full set of LR Sword Butt (Glavenus) armor, and am working on getting the Seregios and Gore Magala SAs. Once those are in the bag and I've beaten Shagaru, Online here I come!
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