07/17/16 04:16AM
Feeling like I don't belong lately :c (My fetish is too serious?)
Hi hublovelies,

For the past few months I've really been strugglin' with my sexuality, maybe you all can help?

For all of my life and memories I've never really thought about sex. I mean like, physical intercourse. I was never interested, I always skip it in hypno videos, and not a lot of girls in school made me feel anything, even if they were pretty.

If you know me well, you probably know my non-secret that my only body part fetish is for manicured hands (specifically ones with nicely done fingernails). Usually thinking about holding hands with someone (or actually doing it) can arouse me. Same goes for touching or looking at their nails or other hand-type jewelry.

That's my only body part fetish. I've never gotten aroused thinking about a girls chest, butt, vagina, or a boys cock. Again, I've never really fantasized about having sex with someone else. I pretty much fake it in roleplays and once a 'sex' scene starts is usually when I get flaccid. When somebody wants to tease me by mentioning sex I just feel nothing...

It seems like the only things that turn me on consistently is what I've said above, and usually general submission and dominance. I guess that comes from or is a big part of my hypnofetish. You may have seen me enjoy when subs act like docile animals, or my recent interest in the 'daddy' nickname.

It's probably worth mentioning I'm a 21 year old virgin.

Lately I've felt very disconnected from my friends and fellow HypnoHub/Tranceland users. I just feel so awkward when there's talk about boobs and big cocks or titties or things like that. I feel really awkward and nervous when a roleplay or hypnosis session leads up to a sex scene or talking about those body parts. I feel like nobody likes what I like, which is a really bizarre thing to feel in a fetish chatroom >_<;.

It's not the fault of anyone! Please don't think I'm saying that everyone in our chat needs to appeal to me to not hurt my feefees. That'd be sillyyyy.
Am I just a crazy person who's overthinking things?

Please and thank you for your thoughts. I appreciate you all so much!
07/17/16 05:08AM
JamesF said:
If you know me well, you probably know my non-secret that my only body part fetish is for manicured hands

...Yoshikage Kira?
07/17/16 09:01AM
Hublovelies? I appreciate the nickname, but it feels a bit forced, yeah?

Anyways, don't sweat most of the body talk. You can't really help what arouses you/doesn't do anything for you. (Think I brought it up somewhere that my strange body part thing is the small of a girl's back, but that might give you a bit of context.) Not being aroused or interested in a body part/type isn't that off or strange. Nor is not being that interested in sex, except for the fact that you're on a fetish site that specifically caters to that sort of thing. Just keep in mind that for rp stuff in chats it's mostly to establish what you're supposed to be thinking about/a description/narration thing. And feeling a bit awkward/nervous is normal, you are playing out a fantasy with a "stranger on the internet" (I know most of us aren't actually strangers but you know what I mean.)

Just keep in mind that you are on a site and a forum where we "work out our abstract boner thoughts" to steal a phrase from pokefanna. So sex, over the top sexual descriptions, and silly sexual fantasies are what's bound to come up. The key is to find what works for you and let your partner(s) know so that you can work together to get things going. If something sets you off (positive or negative) or really kills your vibe let your partner know and try to work something out

07/17/16 09:32AM
Sounds like you're asexual! Asexuals don't experience sexual* attraction to any gender, but that doesn't mean you can't have a libido or fetishes, or experience romantic attraction. I know an asexual dude with a hypnofetish if you'd like to chat with him, or you can find forums on asexuality if you search around.
07/17/16 10:19AM
YouAreARobotNow said:
Asexuals don't experience attraction to any gender, but that doesn't mean you can't ... experience romantic attraction.

So it isn't a thing then?
07/17/16 10:44AM
Mindwipe said:
So it isn't a thing then?

Key word that I left out there was sexual attraction. Romantic orientation is not always sexual orientation.
07/17/16 03:53PM
SlackerSavior said:
Hublovelies? I appreciate the nickname, but it feels a bit forced, yeah?

Hehe, maybe just Hubbies? Hublets? Hubbers?

SlackerSavior said:
many very nice words

Thank youuuu ^_^. I'll try to relax about things .

YouAreARobotNow said:
Sounds like you're asexual! Asexuals don't experience sexual* attraction to any gender, but that doesn't mean you can't have a libido or fetishes, or experience romantic attraction. I know an asexual dude with a hypnofetish if you'd like to chat with him, or you can find forums on asexuality if you search around.

