07/17/16 03:03AM
Ah shit boyz 20xx is here.
Let the shitposts begin!
07/17/16 03:05AM
Is this another Evo thing?

Cause I don't know.
07/17/16 03:05AM
Imasuky said:
Is this another Evo thing?

Cause I don't know.

Melee is starting
07/17/16 03:11AM
It's midnight, it's 5 billion cº, I'm in the nude, drinking Cherry Coke to avoid passing out, my Lyra plush doing lewd things to me, and I'm just waiting for Melee.

Why did I choose to not kill myself, again?
07/17/16 03:14AM
Pinkanator said:
It's midnight, it's 5 billion cº, I'm in the nude, drinking Cherry Coke to avoid passing out, my Lyra plush doing lewd things to me, and I'm just waiting for Melee.

Why did I choose to not kill myself, again?

Because dead people can't watch Melee.
07/17/16 03:21AM
Imasuky said:
Is this another Evo thing?

Cause I don't know.

When I see 20XX, I always think of Megaman.
07/17/16 03:22AM
Pinkanator said:
It's midnight, it's 5 billion cº, I'm in the nude, drinking Cherry Coke to avoid passing out, my Lyra plush doing lewd things to me, and I'm just waiting for Melee.

Why did I choose to not kill myself, again?

You can't shitpost postmortem.
07/17/16 03:23AM
Changer said:
When I see 20XX, I always think of Megaman.

I sort of did for a second then I thought about the last thread he made.
07/17/16 03:24AM

CoconutSoda said:
You can't shitpost postmortem.

H O W W O U L D A N Y O F Y O U K N O W ?
07/17/16 03:24AM
Imasuky said:
I sort of did for a second then I thought about the last thread he made.

07/17/16 03:26AM
Pinkanator said:

Eh the two of you kind of blend together after a while.
07/17/16 03:28AM
Imasuky said:
Eh the two of you kind of blend together after a while.

Please. We clearly have a good cop, bad cop thing going on.
07/17/16 03:30AM
Pinkanator said:
Please. We clearly have a good cop, bad cop thing going on.

More like bad cop, worse cop. And that's why you two are so loved.
07/17/16 03:36AM
Ah fuck. I'm way to tired to watch this. I'm going to snuggle with Lyra for 9-13 hours.
07/17/16 03:56AM
I literally thought BML-20XX had gone batshit insane when I read the title. At least that would have been entertaining and thread-worthy.
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