07/18/16 05:59AM
Magic the gathering tournament scare
I was at my local pre-release on lunch break when I got back to tournament venue I was informed the judge wanted to see me. Of course I thought that was a bad thing and when I talked to him he passed me a set of keys. I was confused by this because I recognized them as my keys and had no idea how he got them since they were at home so he told me he would be giving me and my brother a ride home as my dad and mom went to the hospital in Ottawa. Around 9:00pm I got home and imidiatly called my parents cellphone and found out my dad got weak so my uncle rushed him to Ottawa. My uncle, aunt, mom,and my other brother were all there waiting for results. I locked my home up for the night for safety. Next morning my mother explained to me that my dad had a problem (I forget exactly where) but he's to have a glutton and lactos free diet. So he will be taking test in a months time. Why did I feel compelled to share this on the internet you may ask? Because this is a understanding and good comunity so I figured you'd understand the scare I went through. My pre-release results were top11 and in side event I was top 8 ( my brother top 5 in side event with boggles boggles deck ) ( I played black, blue reanimation )
07/18/16 08:16AM
foffyoul5 said:
I was at my local pre-release on lunch break when I got back to tournament venue I was informed the judge wanted to see me. Of course I thought that was a bad thing and when I talked to him he passed me a set of keys. I was confused by this because I recognized them as my keys and had no idea how he got them since they were at home so he told me he would be giving me and my brother a ride home as my dad and mom went to the hospital in Ottawa. Around 9:00pm I got home and imidiatly called my parents cellphone and found out my dad got weak so my uncle rushed him to Ottawa. My uncle, aunt, mom,and my other brother were all there waiting for results. I locked my home up for the night for safety. Next morning my mother explained to me that my dad had a problem (I forget exactly where) but he's to have a glutton and lactos free diet. So he will be taking test in a months time. Why did I feel compelled to share this on the internet you may ask? Because this is a understanding and good comunity so I figured you'd understand the scare I went through. My pre-release results were top11 and in side event I was top 8 ( my brother top 5 in side event with boggles boggles deck ) ( I played black, blue reanimation )

Hope all's well. Out of the country so sadly couldn't do the prerelease. My friend I heard tho kicked arse and pulled promo for Gisella and Bruna. RIP u two horrifyingly corrupted sisters... ;_____;
07/18/16 06:59PM
fun fact i ran into the mythic one 2x and both times killed it with boon of emrakul (once i knew it was in their deck i saved it for her specificaly :) and my dads doing better now
07/18/16 07:22PM
foffyoul5 said:
fun fact i ran into the mythic one 2x and both times killed it with boon of emrakul (once i knew it was in their deck i saved it for her specificaly :) and my dads doing better now

Only cards tho on my wishlist rn from the set:
>>New Thalia
>>Mind's Dilation for my Sen Triplets EDH deck
>Work Together(?) for my Selesnya EDH deck
>Nahiri's Wrath
>>Sigarda's Blessing for some nasty voltron shit (like Ogre's Cleaver u can flash in +5/+0 for just 2 colorless)
>Monoblack zombo shenanigan cards for monoblack Gissa

Prob forgetting a few tho. Otherwise, not too crazy about any of the new eldrazi cards, but eh, das just meh...
07/18/16 08:38PM
Scary stuff, hope your dad feels better soon o_o

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