That sounds confusinnnng and I'm not sure if that's meeee. It seems like such a strange thing. I still get boners and masturbate and stuff...but I will think about it. Also sure I would like to talk to this person somehow. :D

Mindwipe said:
So it isn't a thing then?

YouAreARobotNow said:
Key word that I left out there was sexual attraction. Romantic orientation is not always sexual orientation.

Confusion :c is sexual attraction just getting turned on by the thought of having sex with them? When someone sees boobies and gets turned on is that sexual attraction? I get turned on seeing nice long nails so isn't that still sexual, kind of, even though I'm not thinking about intercourse at all?


Your words are super duper sweet though and it's giving me something to think about so thank youuu.
07/17/16 06:07PM
Don't think it's asexual. I mean you can still get turned on, so there's still some form of sexual attraction, even if it's not to the conventional stuff. Sexual attraction is basically just what turns you on. Most people are sexually attracted to breasts, asses, dicks, etc, but it seems you're sexually attracted to a very specific body part. So, not asexuality, just a very specific sexual attraction.
07/17/16 06:16PM
JamesF said:
Confusion :c is sexual attraction just getting turned on by the thought of having sex with them? When someone sees boobies and gets turned on is that sexual attraction? I get turned on seeing nice long nails so isn't that still sexual, kind of, even though I'm not thinking about intercourse at all?

Personally, I get turned on plenty by the usual fantasies of penetrative intercourse, fondling a lady's naughty bits, and so forth. But on the other hand, I can get majorly turned on and achieve orgasm from fetish fantasies where my dick never even leaves my pants in said fantasy. Take living statue / timestop: half the time, I don't even need to fantasize about touching the sub / statue to get me there. The mere thought and sight of having a beautiful woman frozen, posed, and occasionally transformed for my exclusive viewing pleasure is more than enough (I don't feel I described that well, but hopefully you get the idea; despite my wordiness, I do have a hard time putting my exact fetish motivations to words).

So there's nothing overly bizarre about you if you're not attracted to the more familiar tenets of sex and eroticism; no more bizarre than the rest of us. You just have a slightly more niche interest. You're still in good company here ^^

For satisfying your specific fetish niche, you might try branching out into other communities; maybe people in the TF community would be more inclined to share your inclinations without subtly making you feel like they're just humoring you. And for the record, I've RP'ed with several people where sex really wasn't on the table - just light, fun hypnotic adventures, playing dress-up and being cute. And those can be just as enjoyable as the hardcore sex RPs in my opinion.

I think you'd be more likely to find the partner you're looking for on DeviantArt. Since they don't allow hardcore on the site, it does tend to attract a wider variety of people who are into kinky eroticism but don't see sex as the ultimate goal. But don't ever forget to card 'em ;-)
07/17/16 06:42PM
SomeCallMeSalty said:
So, not asexuality, just a very specific sexual attraction.

I see....ah, so many words. Sexuality is weiiird. Thank you so much for your thoughts~.

Mezzberry said:
also very many many nice words

Thank you thank you~. I've done a fair share of RPs that had no sex content and they were relaxing, arousing, cute, all that stuff! It's rather soothing. Speaking of deviantArt I did open a JamesF deviantart just a little while ago! I don't really know how to make friends there but I used to do hypno rps there and they were swell. Notes are kinda annoying but hey what can ya' do~

Thanks again.
07/17/16 06:46PM
I'm on the other end of the scale as a pansexual so I'm not really the best person to ask about asexuality. And considering everything from denial fetishes to dendrophilia (attraction to trees) as well as disagreement over what "sexuality" even means, this can only become one big confusing mess...

Regardless, I'm glad I could help you a bit James, and I will see about my dude.
07/18/16 02:45AM
I think it's natural to feel out of place when people are talking about something that doesn't interest you. I know I've felt like that before. It's better to focus on the things that you do have in common (One particular thing being obvious on this site!)
07/18/16 08:22AM
There's a quote from the book Physics of Superheroes that I really like for these situations:

"There are no guilty pleasures. You like what you like."

I'm not sure I'm the best person to say anything - I find sexuality pretty strange myself - but just wanted to make a general show of support.
07/18/16 08:48AM
WhyWouldYouDoThat said:
...Yoshikage Kira?

You my friend need a fucking medal.
07/18/16 11:27AM
JamesF said:

If you know me well, you probably know my non-secret that my only body part fetish is for manicured hands (specifically ones with nicely done fingernails).

how do i say this

1 2>>>

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