07/19/16 07:39AM
I cannot believe this.
What is WRONG with some of you people? Like, listen, I get being able to dislike people, that's fine, but the complete and utter blatant hatred for Zelda and Pink is just... Completely out of the blue for me. If it's about Zelda's past actions, guess what, he got banned. Get over yourselves. If it's about the shitposts? Guess what, this site has some pretty ridiculous forum posts, and a really funny community.
When someone makes a thread talking about things that are meant to be taken as obvious falsehoods, and yes, it's obvious, and people start insulting and attacking them for no reason, it makes me sick. Zelda can't make one forum post, even an innocent one, without people going after him and Pinkanator. And, when they made a COMPLETELY INNOCENT POST meant to be a JOKE, which a few people did actually find rather amusing, it was locked because it got way too off-topic with the hatred against the two shitposters.
Yeah, they're shitposters. Get the fuck over it, they aren't doing anything wrong. It's especially disgusting when they both apologize and someone calls them liars. That is not okay. Y'know what else isn't okay? If you people are supposed to be the "good guys", then why aren't you stopping when the "bad guys" are showing clear signs of weakness and distress? Nearing the end of the post, before it was locked, Pinkanator was CLEARLY distressed and hurt about the whole thing, and yet was continuously subjected to people insulting him. You people make me sick, and I hope you know who you are.

EDIT: And before you start talking about how "annoying" they are, or how much of a nuisance they apparently are, or how much blah blah excuses, let me point out the thread in which the two of them "exposed" each other as a joke, one of which got several joke responses in turn. Y'know, as a joke. Because it was funny. I laughed.
07/19/16 07:41AM
But seriously, can we just not flip shit at people, generally?
I've had enough of this shit for one lifetime's worth of salt.
07/19/16 07:43AM
Benblu said:
I've had enough of this shit for one lifetime's worth of salt.

07/19/16 08:19AM
Pretty fucked up that this isn't getting the attention that it deserves.
07/19/16 08:41AM
Seriously, I can't agree with this enough. I mean, seriously, pick your villains carefully. We've just gotten over the last hyper-annoying person being banned. That person would consistently join discussions for seemingly the sole purpose of hijacking the discussion with his own agenda, one that quite possibly he was the only one on the site to believe. And he's finally gone, and we're all happy.

Then, you start going after Zelda and Pinkanator? Seriously, grow the fuck up. They're shitposters. It's what they do. And they're actually funny, unlike the above I'm-still-not-saying-his-name and others of his ilk. Sure, occasionally they go too far. But I don't think they've ever done anything but apologize when they've legitimately gone too far and are called out on it. And when they apologize, some people here have the audacity to call them fucking LIARS for doing so. GROW THE FUCK UP! They apologized, accept their apology and move on instead of calling them out on perceived wrongs!

In conclusion: Thank you, Zelda and Pinkanator, for livening up the hub with your well-meant nonsense. If you're the worst users on the hub right now, then the hub is a damn good place that I am happy to be a part of. May you stay and continue brightening our boards for a long time to come.
07/19/16 08:45AM
So some users make other users' stay on the site unpleasant and voice their grievances. Then other users feel their stay has become unpleasant because of THOSE people and voice their grievances, which is obviously even more annoying to the first people.

In other words, people act stupid, people bitch about people acting stupid, and people bitch about people bitching about people acting stupid. How about everyone shut up and the next person who makes a thread like this gets banned?
07/19/16 08:46AM
I'm really not sure what to say. Pinkanator and ZIH are, IMO, really endearing members of the Hub, and I really wouldn't want to see either of them go away. Pastel and HME went way too far harassing Pink like that, he didn't deserve it especially for such a humorous topic like that.
07/19/16 08:51AM
I'd like to know why people keep ganging up on Pastel over this. Did you all miss the multiple times Pastel tried to make nice with Pinkinator? She tried again and again to tell him to seek help and not do anything crazy back when he first started acting really depressed. It was only after Pink continuously dismissed everything she said that she gave up. Then Pink quite literally said "fuck you" to her in another thread. In fact, I feel like more than half the people on ZIH and Pink's side have not paid attention to what has been happening on the site for the past 3 months. In short, no one is a saint here, and both sides have been dicks to each other.
07/19/16 08:51AM
Mindwipe said:
people act stupid, people bitch about people acting stupid, and people bitch about people bitching about people acting stupid

Except they weren't just bitching, that was straight-up harassment/bullying.
07/19/16 09:00AM
is everyone just gonna forget about pinkanator making passes at zyii and ara
07/19/16 09:10AM
Monochrome said:
is everyone just gonna forget about pinkanator making passes at zyii and ara

I believe he explicitly stated that was a joke. Oh yeah, it was. "I was just joking. Please. I'm sorry." It's a joke. I've made passes at people I know are dating myself, it's a joke. And as for us apparently "ganging up" on Pastel according to Mindwipe, I'd like to point out I see no comments about her trying to make good with Pink on the thread I was talking about, which, as far as I'm aware, is the most recent thread, in which both Pink AND ZELDA apologize for their actions and for hurting people, to which Pastel and Zyii do not respond, and HME has the balls to actually say they're lying. Even if the past 3 months have been shitty, they both apologized, as this was, as far as I've seen since Zelda's return, the first time people have been this vocal and direct about their complaints. Honestly, prior to this, I wasn't sure if certain people were joking about it or not. I am relatively certain they are not now. As for the comment about people's experiences on the hub being lessened by those two, that's ludicrous. Ignore the damn forum posts. Unlike a comment on an image, or an image itself, you can completely ignore the forum posts if you want to. They aren't hurting anyone. The people attacking them are hurting people. I'd also like to mention that Pink and Zelda aren't intentionally hurting people's feelings, or even trying to do something similar. They're trying to get a good laugh, and, in the case of many people, succeeding. Pastel and HME, as well as whoever else was involved, were actively TRYING to hurt Pink and Zelda.
07/19/16 09:18AM
SomeCallMeSalty said:
I believe he explicitly stated that was a joke. Oh yeah, it was. "I was just joking. Please. I'm sorry." It's a joke. I've made passes at people I know are dating myself, it's a joke. And as for us apparently "ganging up" on Pastel according to Mindwipe, I'd like to point out I see no comments about her trying to make good with Pink on the thread I was talking about, which, as far as I'm aware, is the most recent thread, in which both Pink AND ZELDA apologize for their actions and for hurting people, to which Pastel and Zyii do not respond, and HME has the balls to actually say they're lying. Even if the past 3 months have been shitty, they both apologized, as this was, as far as I've seen since Zelda's return, the first time people have been this vocal and direct about their complaints. Honestly, prior to this, I wasn't sure if certain people were joking about it or not. I am relatively certain they are not now. As for the comment about people's experiences on the hub being lessened by those two, that's ludicrous. Ignore the damn forum posts. Unlike a comment on an image, or an image itself, you can completely ignore the forum posts if you want to. They aren't hurting anyone. The people attacking them are hurting people. I'd also like to mention that Pink and Zelda aren't intentionally hurting people's feelings, or even trying to do something similar. They're trying to get a good laugh, and, in the case of many people, succeeding. Pastel and HME, as well as whoever else was involved, were actively TRYING to hurt Pink and Zelda.

no, what you're doing is defending objectively shitty behavior. if you have to apologize for everything you say you shouldn't say it at all
07/19/16 09:20AM
I have literally been staying out of his way because I don't like him.

I in no uncertain terms made it clear I did not want to be part of his jokey BS, because honestly, him joking that I'm into him is beyond what I can sustain my patience for.

His reaction was to keep going.

He may say he was trying to joke but honestly I don't buy at this point that he wasn't just trying to piss me off, he's only even sorry because people other than myself responded poorly.

07/19/16 09:25AM
Monochrome said:
no, what you're doing is defending objectively shitty behavior. if you have to apologize for everything you say you shouldn't say it at all

The thing is, they don't have to apologize for everything they say. Occasionally they say something that they need to apologize for -- and they do. But otherwise, they're apologizing for everything they say because people with grudges against them are vilifying every single thing they say instead of laughing at the good and well-intended jokes like the rest of us do. I mean, seriously, they're joking around, not invading forums with conspiracy theory bullshit. Treat it like the joke that it is or ignore it entirely, but don't attack them for entirely perceived wrongs. These attacks are just hurting Zelda and Pinkanator, pissing off those of us that don't have a stick up our asses, and overall hurting the hub and doing no good whatsoever.
07/19/16 09:25AM
everyone is autistic
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